snapshots from a busy week.

Whew, it's been a busy week. I'm really glad it's over. Here are a few snap shots and pieces of it. 

Apparently, I really like my lavender striped shirt because it made an appearance on three separate days. 


one last batch of homemade cookies//
a new camera from Lomography!//
empty studio//
one last look before disassembling my studio wall//
packing clothes for a month//
sunrise hike with my love//
wavy hair for date night//

brought my own stripey straw for my glucose test//
pack out day//
celebratory lunch at Wendy's//
feeling peaceful after a busy day//
a little ambience in our temporary bedroom//
shoes for the month//
beach day with my girl friend//
afternoon walks//
running errands//

(psst... wanna follow me on instagram?-- my username is lindsay_hellohue)

Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and kind words and comments during this stressful week. It has meant the world to me and I'm so grateful for each of you, sweet friends! 

We're headed into our last weekend here on island and we mean to make the most of every minute! 



  1. I'm impressed that you drank your glucose test drink through a straw. I chugged mine. Didn't want to have to taste it.

  2. Hope you're enjoying your last days in paradise!!

  3. I'm pretty sure that I absolutely need to go bake some cookies now... And stop at Wendy's while I'm at it!

  4. Linds, you are looking so good as a pregnant woman :) Praying this week is smooth and wonderfully (bittersweet I'm sure) for you and Chris! xx

  5. Have so much fun with your last weekend!!

  6. You are so cute. And your Instagrams are always the best.

  7. soak it up, girl. love these pictures - and once i'm on instagram i will def stalk the heck out of you. love you!

  8. The purple shirt is adorable, so it is totally ok that it showed up so often :) Love it with the yellow sweater.

  9. you are adorable. i love these photos and i hope when you move- it goes smoothly!

  10. Oh moving, looks like you did it very gracefully. I follow you insta and thought it was so cute that your husband put up those little lights! You look so happy!

  11. I had one of those shirts when I was pregnant last year (my son is now 7 and one half months old). I wore it to death, but it was the most comfy and forgiving thing.

  12. i'd wear that striped shirt all the time is so cute! just like you friend :)


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