
I'm really horrible at keeping goals and resolutions. 

Seriously, take a look at my blog post this week last year, and you'll read a handful of goals that I came no where close to accomplishing (such as reading my Bible each day, running a triathlon and trying a new recipe each week). Looking back, I realize that I actually managed to attain a few of my goals such as picking up some photography skills, painting more and being more intentional with my blog. But overall, I don't think I'm resolutions kind of girl. There's too much guilt and failure attached to my past resolutions and so, I've sworn off of them, those resolutions.

But I started thinking about how even though I may not have specific resolutions for this year, I don't want to be stagnant. Because I admit that I think I've been stagnant for far too long.

And so, I realized that picking a word for the year, as corny as it sounds, might just be the ticket. 

It's a simple word; you won't have to grab a dictionary to understand it. Its four letters add up to a word that to me is inspirational and challenging. 


In 2012, I want to grow in my identity and roles as a friend, a sister, a servant, a wife, a daughter of the King, and even a mama, Lord willing. I pray that I will "grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). I am determined to see growth in myself as an artist, a handmade business owner and a blogger. 

Growth can be painful. It can be challenging and even slow-going as you push through the dirt that weighs down on you. I know that if I really want to grow in many of these areas, it's going to take initiative on my part, which I often find hard to come by. Growing this year is going to require a lot of prayer, time in the Word and accountability. And it might start off slow, as I let God's grace seep into each crevice of my heart. 

It might take some changes, perhaps to my blog and shop, as I continue to seek out His will and purpose for those two passions. It will take more intentionality in my relationships and probably more than one or two swift kicks in the butt. And I know that ultimately, it's going to be God's doing in my heart, this growing. Gotta admit, these words I'm typing are scaring me a bit, as my lazy, selfish and stagnant heart says "Noooo. It's comfy right where I am!"

But this will be good, my friends. 

How are you going to grow this year? Or better yet, do you have your own "word for the year" that is challenging you?

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." 

1 Corinthians 3:7



  1. What a wonderful post! Loved it so much.
    I am inspired to choose my own word. Though, grow is a pretty good one. ;)

  2. What a great word to pick for 2012. I choose a word today too, faith. I think having a word to think about each day and remind you of your goals is wonderful. I also like to call my resolutions goals. it doesnt give me anxiety like the word resolution does. Happy New Year!

  3. lovely post - thank you for sharing. :) I love the idea of picking a word to guide you through the year. :)

  4. Sounds like 2012 is going to be an amazing year for you! I have really enjoyed following your blog!

  5. growing I shall DO! I hope to "blossom" as well ;) Praying a marvelous year of growth for you in 2012!

  6. rest is my word. i'm resting in His capable hands. i'm done trying to do everything myself.

  7. I don't do resolutions either! I like the word for the year idea a lot. Now I need to think about a word for inspiration!

  8. We have the same word this year, Lindsay! Resolutions aren't my thing, either. I'm a bit lazy and change sometimes scares me. I'm gonna hold tight to God to get through this but I know He has wonderful plans for us!!

  9. I totally understand where you are coming from!! I used to do resolutions until I realized that nothing really ever happened with them. I think because I would come up with good ideas, write them down, and then leave them where they were instead of putting them into action. Of course, we can't change on our own -- it's Christ that works in and through us!
    Anyway, not to ramble on, but thank you for your inspiring post! I love the word that you chose and think that is a great idea!

  10. I'm not a resolutions girl either, but I do love the idea of having a word to focus on for the year. Last year, my word was intentional. And honestly, having just that one word as my "resolution" was far more productive than a list of unrealistic goals.

  11. I think 2012 is going to be an amazing year for you... I hope it'll be a good one for me as well.

  12. I love goals and keep up with them, so I guess that's why. Plus, I see them more as a guideline than a hard rule. What's REALLY awesome is that "Growth" is my word for 2012 as well! Last year, I decided in December actually, 2011's word was "Recovery" because Jen and I recovered from a LOT. Job loss, apartment loss, car loss, credit card loss, debt, bankruptcy and even healthfully we recovered - a lot! So I am really excited that since we have now RECOVERED we can GROW this year!

  13. Last year my word was "thankful". I read 1000gifts and it truly changed my perspective on my circumstances from day to day. This year I think I'm going to choose the word "act". I was to act more on the things I stand for. I want to be more involved in my community and teach my kiddies to do the same. I want to serve others and be a better friend. All of these things take action.

    Love the clean slate of a new year!

  14. Great reminder & encouragement! Thanks :)

  15. love this post, girl. praying God's grace truly does seep into you and water your heart and that you grow this year in ways you never imagined!

  16. If the Lord is good to the rest of us, he wont let you reproduce.

  17. Just wanted to let you know that it breaks my heart to see such meanness communicated in the comments here. Said a little prayer for you that the Lord protects your heart from it all.

  18. She loves the attention and pity she gets or else she would just delete them. But why do that when you can get lots of sympathy comments? Probably why she is such an arrogant bitch

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Well Miss Lindsay you said your word was GROW!!! :) "Just keep growing, just keep growing" said to the tune of Nemo's 'just keeping swimming.'

  21. Really want to say mean things to anonymous number person... but I'm trying to hold my tounge more this year.

    Sweet post. You will be a great mama! And this is not a sympathy comment... Just my honest opinion I would have shared regardless of anonymo up there!

  22. I just wanna show my sympathy to the mean commenter who has nothing else better to do with her time then be an "internet bully" way to go at living a fulfilling life and using your time wisely!

    In non-sympathetic news, growing is great and I hope this experience let's you do just that Lindsay :)

  23. Hi 832485bc-f02f-11e0-bb25-000bcdcb2996:

    Every time you leave a comment, I can't help but feel sad for you. After seeing your most recent comments, I was so shaken up and physically hurting because of you. FOR you. I don't know who you are or what you've gone through in life, but this doesn't need to be your outlet to project your anger and hatred.

    It hurts that you feel the need to leave hateful words on people's blogs, and it hurts to imagine the person typing those hateful words. You remind me of so many teens I used to counsel that were battling depression and spewing hatred towards others because they didn't know how else to deal with the disgusting feelings inside of them. Let's hope you're a teenager and not an adult, because I can't even imagine someone my age or older actually typing out the things you say to others.

    If this is your way of dealing with your issues, your low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, and depression, I urge you to stop. Your hatred isn't going to help you in the long run, it's only going to make your issues worse for yourself. Hiding behind a fake identity is cowardly, immature (again, let's hope you're just a teenager), and just plain evil. I don't know what's happened to you in your life that makes you feel like you need to do this to people. Is it because Lindsay is happy and you aren't happy? Whether or not you are envious or jealous of the blessings in Lindsay's life, I urge you to stop commenting. You are just hurting yourself.

    Every time you leave a nasty comment, I'M ASKING EVERYONE TO PRAY FOR YOU. To pray for your heart, the sadness and emotional pain in your life, to pray for whatever it is that makes you feel the need to hate others in order to try and bring them down to your level.

    If you decide to continue leaving nasty comments, I will continue to pray for you, because it's just proof of what my theory is about you. I'm sorry you're sad, but you shouldn't spread your sadness to others. Lindsay didn't do anything to you - somebody else did something to you. I'm praying that you seek help for your emotional pain. I'm praying that you find a healthy way to deal with your issues without hurting others. God has something amazing for you if you just let go and let Him take care of you, things will get better. He loves you and wants to help you. He doesn't want you hurting His children and He doesn't want to see you hurting. Please stop. For yourself and all of us.


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