Fresh Paint: Ruthanne's Colorful Canvas

You met Ruthanne last Wednesday when she shared her creative space with you guys. Now I get to show you the super fun custom painting I did for her recently. :) 

At  24 x 48, this puppy is the biggest canvas I've shipped so far. It took up our kitchen table as I was working on it and I used a whole tube of 'Azurite Hue' blue paint! It is quite the statement piece. 

She sent me a photoshop image with her idea of the circles within circles and we emailed back and forth several many times about colors. I am always happy to shoot as many emails back and forth until we arrive at the perfect conclusion. Like I told Ruthanne, the point of a custom painting is to get something tailored exactly to your tastes, style and home!

 I'm just honored that I get to be a part of making people's houses into colorful, inspiring homes! :) 

Yes, I left one circle all by its lonesome. Just cuz.  Sometimes I think it's fun to do something unexpected and leave the viewer wondering why. Usually it's "just cuz" with me. ;) 

Hop on over to her blog to see her painting sittin' pretty in her beautiful home. 

And now for an announcement or two... I'm leaving town tonight to head home to MD for a visit! I'm sooo excited for some cold weather and especially for a cold weather wardrobe! (Oh, and to see lots of friends and family!) I'll be blogging & tweeting just like usual from home, just might be wearing some scarves and gloves and bundled up while I do it! :) 

I will be leaving my shop OPEN while I'm away, and any orders placed between now and my return at the end of February will be mailed out the first week of March! So, if you are okay with a short delay in shipping, then order away! (And please do, because I'm 3 sales away from 50!!) 

I have been taking a few pre-orders for custom paintings upon my return and the queue is almost full. There is room for one more custom Cutie order! So if you are thinking about ordering a custom Cutie, shoot me an email at to chat about a custom order!   My custom queue is now filled! :) It'll start emptying out in March, so be sure to jump on it then! 

Happy Wednesday, friends! 


  1. awww i love it linds!! it's sooo very ruthanne!! :) i love it even more that you left one circle without an inner circle, makes it more eclectic, just like ruthanne!! ;)

  2. i love it. and it looks wonderful in Ruthanne's living room. really nice work!!

  3. Love this Painting! I am trying to think of what I will want!! I will wait until March, maybe by then I will know what I am looking for!!! Have a great Vacation!!!

  4. super cute custom painting! Have fun visiting your family!

  5. Fun painting, my first thought was 'olives'...easy jump to martinis! No snow for this week and looks like your bringing the sun with you, but chilly and maybe flurries next week! Can't wait to hug and kiss you!

  6. saw this on ruthanne's blog! its amazing - love the colors!!!

  7. I hope you have a wonderful time at home! This painting is adorable, and I think it was a great call to leave one of the circles alone :-)

  8. That is AWESOME, you did such a great job. Have fun with your friends and family!

  9. That's a nice painting! I love everything with circles and squares :)

  10. the painting is amazing :) Safe trip to MD have a great time

    A x

  11. Love it! I did a painting in college with circles. Kinda reminds me of it.

    Have a wonderful trip! Safe travels!

  12. such a creative design! hope you're well!


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