oh baby:: 12 weeks!

Yesterday I might have had the most ridiculous pregnancy moment so far. Not only did I have a splitting headache all day, but all I could think about eating for dinner was a warm, fresh French bread loaf and some brie cheese. While Chris was at the commissary, I texted him a list of a few requested items, including that brie and bread. Apparently though, I sent it to my friend Michelle, who was not doing any sort of grocery shopping for me. Chris got home later and I went out to the car to meet him and he told me I hadn't texted him any sort of list. 

I burst into tears. And sobbed for a good 20 minutes. 

The ugly cry, friends. Over cheese. 

My poor husband. 

At one point he was concerned as I was sobbing and asked if I was okay, as I seemed to be in extreme pain. I just sobbed to him "No, I'm just dumb and pregnant!!" 

And so, the pregnancy hormones have definitely kicked in. And that is why my eyes may look a bit puffy in the photo above. I had just dried my tears 5 minutes before. 

Another "milestone" I've hit (besides the pregnancy meltdown) is that I've been wearing my Bella Band (and Be Band, from Target) every day. This thing is awesome. I can use it to hold up shorts and pants that won't even zip anymore and it's incredibly comfy. 

Despite some ups and downs this week, mostly I'm just joyful that we made it to 12 weeks and are this close to finishing up the first trimester! We already love this baby so much and can't wait to meet him or her.



  1. ROFL!! It sounds like you're perfectly exactly as you should be! LOL!! ((I hope you get your brie soon!!))

  2. awwwwww you poor thing! But I totally laughed at all of that....
    when I was just trying a new bc pill last week, my emotions were EVERY Where!! My hubby was telling me, that it would be ok if i stopped it. haha me and hormones just don't work together. I know it will be tough for me when I decide to have a baby, but atleast i will know i'm making a kid while all those crazy things happen!

  3. I'm so sorry to say that I laughed at your post. ONLY because I was the exact same way. The crazy emotions will subside a bit, but you will still have the "pregnancy brain" and you will do some DUMB stuff!
    You look amazing and SO CUTE!! :)

  4. HAHAHAHA. I can't help but laugh. I love stories like this :) Cute baby belly!! <3

  5. I cried over food when I was pregnant too. My concerned (male) coworker left work to go get me lunch. LOL!

  6. Aww sweets! Cry. It. Out. (Florence & the Machine's "shake it out" is a great song, just sayin') :) Are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby or be surprised?

  7. i totally cried over salad when i was pregnant with mia. love you and know EXACTLY what that's like! and i agree that bella bands might be the greatest maternity wear ever created!

  8. Oh no! Well, I suppose that happens. But you'll get through it all and at the end you're going to have a darling little baby!

  9. I cried one night (at about 12 weeks) when Jus wouldn't choose where to eat and drove around town for a half hour trying to decide where to. I told him that his driving around and not stopping was the meanest thing he could ever do to me.
    I'm sure you're aware but just make sure your brie is pasturized, unpasturized soft cheese isn't good for babies (which sucks because that's practically all I've been craving)

    1. Yes, definitely eat the kind made with pasteurized milk. Actually, it seems pretty hard to find brie (or other soft cheeses) without pasteurized milk (at least in my grocery store).

  10. I have a boy and a girl and my hormones with my daughter were CRAZY! With my son I was totally normal... actually better then normal ;)
    oh...and I don't know if I can follow your blog anymore even though I just started, it makes me want summer to be here and it's only January.

  11. um french bread & brie sounds SOOO good and im not even pregnant....

    hope you get that craving fulfilled soon!

  12. Girlll. I've cried over less...and I'm NOT pregnant.
    Cute little baby bump!

  13. I just had my second baby 4 months ago, a boy. I swore by my bella band! That thing spared me maternity pants till it got too hot. After that I got the secret fit belly capri leggings from Motherhood... best ever. The band on them helps even after delivery as mild compression garment.

  14. you look sooooo cute!!! i remember feeling like a whale...and thinking I looked like one too for most of my pregnancy...either that or a seasick baby whale?...(depending on how big baby was) but you look perfect! and husbands are the most understanding of hormones. =) of any kind.

  15. AW! You look dang adorable. Love this!

    I'm so sorry about your cheese story. I can easily imagine myself going through the same thing! Just over something else, like a brownie. Haha!

  16. Okay, so you have the cutest baby bump ever! Seriously. I'm sorry that you had an emotional time last night. I have breakdowns like that every now and then over something so trivial and unimportant. Unfortunately, I am not pregnant, which means I am really just acting crazy! Sounds like your hubby will understand even when you do get overwhelmed by pregnancy hormones! Hope today was better.

  17. LOL....that is too funny! Maybe it's a sign that this baby is going to be a girl and should be named Brie..which is a cute name! You look so darn cute with your little baby bump!

  18. hi! i haven't been by in a while and what a pleasant surprise to see that your 12 weeks along into your pregnancy! what a blessing. seems like all you young ladies/couples have been drinking the same water! : ) it's been a joy to see and welcome sandy's baby boy austin into the world. looking forward to watching your baby bump grow and to welcome your little one into the world soon. take care.

  19. oh Linds... you are ADORABLE. Love that baby bump of yours. :)

  20. aw, hugs, friend! but i think it's kinda cute and funny.
    and you look so adorable - i wanna hug you!

  21. Oh my goodness look at that baby bump!! You look beautiful Linds, cant wait to meet my new niece or nephew!! Love you lots big sister :)

  22. I'm sorry but this is too hilarious. I can totally relate on crying over ridiculous things when you're pregnant! Hang in there and I hope you get your bread and brie soon :) Your baby bump is so cute!

  23. I cried over coconut sorbet during my first pregnancy.

    You look beautiful!!

  24. You look so adorable! I'm loving watching that little bump grow.

  25. Oh, it's only going to get worse...LOL!

  26. oh my gosh! i'm so happy for you! i am 13 weeks pregnant :) we are so close! due aug 2nd!
    you look beautiful! congrats, my dear!! <3


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