giveaway from my little buffalo design!

 Oh friends, have I got a sweet giveaway for you today! If you haven't had the opportunity to "meet" the talented and adorable Lisa from My Little Buffalo, then you are in for a treat. Not only does Lisa create insanely cute graphic design ( website design, art prints, greeting cards, custom portraits, etc.), but she's incredibly kind and I'm lucky to have met up with her on Oahu last May!

I love Lisa's fresh take on design and her style is so distinct! I think you'll love it too and so we're teaming up to bring you the chance to win this lovely "Be Kind to Yourself" art print! 

To enter, just comment below and tell me how you are kind to yourself? Do you pamper yourself with a bubble bath each Thursday evening? Do you take 30 minutes for morning quiet time before starting your day? Do you wear out your running shoes on your neighborhood pavement? 

Make sure your email address is either attached to your profile or in your comment somewhere so I can get a hold of you! 

Additional entries**Leave one comment below for each entry.**

Favorite My Little Buffalo on Etsy

Hop over to Lisa's blog and leave her a sweet comment 

Like My Little Buffalo on Facebook

Follow My Little Buffalo on Twitter

Giveaway ends next Wednesday and winners will be announced Thursday! 



  1. I tell myself I'm doing a good job at least twice a day. That sounds pretty kind to me. :) danfredorivera [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. i always let myself enjoy the littlest thing, which is usually always turn out to be amazing moment. such as tranquil morning with a coffee in my hand :)

  3. I wake up before the sun comes up, I make some hot tea and sit on my balcony and have a quiet time while the sun rises. Its sweet moments like this that bring joy to my life! (

  4. I give myself plenty of quiet time when the baby is asleep!

  5. I favorited the shop!

  6. When I need quiet time, I take it. That's usually all I need to feel kind to myself :)

    lordknowsilovetodance at gmail dot com

  7. coffee in the morning, reading good books, taking the time to create just for the sake of creating...those are things that make me happy. :)

    thesweetestpetunia {at} gmail {dot} com

  8. Ooh! I love My Little Buffalo. My ultimate kindness to myself is starting each day with the Bible and coffee.

  9. Lately being pregnant for the first time I find it harder and harder to be kind to myself...all these changes to my body are not as easily accepted as they should be and the things I used to do like run and eat sweets are having to change...this poster is a nice reminder that no matter what state my body is in physically I still need to be kind to myself and realize I'm more than just my physical appearance.

    sorry for the long comment and pity party...

  10. I've started going to a yoga class twice a week for some "me time". It has worked wonders on my stress level!

  11. I take time to just let myself be lazy and not feel guilty about it! Sometimes it's as simple as watching whatever I want on TV, sometimes it's sleeping in, sometimes it's getting a massage or a facial. I kind of learned that after three years of law school, I totally earned that little bit of "me time"!

  12. I follow My Little Buffalo on Twitter!

  13. I like My LIttle Buffalo on FB!

  14. I added MLB as a favorite on Etsy :)

  15. i wake up early before anyone else, make my coffee, and have some me time. it is a much needed start to my day! :)

  16. Hi Lindsay! I sit and drink my coffee in quiet every morning. I *so* look forward to this time. :)

    {{hugs}} to you today! :)

  17. I marked Lisa's shop as one of my favorites on etsy! yay!

  18. i am kind to myself by taking a nap while my little one is napping. and not feeling guilty about it! :)

  19. i favorited my little buffalo design on etsy!

  20. i follow my litte buffalo on twitter. @happythehome

  21. i like my little buffalo on facebook!

  22. My quiet time is when I'm knitting baby things for my friends. It makes me happy to know that my little nieces and nephews are wearing something that I made. :)

  23. i like to pamper myself my just taking a quiet walk at lunch. there's a nice little path by my office that leads to a cute little pond with a gazebo. I stroll down there and just sit and watch the bullfrogs. It's so peaceful.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I give myself at least twenty minutes to blog and comment on other people's blogs every day!

  26. I favorited my little buffalo on etsy!

  27. I liked my little buffalo on fb :)

  28. I give myself a pedicure every other weekend!

  29. I'm usually pretty kind to myself. I like to take some time (usually hours worth on the weekends) to just read a good book outside. I also "reward" my work days with generally doing nothing when I get home - browse the internet, watch TV, etc. I really just like being lazy!

  30. It's so hard for me to be truly kind to myself, in the way of loving myself exactly as I am. That said, I always make sure my nails and toes are perfect. It makes me feel so put together!

    sara dot e dot allen at gmail dot com

  31. i give myself time to exercise - no matter what!

  32. I allow myself time to myself... I think having alone time is always a good thing.

  33. As I'm 14 weeks pregnant I allow myself to take a little break whenever I feel exhausted without having bad conscience.

  34. I hate being rushed, so the mornings are "me" time, so I don't feel like I'm being rushed out the door.

  35. I let myself eat cookies and milk for lunch sometimes :)

  36. I'm kind to myself by not beating myself up about the small stuff.

  37. Love this giveaway! I would say I am kind to myself by letting myself have mini indulgences- for example at least once a week I give myself a manicure with a fun shade of Essie polish and on the weekends I indulge in some great Starbucks decaf coffee...sounds simple, but the little things make me happy! :)

  38. I like my little buffalo on facebook.

  39. I'm kind to myself by always having flowers in my house because they make me happy :)
    Hugs tereza

  40. Wow, a lot of comments! No wonder, this print is beautiful!

    I am kind to myself by reminding myself to smile. Sometimes during the day I get so busy with getting things done. When I tell myself to smile, I'm instantly happier, joyful, and more present in the moment.

    I found your blog through, and I'm loving hearing about your pregnancy (and your style)! I am an Air Force wife. I'm hoping we'll be pregnant (about the same amount as you, actually) when we move from Korea back to the states next summer. As such, I have wondered how the long flight went. I was glad to hear your ankles did, in fact, return to a normal size:)

    Take care,

  41. im kinda to myself by remembering to laugh. laughter cures everything ... or alleviates the sting to somethings and we just all need to laugh more!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I really enjoy browsing at clothing stores. :) A couple of times a week I will leave my 5.5 month old with his Daddy and go check out the new styles at some store, try on millions of items and then return everything. :) I love it. :) PS: Hope your pregnancy continues to go well!!! I barely survived mine. :)

  44. I am kind to myself by blogging everyday--its my "me" time. Haha! Love this poster!!

  45. I am kind to myself by sleeping in! I try to at least sleep in 1 day a week, trying to get an extra hour of sleep! After all, we all need our beauty sleep! ;)

  46. I favorited My Little Buffalo on Etsy! She has incredible style and affordable too! I love her designs! <3

  47. I also left her a sweet comment on her website!Too bad Portland is so far away! Crafty Wonderland sounds awesome!

  48. I liked her on Facebook, even tho I LOVE her stuff!

  49. I also followed her on twitter and retweeted your tweet! :D @Koralleen33

  50. "Be Kind to yourself" is such a wonderful reminder especially for a perfectionist! Thank you for such a great giveaway! I am kind to myself by spending time in God's presence either through study, devotions, books or music-it brings such wonderful peace!

  51. My Little Buffalo is now a favorite of mine on Etsy!

  52. What a sweet giveaway, I just found your blog and I love it,,congrats on your baby, and welcome to Florida. I live outside of Jacksonville but have been all over florida in the short 2.5 years we have lived here.Now I am going to go and find My little Buffalo on facebook and Etsy.

  53. Now to enter the giveaway,,,how do I pamper myself,,I go shopping. I love to just look around and get ideas,,and then I might find that one little awesome item,,it might be a little cup, or a awesome bowl, or a picture that I know right where it is going to be hung,,I have friended her on etsy,blog,dont do twitter..and I left a sweet little message for her,,thanks for having this sweet giveaway..

  54. Hm... I don't think I'm nearly as kind to myself as I should be, but when I am I treat myself to a stay-at-home mani/pedi and a glass of wine :)

  55. I just favorited My Little Buffalo on Etsy - wildly cute!!

  56. As well as Facebook!! So sweet

  57. To be kind to myself I take a trip to Target to unwind.

  58. i've always loved this print! I'm kind to myself by taking naps when baby naps instead of doing laundry like i should. :)

    lesleykgordon@gmail (dot) com

  59. i left a comment on her blog. :)

  60. What's really sad is that I had to think long and hard about what I do to pamper myself :( I like to curl up with a new book or magazine... and treat myself to some new clothes!

  61. To be kind to myself I treat myself to some new craft supplies.

  62. My Little Buffalo is a favorite on Etsy.

  63. I work out to keep my heart healthy! :)

  64. When I get home from work I put my feet up for at least 30 minutes. Could be on the couch, laying in bed, or cradled in my hammock outside. Just enough time to unwind, a little. :)

  65. I am learning to take more time for myself post college, pre grad school.. working out more, taking time to read and relax, etc. It's GREAT!


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