i got a pocket, got a pocket full of... books.

Chris surprised me on Christmas morning with a new Kindle! The boy knows I love to read and I think this is his solution to his own obsession with surfing-- as long as I can always have a book at hand, I'm happy to sit on the beach for hours while he surfs! Smart boy... ;) 

So, I'm slowly discovering my Kindle and even found out that my public library loans library books via e-books! How technologically savvy is that? Check your library's website-- maybe they offer that too! 

The truth is, I definitely can't swear off real paper books forever, I have to admit that I do miss turning the page. But I'm loving the convenience of having as many books as I want right in my beach bag pocket! It will be great for traveling too, as I've been known to pack an extra carryon just for my books!

My questions for you are these... 

Do you have any book suggestions??! I am definitely into the easy reading beach reads these days, especially young adult fiction (no shame, people, no shame.)  like the Hunger Games and Hush, Hush series. Have you read anything awesome lately that you just have to share?? 

Also, any tips on where I can get an affordable, thin Kindle cover? I'm thinking something leather-esque and slim. 

Finally, do you follow me on GoodReads? I just opened my profile a few weeks ago and have only reviewed a few books but I'm having fun checking out my friends' favorite reads and getting ideas for new books to put on my list. 

Alright people, I think I may go soak up some sunshine and read for a bit! Hope the rest of your day is awesome! 


  1. please, please read Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince! just read Clockwork Prince and know you will love it!

    still bummed we can't trade books. boo.

  2. Do you enjoy biographies? Because if so, I can email you a huge list of my favorites.

    Or if you're up for an adorable book, I recommend 'The Bombshell Manual of Style' by Lauren Stover. It's a tongue-in-cheek guide to embracing your inner bombshell. I've read it several times and still chuckle, underline things, and smile all the way through.

  3. fantastic present!!
    I would recommend anything by Lynn Austin and then the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers!

  4. i am reading the "voice in the wind" series by francine rivers. stayed up until midnight reading. SO good. i don't know if you've read her... but she's amazing and not too cheesy for a christian writer if you get my drift.

    otherwise, also read unbroken, non-fiction CRAZY story about a POW in WWII. sooo good!!!

    i need to start goodreads. pronto.

  5. also, i love that airplanesandpianokeys recommended francine rivers too.. ha!

  6. I *love* my Kindle!! My latest was "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" and I'm hoping to find time to read the next two in the series!! I'm anxious to see what others suggest!

  7. My last book was 'Water for Elephants', it was out of the norm. for me since I like to read really intense books that keep me on the edge of my seat... the one I read before WfE was Bloodroot. A friend of mine recommended it and .... eh, I was not impressed.

    I know neither of them fall under the young adult category -I am however interested in any recommendations from other comments, it's been a good while since I read one of those :0)

  8. The one that comes to mind as a great beachy read is the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel-Pie Society. Love, love that one. Also, Shanghai Girls and the sequel by Lisa See, and Entwined (don't remember the author, but it's a YA Fairy Tale). And if you like THAT one, then read Enchanted by Orson Scott Card. Also, OSC writes some good biblical fiction, and if you like Biblical fiction read The Red Tent by Anita Diamonte (big fave!). OK, I'm gonna stop now because I could go on forever.

  9. As a fellow book lover, I am a bit envious of your fabulous gift! ;) I'm reading The Book Thief with my students right now (it's the 4 time I've read it) and they love it just as much as I do. I highly recommend it-- such a fantastic novel! I've also got to put a plug in for a YA novel that I edited this summer called Wander Dust by Michelle Warren. It is definitely a fun read if you're looking for YA fiction. I'm currently reading Hunger Games since so many of my students recommended it to me.

    Others I've read recently that I loved were:
    Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
    The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver
    The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
    Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson

  10. birthmarked & prized - they are the first two books in a trilogy. can't remember the author name but they were SO good!

  11. "The Maze Runner" series by James Dashner is really good, kind of similar to "Hunger Games." I'm reading "Free" by Jonathan Franzen right now. His first book, "The Corrections," is also supposed to be really good, but I haven't read that one yet.

  12. Check out looking for alaska and paper towns by john green. They might be more of a teen read but nonetheless, they really make you think!

  13. Check out looking for alaska and paper towns by john green. They might be more of a teen read but nonetheless, they really make you think!

  14. PLEASE read "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks." It's a biography of the woman whose cells are responsible for a lot of the medical advances we have today. It's truly a wonderful story, and the science is easy to read and so interesting!

  15. My Husband (whose name is also Chris) bought me the new Kindle Fire for Christmas! I was SOOO excited!! It was totally unexpected!

    Did you know that if you have an amazon prime membership you can borrow books from other Kindle owners? My library also has some books available for Kindle! Love!

    My Hubs bought me a case, i think he bought it from best buy. It's not leather, and it's not the greatest, but I don't think it was very expensive. Have fun w/ your new Kindle!

  16. Check out my book lists, you'll find lots to read there!

  17. My favorite authors for fiction are Francine Rivers and Ted Dekker. I LOVE the Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker, start with Black. I love everything by Francine Rivers. No joke!

  18. Lauren Oliver's "Delirium" is fabulous - and has a sequel coming out this Spring! I have a Nook and lurv it, although my living space will always be filled with real books as well. If you haven't read Scott Westerfeld's Uglies, Pretties, Specials series...they are epic! All suggestions are young adult, but soo good!

  19. For young adult, definitely check out Sarah Dessen. I reread her books all the time. And you can't go wrong with Meg Cabot either; I love to read the Princess Diaries series and her more adult books like "Boy Meets Girl", etc. I do NOT recommend the newest NIcholas Sparks book "The Best of Me." No me gusta. You'll get hooked on "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" after about two chapters and, if you're anything like me, you won't stop until you finish the entire series. I also loved "Angela's Ashes" and other books by Frank McCourt. These should keep you busy for awhile =)

  20. I SUPER DUPER LOVE LOVE LOVE MY KINDLE!!! You are going to be hooked! I just got my hubby one too for Christmas this year. :)

  21. I got a kindle for Christmas too!!! The first book I downloaded was Tina fey bossypants and Tim bronzes book! I have varied tastes. Be sure to share if you find one you love :)

  22. I agree that there's nothing quite like turning the pages of a real book, but technology is pretty fly too. For easy, beach reads, I like the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series. They take a few hours to read, haha. My favorite book though is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer and it's been made into a movie that comes out in a couple of weeks. I highly, highly recommend it.

  23. If you like YA, I would recommend The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare ("City of Bones", "City of Ashes", "City of Glass", etc); "Matched" and "Crossed" by Ally Condie; and "Divergent" by Veronica Roth.

  24. Lauren {Adventures in Flip Flops} mentioned Entwined; it's by Heather Dixon and it's so good! I recommend it.

    Two of my absolute favorites are The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser and The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. So, so good!

  25. I totally got a Kindle for Christmas too! I am seriously having problems finding a nice cover though. Etsy.com has some super cute ones though - I just can't make a decision! As for books, if you like the steampunk genre at all, you should check out the Soulless series by Gail Carriger. She's very witty and these books are super fun. THe 4th and final one in the series is available for the Kindle in March 2012, but I reviewed the other 3 (http://ashleahd.blogspot.com/2011/01/soulless-changeless-and-blameless.html) with some spoilers! Have fun with the new Kindle!!

  26. If you're an Amazon Prime member, there's a Kindle lending library you can check out too.

    One of my favorite reads last year, and possibly ever, was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a weird title but an excellent book!

  27. Right now I'm reading Looking for Pemberley which is about a woman piecing together Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice through "finding" the home where everything took place. I also have a "Book List" with reviews if you are looking for some additional reads!



  28. I love all the Nicholas Sparks books :) I feel like I am the cheesiest reader, because I tend to only start reading books from an author once I've seen/heard about a movie lol.

  29. I've had a kindle since they first came out. I read a lot of novels which I'll never read again so it doesn't make sense to kill more trees...When you travel it's awesome to carry multiple books with you in one little package. The charge lasts a long time too. I recently started getting more cookbooks, photography and art digitally too but I use my iPad for those too...committed to living in a small space and although I love books, they take up a ton of room.

  30. So, I keep coming back and rereading comments to get book suggestions. I was just telling my husband last week that I think my new fav genre is YA fiction. Glad I am not alone. We went to the spy museum in DC and in the bookstore afterwards I saw SOOOO many YA books that I wanted to read. They are now on hold at my lib. :)

  31. Oh wow, I am a late commenter so you may not see this! However, I highly advise: Fablehaven series, Shades of Gray (by Joleene Naylor) and if you haven't yet read them, the Sookie Stackhouse series!!!

    They are all so good!!!

  32. love, love, love my kindle! hubby bought me the fire for christmas but i had the first kindle version prior to that. what i love about the amazon kindle is all he free books they have! i admit to a fondness of fiction romance - nora roberts is my favorite - but through amazon, i found several by christian authors! quick reads, realistic, entertaining AND uplifting!

    i've never heard of goodreads - i'll check it out!

  33. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle.
    The 1st cover I purchased was this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004FRNDBC/ref=oh_o05_s00_i00_details
    and LOVED it ... until I spilled a coke on it. (thank goodness the Kindle was OK!)

  34. Hey chica.... here are my suggestions:

    Looking for Alaska by John Green - amazing young adult fiction

    David Levithan anything but especially The Realm of Possibility - another young adult fiction


    A Thousand Splendid Suns

    I just got a kindle too and while it is so great to have everything on one gadget I do miss turning pages and curling up with a good book.

  35. Not My Will by Francena H Arnold

    Under the Overpass by Michael Yankoski

  36. Heavenly Man by Brother Yun
    Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

    Both are on my list of favorites!


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