It Is Well With My Soul.

This has been a sweet, sweet week visiting with my family. 

Got to grab coffee with my mom in downtown Annapolis and browse through our favorite pottery shop together. 

Apparently as the family artist, I am a cake decorator too. I made a "Skippy Doo" (also known as Scooby Doo) cake for my niece's 5th birthday.

Kicked my nephew's butt at Wii bowling.

Got lots of hugs from my Grandma and gave lots of kisses to my niece and namesake, Sofia Lindsay. 

Threw my sister-in-love a baby shower with all my other sisters and sister-in-loves.

Hugged on these sweet nieces over the weekend. 

And most importantly, spent lots of time with this man. My grandpa, my Papap, spent the week in the hospital and was sent home on Wednesday with hospice care. Family from all over the country is flying in. Each night since he's been home, a crowd has gathered in their kitchen, eating home cooked Italian foods, laughing, loving, sharing memories and celebrating life. 

I can't begin to explain how thankful I am to be here this week, holding his hand, relishing his smiles and soaking in family time. God's timing is so providential. 

We are going to miss him and our hearts are heavy thinking about losing him, but there is joy. Sweet joy. 

We know that he loves Jesus and that this is not the end, but merely the beginning. He will have a whole body, free from sickness and weakness. And so we rest in the peace that salvation brings, knowing we will see my sweet Papap again soon. 

But he's not gone yet. He's a stubborn man and continues to surprise us with his wit, sharpness and ever steady grip- on our hands, hearts and on life. 


I pray that the peace our Father provides fills you this weekend and you are able to find joy in each moment! 


  1. Lindsay, thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you have this time with your family and especially your Papa. I pray you and your family enjoy ever moment together. Thinking of you and wishing I could visit MD right along with you!
    Sara from Oz

  2. I'm glad that you've had such a sweet time with your family! I'm sorry that your papap isn't well, but SO glad that it worked out for you to spend so much time with him!

    Thinking of you guys...

  3. Isn't it great how sometimes God provides us with just what we need at that moment, and right now it's sweet precious memories with your adorable family and papap! :) I'm sure you already know, but enjoy every second!

  4. Wow its great to see such strong love in your family! There is truely nothing better =)

  5. Praying for you all! He looks like a wonderful man. I love the picture of him with the other two gentlemen with the genuine laughter you can just hear exuding from the picture.

  6. Nothing like starting off my Friday with a good cry! Thanks, Lulu! Love you!

  7. Awww what a sweet post. Definitely such love there. Treasure it because many are not this lucky! Hope you had the best time.


  8. Love this post. It brought tears to my eyes!
    (also, Sofia really wants your earrings!) What a beautiful family you have.
    Praying for you all!

  9. What a great family! Love this post. I see baby Sofia was trying to grab your earrings..

  10. Oh Lindsay,
    What sweet and beautiful pictures! Your Papap must be one of the happiest men alive knowing the love that flows from his family. It's incredibly evident he means the world to all of you. God's grace and timing is, as you said, so perfect. Your Papap and family will be in my prayers.

  11. What a beautiful family you have!
    I am so sorry about your grandfather, but it is so awesome that he knows Jesus.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  12. Lindsay, I am so glad I found your blog thru Ruthanne's. I love with your paintings. I include one in a post of my favorite things today.
    check it out here. Hoping to make a purchase from you soon. P.S. I am from maryland too. Eastern Shore thou. But close to your home town.

  13. I am so so happy you're able to be there right now and spend time with your family, especially your grandpa. Cherish that time!

  14. lindsay!! this post seriously made me tear up!! you have such a beautiful and wonderful family and i am soo happy you got to spend so much time with them!! my heart aches for your grandpa but i am soo happy to hear that you got to see him again!! xoxo

  15. Typing my comment with tear filled eyes, what a sweet post. God is so good and yes, His timing is perfect. So happy for you and the time you are getting to spend back home!

  16. this post was such a beautiful portrayal of family ~ and you're right: God knew you would want your family at a time like this. His timing is always perfect. enjoy these moments and memories!

  17. Thinking of you and your family...I love that you are able to be where your heart already was. xo

  18. I love this post. I started to cry a little when I read it because I remembered how much I wanted to be at home right before my PawPaw passed away....BUT he is completely healed today and hanging out with Jesus, his mom, dad, brothers, and Army buddies as we speak.

    I'm SO glad you got to have a fantastic trip at home! ((And for the record the scarf was def. a good choice. It looks great! :) ))

  19. Thinking of you & praying for your family! So glad that you are able to be at home with your Papap for his last days! What an awesome gift from God!

  20. Lindsay, sweet post. I love your grandpa's big grin in that picture! We have had way too many dealings with hospice last year. Saying good-bye is so hard, but your faith and beliefs are so spot on and do bring so much peace to the soul.

    I'm so glad you got to hold tight to his hand and spend time with him this week. Treasured moments and memories last a lifetime...our lifetime...until we get to meet them again.

  21. well bring tears to my eyes, why don't you? very sweet. what a lovely attitude you have. and what a blessing to be with your family right now!

  22. Aw Lindsay, I feel your pain, my dear grandmother is in the hospital and things aren't looking good either. It is so important to care for family and I'm glad that you are there with him. Let's both be strong!

  23. What a sweet post! Thanks for sharing so much about your family and all the pictures. It's great to get to know you!

  24. What a wonderful post, Lindsay. I'm so glad you're able to be there with your family right now, and that you all have the comfort that only God can give.
    I'll be praying for you all!

  25. you're awesome! Glad you enjoyed time with the fam, especially your grandpa.

  26. read this post last night and had to come back and read it again. so heartfelt and beautiful - what a blessing to be able to spend this time with your grandpa and the rest of your family! :)

  27. Such a sweet tribute to your grandfather. He looks adorable! Prayers for your family.

  28. What a sweet reminder of what our lifes are about. The simple gifts of God are the ones we call family. Thank you Karen for putting this up for all to see.

  29. So glad you got to see your's very cool that you captured your visit and sentiments here:) Fantastic job on the cake!

    I found you through Crafterminds...I wanted to contact you about a guest post swap. I'm doing a monthly blog hop series and am looking for guest posts related to the following themes. As I have a scrapbooking blog, all posts must be scrapbooking or paper craft-related.

    March- baby albums
    April- a year in review
    May- album about YOU- heritage, life stories, etc.
    June- weddings
    July- Christmas in July (this can be any craft, not limited to scrapbooking:)

    A month-long blog hop incorporating the monthly theme will also be available to link up your projects.

    Please contact me if you are interested in doing a guest post and/or swap. Thanks!

  30. Such a lovely post... looks like you have had a wonderful visit with your family. What great memories you will have!

  31. This post reminded me of the time I got to spend with my uncle in the last few weeks before his death. The scene was essentially the same, with all the family including my cousins and his 7 teenage/college-aged grandkids all together. I'll be praying for you Papap and your family.

  32. I couldn't even finish reading this because I lost my poppa & pop within a little over 2 years!! ):


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