Inspiring Spaces: Alison from aPearantly Sew!

I'm excited to introduce you guys to Alison today! You probably remember her adorable shop from the giveaway she hosted here a few months ago.  She's a busy mom of two adorable boys but still manages to run a super cute blog and shop! 

Hi! I’m Alison from the shop and blog aPearantly Sew. I want to say a big thank you to Lindsay for allowing me to hang out with you guys today. 

When Lindsay asked me if I would be willing to do a guest post on my creative space, I immediately said “yes!”. Then I thought about it for a minute and had to laugh. I don’t have my own sewing room, or even my own sewing space for that matter. This is where I sew everyday…

Why yes, that is my dining room table.  We are currently living in a small house, and I have two toddler boys. So you can imagine that there isn’t much space for Mommy to spread out and be creative. But I make do. (Almost) every day at naptime, I bring out my sewing machine, and for a couple of hours I get to be alone and create. Here are just a few things that inspire me on a daily basis...

 My sewing machine. It was a birthday gift from husband last year. I love this machine. 

Coffee. I am a total addict, and I definitely need a cup (or two or three) to wake up and get my creative juices flowing. 

My fabric stash. I am a fabric junkie. This is about a third of what I own. Sometimes I sit down in the floor and spread my fabrics out all around me and plan out my upcoming projects. Other than the actual sewing, this is my favorite part. I love to pair the fabrics up and plan what they will become. It’s such a rewarding process.

Thank you so much for taking the time to peek into my life for a little while. I enjoyed being here! 


  1. Alison, it's nice to know of others who do well with their craft and don't actually have their own little space dedicated to just sewing. The hubs and I are in a very little apartment, so my sewing is also done on the dining room table!

    I love the yellow bag, btw! Also, your boys look to be about the same ages as my two little nephews. What fun ages, as much of a handful as they may be :)!!

  2. I sew at the dining room table too!
    Love Alison's shop :) great post, too.

  3. Thanks for sharing your space! I don't have a craft room either, so it's nice to know others make do as well! I love your shop! :)

  4. Great space, it's nice to know that not everyone has a whole room but that they still make do.

  5. i do A LOT of my crafting on the dining table too!! even though i have a dedicated crafting half of the basement..

  6. I am so loving this series. I just shared my space with Mique over at '30 Handmade Days' blog. I love seeing where people create :).

    And I wanted to say thank you to you and your husband for your service. {{Hugs}} to you while he is gone. I come from a military family (my dad retired from the Air Guard as a Chief Master Srgt.). My sister just got the best Christmas present when her husband returned from his 1YR deployment (he deployed just 6 months after their wedding). And we just said sent off my nephew who left for his 1 YR deployment right after Christmas. So my heart is with you and I pray your time will go fast and be filled with lots of love from family and friends!!

    Happy Day ... can't wait until tomorrow!!


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