It's the Little Things: Gummy Cokes, Happy Bunting & Cutie Love

So, Chris is gone.

His ship left on Tuesday and let's just say that was a rough day. It's hard being alone. And it sucks. And sometimes I feel guilty for being so upset since he's gone only 5 months and many of my friends and their husbands are deployed for a year or more. But the truth is, any time away from your husband is hard and it's okay to be sad about it, even if it's only a few weeks. And that's the truth.

This may sound drastic, but I think went through a few stages of grief this week. First was denial that we were actually at deployment again, sadness and loneliness on my first night alone (um, have you ever cried hard while eating pizza?? Ugly.), anger that the Navy would take my husband away, and finally I've come to acceptance and a determination to make the best of it. The sadness and loneliness will return often, I know, and there's no getting around that.

Weeks like this, it's the little things that bring a smile to my face and get me through the day. I thought I would share a few of those things.

On Monday, Chris and I went to pick up some snacks for him to have on the ship. I picked up some gummy Coke bottles as a pick-me-up treat. These are my very favorite candies. Chris has even bought them for me in lieu of flowers at times and they can always make this girl happy.

My 7 year old neighbor, Zoe rang my doorbell on Tuesday afternoon and handed me this drawing. The back says " I'm sorry that you lost your husbin for 4 mons, but don't worry, were here! Love Zoe" Um, adorable? And she must know that pretty colors make me smile. 

That's me and her there. Don't you just love my dress?? Not so sure about that ominous black crow though...

My girl friends and I are throwing a baby shower for a sweet friend on Sunday. I'm in charge of decorations and having so much fun with them! Here's a bunting that my friend, Rachel, and I made the other day. It's hanging on my windows until the shower and makes me smile just looking at it. 

Cuties. I love painting them, love selling them and am so blown away by all the love you guys have been giving them! I'm so grateful that I get to paint pretty little things and send them out into the world for you to make your spaces brighter. So, thanks for being a big part of making my week a good one. 

Check out that teal Cruisin' Cutie! One of the only Cuties left in the shop! ;)

(Um, what's up with my out of control hair?? SOO excited for a hair cut on Saturday!)

Can I just say that I love this community? I love the beautiful friends I've made over the last year and am so thankful for all your encouraging comments, emails, prayers, and tweets. Way to be super-duper awesome, you guys. 

What are some little things that made you smile this week?

Happy weekend!!


  1. I agree, deployments suck. period. No matter how long they are for. We military wives know how you feel, and what you are going through. I hope these next few months are good ones for you. I don't know about you, but when my hubby deploys something always happens. For you, I hope it's a little thing! Like your neighbor said "we're here for you" and yea what's up with that black bird lol!

  2. Hope you can smile every now and then..I know i'd be smiling thinking about that handsome hubbie! Cute! :)

  3. Oh, you sweet girl! I'm so sorry he'll be gone for five months!! My husband used to leave for six weeks at a time, but only twice out of the year, and I thought THAT was unbearable! I'm definitely not going to try to say anything that makes it better because you're rigt- it just sucks. Bless your heart :(

    You have such a great blog, Lindsay. I just discovered it last week and I've loved going through and reading past posts! I love the blogging community as well, and seeing other real women walk through life is such an encouragement and challenge to live better myself. When you share your struggles (like your honesty about the difficulty of your husband deploying) it gives the readers permission to admit their own struggles as well. And so often just being able to be OKAY with that fact that something's hard makes it just a little easier.

    Did that even make sense?! Doesn't matter. My point is, you're fabulous!! And thank you for sharing!

  4. Ug, deployments do suck. I am so sorry that he is gone and that it is such a long time to be apart. I wouldn't do well with those at all. I pray that God keeps you busy and that the time flies by faster than you expect!

  5. Huge ((((HUGS)))) to you sweetie! I can't even imagine how hard that would be - we'll keep you all company!

  6. I miss my husband like crazy when he goes out of town for a few days, so yes, you totally have the right to be sad about five months!
    I love the bunting you guys made for the shower. I made some for Christmas to hang on our fireplace mantel and it's still up :) The fabrics aren't Christmasy, just festive, so it still looks great without it being strange that I still have Christmas ornaments up!

  7. Hugs going out to you! You are an amazing girl getting through these times with such a positive attitude and outlook! I pray that you stay so super busy that this time passes amazingly quick! Love your cuties!

  8. Praying for you! I can't imagine how hard that is! And I need a cutie sometime soon! (When I finally have my own crafting space...)

  9. Hang in there!! Five months sure sounds like a long time to me!!

    PS: I heart Haribo coke bottle candy too :)

  10. i remember my dad heading off for deployment - and its so not a fun time. you'll be in my prayers this weekend, friend.

    things that made me smile - the crazy lizard in our house. and you know what that was all about ;)

  11. I'm not even going to pretend to know what you're going through. I think the longest I've been without Dustin is a week... and that was because I was on vacation... yet I missed him like crazy. I actually started counting the days till my vacation was over. Yikes!

    Anyway, hang in there. You have all of us and it'll be over before you know it!

  12. God bless you both! Just keep doing the things you love like painting cuties and the time will continue to pass!

    The bunting is fabulous :)

  13. I am so sorry darling!!! But we are all here if you need someone to talk to!! We love you to pieces!!!
    Have fun at the baby shower and that is SUCH a cute drawing that Zoe make!!! How sweet!!!

  14. My heart goes out to you Lindsay. I can't imagine what that would be like, and we can never thank you enough for the sacrifices you and Chris both make for our country!

    Lean on us whenever you need us! We're here for you!

  15. Soooo many comments! Everyone loves you! Great post, it made me happy and excited (except for the very beginning part). Your grief isn't drastic. This is an unnatural separation. You were made one flesh, so it makes sense that the pain you feel is so intense.
    It looks like you have some great things to keep you busy in the next few months - and I can't wait to see you! We'll have to coordinate a day/time. :) Love you!

    PS - I LOVE gummy colas!!! Have you ever tried the sour ones? Too delicious. And that bunting is fab-u-lous!

  16. What a sweet drawing from the neighbor!! So nice of her...

    And I love that cutie!! I purchased it this morning, surprised it was still there!! I can't wait to get it!! :)

  17. You're in my prayers often! And I'm glad you're making sure the find happiness in little things; hopefully the next 5 months will fly by! xoxoxo

  18. aww lindsay, you should most definitely not feel guilty about being upset! i can't even imagine how tough that would be.. i get sad when my hubby leaves for a weekend! i'll be praying for you!

    and oh my goodness, how sweet is your little neighbor?!?

  19. Oh sweet friend! I cant imagine what its like to not have your hubs there for 5 months... but at least you are surrounded by loved ones! And it's okay to cry and be sad. LOVE LOVE LOVE the bunting and that adorable Cutie!!!!

  20. Stay strong. A lot of people myself include appreciate what you are doing for your country. :)

    You're next door neighbor was so sweet to do that for you.

    Be well!

  21. This post made me so happy! Obviously not because your husband was deployed, but for all the warm fuzzies. The fact that your husband is doing what he is doing for our country, the candy, your sweet neighbor....everything just made me smile.

  22. thinking of you, sweetie. hang in there, and know how much you and your husband are appreciated!

  23. hang in there! you are so very loved and talented... these months will seem long, but you can make it through! keep smiling!

  24. (((hugs))) i am in a similar situation, often i feel like a military wife, but i am not. my husband travels for work all the time and with three little kiddos, well sometimes it just sucks. i wish we had family near. our friends are our support. i can relate - it sucks. it's good to realize that it's ok to be sad. xoxo

  25. Hang in there girl!! Keep those gummies & cuties coming and I'm sure those months will just fly right on by! :) Hugs to you!! I can only imagine how you are feeling! And your right, its okay to be sad! You don't have to be the strong military wife all the time! Just because deployment is a regular part of your life doesn't mean it has to be easy! We are all thinking of you! I will be praying that God strengthens you through this time & that your relationship with him will flourish in the next 5 months while Chris is away! :)

  26. hang in there, doll. you two will be reunited soon. xo

  27. Hey Linds! I don't know how you feel, but I hope you continue to make the best of your time! We're here for you! : )

    And, I picked up some of those coke candies the other day when you tweeted them--I had never had them before!

  28. Your cuties definitely make me smile! I featured the sewing machine cutie {even though it's been sold} this week on the blog. :)

    {{hugs}} and love!

  29. Praying for you! Just discovered your blog yesterday and have had so much fun reading through your posts! Definitely a new favorite read! :)

  30. My husband is in the Coast Guard and we are stationed in Hawaii. He's been out to sea more than a few times in the past and I know how hard it can be, especially with kids! Keep busy and the time will fly by! Take care...

  31. Don't feel guilty, it's definitely okay to feel that way & to grieve. My husband was deployed the majority of last year and I DEFINITELY grieved. I will keep you close in my prayers <3 and him too. One military wifey to another <3


  32. awwww i LOVE the bunting, the colors and patterns are soo cute!! and mmmm i am craving those coke gummies now, they look soo delish!! when my hubby and i are away for more than a week, it's definitely hard!! hang in there, keep busy, and we're here for u!! :)

  33. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to have your hubby leave for several months at a time. :( I'll keep you both in my prayers. :)

  34. That's so hard, Lindsay. The Pilot and I have spent loads of time apart and it sucks.

    Um, I've never tried that candy, but I so want to now!


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