pack out day.

Yesterday was an emotionally and physically exhausting day of getting ready for the movers to come today. I cried a bit while pulling our art off the walls as I watched our home transform into just a house. By the end of the day, my back was throbbing. Chris stayed up hours after I went to bed working on getting the house ready and he got up at 5am, before I woke up to continue the work. 

By the end of today the house will be empty and our month (or more) of temporary living begins. And so begins a new adventure! 



  1. Soon enough you will make your next place a home. The transition will be different, but in the end, it's still you and Chris together. And that's really what a home is anyways. Just wait till you get that little boy in your arms, and the shell of whereever you live won't even cross your mind. Praying for a good day for y'all!

  2. Packing out sucks. I hate putting everything we own into crates and living with temporary furniture. I hope you are able to suck every bit of fun out of your last month in Hawaii as you possibly can!

  3. I'm sorry you had a rough day :( Moving is so hard. When we made our move from Florida (working at Disney World) to Seattle I was so so sad. Now I love it here so much and am so glad we did it. Soak it all in for now :) At least your moving to another nice warm place!!

  4. Linds, I will be praying for you during this time of transition. Its never easy to move no matter how great the circumstances are!

  5. Aww, I feel for ya... But there is a bright side, a new place, new adventures, a new baby!.

  6. Oh Lindsay... I feel for you! This move is going to be bittersweet so of course tears are only natural. Sending you good thoughts.

  7. Pack out day is so bittersweet. I've been there, and pregnant as well so I know exactly how you are feeling. It's just so lovely that the new adventure includes a baby boy : )

  8. Chin up Momma Linds. New adventures await! :)

  9. Lindsay,
    I just want you to know that I'm praying for you this week. The Father has some amazing things in store for you! :)

  10. Sending lots of love your way! Heres to happy new adventures with your boys!

  11. Aw...I remember our move when we got out of the Marine Corps. Our son was 6 months old and it was the MOST traumatic day for him (and us). Having all of those strangers in our house packing up our things was overwhelming. I was also pregnant at the time so I can understand how those pregnancy hormones magnify things even more. I remember laying on the floor in our living room balling my eyes out when everything was finally emptied out. It's OK to cry. It's OK to miss your home. It is in many ways the end of an era but I have to say that being back "home" in PA has been wonderful. And Florida is a great state to live in as well. I'm thinking of you as you transition these next few weeks. I feel such sadness for you because I know it's so hard but at the same time I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for your sweet little family! Love from PA! XOXO

  12. <3 Hang in there, your family will be blessed!

  13. oh i know those emotions well. praying fo you.

  14. I know how hard moving can be, especially when it's such a long long way! Hang in there and let Chris help are doing a lot for him by resting and taking care of that little one :-)

  15. hey beautiful girl.
    i just love you. and i feel your pain. being a terribly sentimental person, i can't imagine packing up my cozy house. yet new adventures are so inviting.
    praying you are filled with peace and grace in this new season

  16. Moving can be so exhausting and such a hassle! I'll be praying for a smooth transition and lots of FUN decorating your new place!! :)

  17. I know this comment is so late and the move has passed but I wanted to let you know I'm praying for you & Chris that God will give ya'll strength as you start this new, hug chapter of ya'lls lives.


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