oh baby:: 28 weeks!

Three cheers for the third trimester! The past few weeks have been eh, pretty rough on this pregnant body. Moving is exhausting! You should have seen my ankles after our flights to the East Coast-- they looked like elephant stumps. And painful too! Thankfully they've gone down since then, so I resemble a normal human being again. 

As my belly (and ahem, everything else) has gotten bigger, I've been opting for much simpler outfits. Belts, tight pants and layers are just not quite as comfy as they used to be. (Though truth be told, I still sometimes choose style over comfort... for about 2 hours until I *must* change into something soft and loose!) Clothes are rapidly becoming tighter and I'm having to set aside more and more of my wardrobe each day. I can't imagine this belly much bigger, but I know it's gonna get there! 

We got to see Silas via 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday and you guys-- this kid has already stolen my heart. His smooshed little face is so precious and I can't wait to meet him face to face. I think that the next 3 months are going to fly by. A few weeks here in Maryland, getting settled in Florida and August will be here before we know it. 

I could use some prayers as we are trying to figure out switching our providers and getting in with an OB down in Florida. I hate all the insurance red tape and hoping that the transition will be smooth and I can find a doctor that I love. 

We found an apartment that we're really excited to move into down there and that makes me feel so much better about the move. Knowing we'll only have so many days in a hotel before we get to set up a new home (and Si's nursery!) comforts my mama heart. I'm ready for some nesting! 



  1. Beautiful pictures! I can see this baby is going to be brought into a very loving world.

  2. I'm sending you good thoughts that all the insurance stuff gets figured out smoothly. Both my mom and brother work in insurance and it's such a pain in the butt.

  3. Oh, you look wonderful! I saw the ultrasound pic on Instagram, and that boy of yours is certainly precious!!

    {hugs} to you as you guys move & settle in...hopefully everything will work out just fine. God is in control!

  4. you look beautiful! Sending well wishes and prayers for the transition...that you find peace in them midst of chaos!

  5. Glad you're safe in Maryland and Silas is doing well! you look so cute!

  6. Could you be more adorable!? You look fabulous!

  7. You are looking great, mama! Did I ever tell you the story about how I had to miss Easter at church because my feet were too swollen for my shoes by the time we got there? Pregnancy can be so rough! haha If you need a couple comfy dresses to get you through the last haul, send me your parent's address. I've got some favorites I can ship to you! Love you, Dear! :)

  8. We moved to Chicago 6 weeks before Grayson (our second) was born. I only met with my nurse mid-wife twice before I labored with her. God works out all the details, I promise! I'll be praying for you. Those nesting instincts will hit at the perfect time. Gets lots of rest in the mean time.

  9. omg you look too cute! good luck with the move!

  10. You look amazing!!


  11. You look great (as usual!). Hope the transition is quick and smooth into your new place so you can finally start nesting ;)

  12. I am praying you find the best new doctor and I am excited to see the results of your nesting! :)

  13. I absolutely feel you about the tight clothes thing. I often choose the maternity skinny jeans/belts/cute outfits --but a few hours into it I FEEL LIKE I COULD BUST. I just am dying to get home and put on NOTHING (okay, yoga pants, loose shorts, no bra & a tank)---I've been opting for dresses more these days because I just want things LOOSE and off me. I have enough tightness in my belly/stretching--so my clothes bother me a lot these days, too. I just ordered a few more dresses from old navy actually, for this reason. Looking great, lady!


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