Surprise!! A Cutie Giveaway because I LOVE you so much!!

 In celebration of hitting 400 blog followers this week and ALMOST 50 sales in the shop, I'm doing a sneak-attack giveaway! :) (Well, sort of sneak attack... I blabbed about it on twitter a lot)

I am sincerely grateful for each of you who reads this blog and I know I've said it before, but I love my readers and am kind of astonished that so many people come here each day to say hello, read my words, make me laugh and encourage me.

So this is just a little thing to say mahalo for your love and support and for being totally awesome. :)

Wanna know which Cutie you could win?

Try.... any one of them! I just couldn't choose one Cutie to give away so I'll let the winner choose. If you win, you can not only choose any design Cutie (including but not limited to Click-Click, Wishin', Sew Cute, Tweet-Tweet and Party It Up) but you can also choose any color combo your little heart desires!

Also, I just introduced this brand new Cutie design today. It's called "Write On" and it's sooo cute! ;) (Duh.) So, that's another choice you have. 

This is limited to Cutie designs I've already introduced. So no crazy "Can you paint my pet grizzly bear, George?" requests. :)

You can see recently sold Cuties here. 

To enter, you must be a follower of AisletoAloha using the Google Friend Connect feature (Click the "follow" button on the right side bar.) Leave a comment on this post telling me what you love most about being a part of the blogging community. If you don't have a blog, tell me what you love most about reading blogs. 

**Additional entry**

2. If you tweet about the giveaway, leave a second entry. (Make sure you mention @aisletoaloha and include a link to this giveaway in your tweet!)

So, you have the potential to enter two times. 

The giveaway will be open until 10pm (Hawaii time) next Monday, February 14th. I'll choose the winner using and announce it on Tuesday, February 15th. Since I'll be away, I'll start working on the winner's cutie the beginning of March and send it out soon after. 


  1. Well duh I follow you.

    The thing I love most about the blogging community is how supportive everyone is. Most of my best blogging friends are people I've never even met in person and yet the love I get from them is just amazing.

  2. I love your cuties. I follow you.

    The thing I love most about this blogging community is getting to make new friends through your blogs.

  3. I follow you! :)

    What I love about the blogging community: I think it has to be the feeling of connectedness to something and that people that you may never meet care about what you say and what you do. I care about what you write- which I think is really cool, considering you are half a world away, on a beach, and I am buried under 2 feet of snow! :)

  4. I love reading blogs! It great to get to meet knew people and see how creative everyone is. And I LOVE the giveaways!!

  5. The thing I love most about the blogging community would have to be all the great friends I've made. Now it's hard to imagine NOT having all these amazing people to share bits and pieces of our lives, from the good to the bad to the funny.

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love your work!

  6. I follow you via GFC.

    I love blogging just to meet other bloggers and be inspired and encouraged.

  7. I love that blogging always brings new people into your life and allows you to connect with people you may never have met. :)

  8. Blogging has led me to some really great friends. I used to think these were just my "online" friends, but some of them are getting really close and meaningful to me!! LOVE it!

  9. LOVE the Sew Cute. Definitely my choice. :)

    I so enjoy "meeting" new friends through blogging, and all the DIY and inspiration available. It's so great!

  10. I love the blogging community because it's just that...a community. Great way to find friends with common interests!

  11. Love the cuties!!!

    what I love most about the blog community is the day to day interaction. I moved to the US from Germany and most of my friends are far away so the blog community really fills a void :)

  12. And I of course tweeted about the giveaway!!

  13. The thing I love most about blogging is meeting new people, and connecting with people who are in similar situations to you.

  14. Definitely connecting with fabulous people like YOU!

  15. And of course I tweeted! I have Cutie addiction. (@piperpost)

  16. I love blogging because of the community and support you get! Women ROCK!

  17. Follower! I love so much about the blogging community-but the connections are the best!

  18. ADORABLE. :) I'm one of your new followers and really hope I win one of those cuties! :) I know exactly what I want and exactly where its going! :) PICK ME :)

  19. I love finding about new bloggers and crafty people and getting inspired!

  20. I am SO in love with the tweet-tweet and click-click canvas!!! I am seriously crossing my fingers and toes hoping I win this awesome giveaway!!! You have some talent!!! I love the blogging world, thanks to it I have met some incredible friends who I can count on and can happily say I live them with all my heart!!! I am a follower of yours ;)

  21. Yay! These are so adorable. What do I love? The community. You can't beat it :)

  22. I love the daily inspiration that I find across the blogosphere. From home decor to recipes to running inspiration, I'm never short on new ideas to try!

  23. what i love most are the friendships i am quickly creating with so many lovely ladies (like you)! :)

  24. I'm so happy I follow your blog - what an amazing giveaway! :)

    The blogging community is so amazing... there is always someone to turn to for advice, help, or cheering up. I love making friends!

  25. I am a follower and love the community because it gets me motivated.

  26. I tweeted about the giveaway! :)

  27. I don't have a blog and just started reading blogs before the holidays but I am hooked on all the amazing and creative people out there. And reading their blogs is like getting a window into their lives.

  28. Following for sure, love you adorable blog and shop! I love that blogging builds community and cultivates relationships I never knew possible!


  29. Tweeted!!/jennilynncar/status/34811541903785984


  30. fun giveaway!!! of course, i follow you ;)

    fave thing about the blogging community is that its such a great outlet for creativity and inspiration. and it is fascinating, how much of a community it really is!

  31. I follow you, of course!

    What I love the most about the blogging community is how we all share & give & take inspirations from each other. It's such a great community of new ideas!

  32. i follow your fabulous self!! i love blogging for meeting all my sweet blog friends and being able to share our stories with each other.

  33. I heart blogging (and following your blog) because A. you love art as much as I love teaching it! blogging is great for networking, esp for people like me who teach...a great way to exchange photos and lessons. It's been a great tool to make friends. Even though I gain many many followers, I can at least say 3-4 I talk to EVERY day which I love!

  34. I follow you and I love the blogging community for all of the inspiration and personal connections ;)

    sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

  35. Tweet tweet!!/yes_teacher/status/34813759981621248

  36. I follow your blog! I love the blogging community because you get to meet so many awesome people! Like you! ;-)

  37. I'm a follower through gfc

  38. I tweeted!

  39. What a great giveaway! But, I'm scared if I win I won't be able to pick one... I want one of each. haha! They're all so lovely, you're incredibly talented!

    I looooooooooove meeting people through blogging. The blogging community is filled with so many inspiring and motivating people, I love it. I have just met so many people who brighten my day and encourage me to do things... it's just incredible!

  40. what i love most about the blogging community is the helpful and encouraging words of other bloggers and i especially love all the friendships i've made.

  41. Found u thru Twitter crafting stream :) I just followed your blog & I can't wait to read more! I love how the blogging community is so inspirational!

  42. I love the community- the compassion, the support, the laughter, the exposure to experiences and perspectives that I would never otherwise be exposed to...

  43. I just love getting to connect with so many people that I have things in common with! (Like loving birthdays ;)

    Congrats on getting to 400 followers!

  44. I follow! What I probably love most is being able to write, connect and share my life with others, and in turn, I'm offered a glimpse of theirs.

  45. I love reading blogs for their insight, great ideas, & emotions. I wish I had more time to keep up with my blog!

  46. Oh, I love the new cutie! It's so...cute :)

  47. I follow.I love the blogging community because of the amazing and inspirational people you get to "meet" and follow, I love to be able to express my feelings, opinions and ideas with others.

  48. Thank you for the opportunity to win a Cutie! The thing that I love most about reading blogs is the inspiration I draw from the many different blogs that I read. From you, I've learned that there is a different side to being connected to the military and that you are a brave and strong woman! Thank you for creating this blog!

  49. I Tweeted. I also forgot to tell you in my first comment what I love about blogging. I love "meeting" and connecting with other bloggers.

  50. i follow of course, and I LOVE meeting other military spouses :) and other ladies whose passions are similar to mine!

  51. My favorite part of the blogging community is the constant inspiration from so many creative people, and the amazing support from awesome e-friends!

  52. You named them the right thing because they are TOTALLY cute!! Have my fingers crossed!!

  53. I recently found you through my snorty friend Ruthanne. :-)

    I adore your canvases and these are actually my favorites.

    The thing I love most about blogging is the people. They become friends and family and some I feel like I have known my whole life. Priceless.

    Plus I live vicariously through you crafty people. ;-)

  54. I follow you because I love one Mrs. Katie Case. My younger sister graduated high school with Katie. I saw your blog thanks to her list of loved blogs. Aisle to Aloha is my very first decorating blog... I'm hooked! You savvy bloggers inspire me everyday.

  55. Tweeted here!/TalysaM

  56. I already follow and I have for about a month or so. Your blog has definitely inspired me to continue to update my own often. I love how blogging allows me to keep in touch with family that doesn't live close to my fiance and me. I also love coming to check out your blog whenever there's a new post!

    bhrett live . com

  57. tweet from ibhrett!

  58. I love reading blogs just to get a tiny glimpse into other people's awesome lives. I especially love reading your blog to see your awesome paintings and I also love seeing the little projects around your house. I have zero creativity so I think you should come and redecorate my house for me. lol.

    My favorite cutie is the tweet tweet one. ADORABLE!

  59. I follow you! And what an adorable cutie...I love it!

    My favorite part of the blogging community is the interaction. I adore getting feedback on everything - it's just so fun :)

  60. Hey Lindsay-- I LOVE your cuties--I'll for sure purchase one when I'm not only living off a stipend. Anyways, what I love about the blogging community is how it connects people, especially all my loved ones so far away!


  61. The thing I love most about blogging is it gives you the ability to say what your heart desires. You are free to be yourself because it's YOUR blog.

    Congrats on the 400 followers!

  62. I follow you!

    The blogging community is like a secret support group! I didn't realize it was out there until I started blogging and tweeting. There are so many wonderful people full of encouragement and wisdom! Including you!

  63. heyyy thats my bestie above me! :)
    my favorite thing about the blogging/handmade community is the endless encouragement & support...especially when you ask a question on twitter and you have a kajillion helpful answers immediately!

  64. What I love most about the blogging community is the joy that comes from sharing with others. A community of fellowship!

  65. I am a follower! What I love most about the blogging community are all the wonderful friends I have made, including ones I have not met "in real life." When I need encouragement I know my bloggy buddies are here for me! It's been so awesome building relationships with my wonderful readers.

  66. oh i follow you. i most certainly do! :)

    my favorite thing about the blogging community is the connectedness that it creates among people who would never otherwise know each other!

  67. I'm a follower of course! I love blogging because of all the fun people I meet all over the world. There is always something fun going on, recipes to share, and fun projects to join in on. I love seeing all the creative things people make too :)

  68. my favorite thing about the blogging community is definitely the bird's eye view into other people's lives, hearts, and experiences!

  69. Tweeted about you!

  70. Yes please! you know i follow..:)
    I love the people i meet through blogging and the fact they introduce me to amazing books, music, and fashion and photography which i would never normally come across, oh...and i' really nosy and love reading about other peoples lives lol

  71. love the support and the FUN that it is! there is something new leading to someone else leading to something ELSE everyday. that discovery is just too fun for me! :)

  72. I love getting new ideas and seeing beautiful things!

  73. I love reading blogs for inspiration, whether it's for fashion, photography, art, life, relationships... I love being inspired!

  74. I am a Google follower. I love reading about what others around the nation are up too. It gives me a totally different perspective!

  75. Tweeted!!/jenphotonerd/status/34963589773262848

  76. I am so excited! I love love love the cuties! I am a follower!

  77. I love reading blogs that showcase people's creativity, whether through writing, photography, art or crafting. The blogging world is such a great way to celebrate our diversity of talents!

  78. Look at all those entries! Your cuties are more popular than ever! Of course I'm a follower of your fabulous blog. My favorite part about being a member of the blog community is meeting fun, friendly, talented people that I would never otherwise meet. Most bloggers are very supportive of other bloggers and there is very little competition. It is a fabulous community to be a part of.

    <3 Ashley
    ashley dot hasty at gmail dot com

  79. I tweeted.!/AHastyLife/status/34983173179838464

    <3 Ashley
    ashley dot hasty at gmail dot com

  80. hehe!! i asked this same question on my one year blogiversary party!! :) i LOVE the blogging community because of all the supportive, friendly, sweet women that i've met and talk to daily through blogging/twitter!! :) and of course you know i am a follower of your blog and totally need a cutie in my life! ;)

  81. i tweeted girl!!/sandyalamode/status/34996472600596480

  82. I love the blogging community because it's allowed me to "meet" such inspiring people that I never would have come across otherwise! {like you!}

  83. I follow you!!!

    and I love all the amazing and kindhearted folks I have met through blogging!!! It means so much to me!!


  84. I'm a follower! I like the blogging community for inspiration and advice.

  85. I'm a follower :) I love all of the support and love in the bloggin world!!

  86. I tweeted about your fabulous giveaway!! :)

  87. Congrats on reaching {now more than} 400 followers!

    I love the blogging community because I have made so many wonderful friends through it. :)

  88. I tweeted! :)

  89. I love meeting new people.,wish I had the chance to meet some of them face to face to chat,craft together etc.

    Love your shop! I am loving the Clickin Cutie! Would love one in Teal for my office

  90. I love blogging and meeting new bloggers because it makes the world feel so much smaller!

    And of course I'm a follower!

  91. I love blogging.. absolutely love it. I love sharing my thoughts and feelings with my readers and what's even better is reading about what everyone else is saying! It's like my friends away from home. :)

  92. and i'm already a follower, but I just tweeted about this awesome giveaway

  93. I'm a follower, and I love getting a sneak peak into so many bloggers' thoughts. I'm a nosy person, and blogging seems to allow my curious-nature to fly free :)

  94. I tweeted. Thanks for the opportunity (I'd totally want a typewriter one!) and good luck :)

  95. Just started following your blog a few weeks ago and I just started blogging too! Thought I would share my recipes and party ideas with others... besides my friends and family. So far, I really enjoy it!

  96. I love getting inspiration for all sorts of things -- art, projects, gardening, etc.

    I follow on gfc

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  97. i am a follower! :)

    and my favorite thing about blogging is finding inspiration in all different things but mostly in home decor and fashion and recipes.

  98. I'm not a blogger (yet) but I really enjoy reading them mostly for tutorials and DIY ideas, but I've come to really look forward to hearing about the people too. Blogging is such a great tool... I really need to get going on my own! :)

    elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

  99. Sweet giveaway! I love being part of a blogging community because it keeps me up to date on what's new and upcoming! So much fun!!

  100. I love being able to process what is going on in my heart, and I love the feedback I get from the online community. :)

  101. Love the prints! I love blogging because I have made so many new friends. And I love reading/learning about other people!

  102. The thing I love most about the blogging community is all the brilliantly beautiful ideas I am constantly finding. They inspire me! LOVE the cuties!

  103. Ooh! I love that little yellow cutie! We are currently redecorating our bedroom with a gray and yellow scheme so it would be perfect!

    As for the blogging community, I have been a faithful blog reader for a couple of years now and am hooked because readying other's stories inspires me in so many areas of my life. I recently started my own blog but it's pretty sad and little still :) Maybe someday I'll have some followers!

  104. I love being a part of the blogging community because I can make myself known.
    And I followed!
    --Love MCat

  105. i'm a follower! i love the blogging community for lots of reasons... getting inspiration from reading others' posts and just have so many great posts to read.

    thewindowseatreader at yahoo dot com

  106. My favorite part about being a part of the blogging community is getting to share my story and pictures with everyone else, and seeing/reading all the creativity and stories of others!

  107. I'm a follower! And I think the cuties are adorable!!!

    I love how kind the blogging community is. I recently started a blog and emailed a couple of strangers and they gave me advice! It was so nice of them!

  108. Hmm, I love blogging because it gives me a way to share my photos =)

  109. I love how in the blogging community, you can always find someone to relate to or someone who inspires you. I soak in all the beauty I find through the blogs I follow. I absolutely love it!

  110. I tweeted it!!/asjchae/status/37300615977766912

  111. Ahhhh, I LOVE your cuties! I can't believe I almost missed this!

    Favorite thing about the blog community... I love how supportive and encouraging people are. People I have never met in real life have edified me SO much with their sweet and caring messages. It's somethin' special! :]

  112. Ps- I didn't say it in the last comment, but of course I follow you! ;]
    AND I tweeted :]

  113. I tweeteded: @createdbycole

    I love, love, love @aisletoaloha art work *Inspiring* *Beautiful* Art {Enter for a chance to win one, I did} ;)

  114. I follow you! And while I am not a blogger, I absolutely love reading blogs because it opens doors to creativity I never knew existed. I feel inspired to be creative when I witness other peoples' creativity. Plus, it is so nice to read that some of the things I go through other people do as well!

  115. I follow your lovely blog and the best thing I like about the blogging community is the joy, inspiration, giving hearts, and friendships formed!

    Thank You,

  116. I love the inspiration/creativity I find through other bloggers and hopefully I'm doing my part by sharing that too.

    onlyoneuknow at gmail dot com

  117. I love reading people's blogs. I got hooked when I was on bed rest for 4 months when I was pregnant with my son and my obsession has stuck around.

    I have a business blog (I'm a photographer) but not a personal blog.

  118. I follow your blog and i really enjoy actually talking to other bloggers. I really like to "meet" them through feedback, twitter and email.

  119. I left a little tweet about it. thanks for the great giveaway. twitter name: @nmilkie

  120. Last minute entry! What i love about the blog community is that it's like a whole another world of it's own. People here are so nice, kind, generous, and supportive! Oh and i follow your blog via GFC!:D


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