exposed! {and developed...}

Almost a full year ago, I won a Diana F+ lomography camera on Anna Wu's blog. Last week I finally got my first roll developed! Even though it took me a full year to take and develop that roll of film, I love this little camera. She sits on my studio dresser, next to some of my favorite art and design books and my pile of bright embroidery thread. 

There's something about taking film photos, waiting to get them developed and that gamble of not knowing whether they'll even turn out like you'd envisioned (my photos got a bit over- and double exposed but I love the "character" they have!)  I'm a girl who loves surprises so you know I am falling back in love with film. Now I've gotta start my next roll -- I have a feeling it'll go a lot quicker this time.

I'm thinking about buying the Instax Mini 7s for my next camera. Do you have that one? Do you love it?

Later this afternoon, I'm excited to host a really fun giveaway for you guys! My newest sponsor, is giving away a super suh-weet camera for you guys! It's so awesome, I am actually really jealous of you! Make sure to come back to check out the giveaway and enter to win! 



  1. these are awesome, lindsay! seriously love them.

  2. such cool pics! and can't wait for your giveaway, i totally don't own any toy cameras, isn't that sad?! i need one!!

  3. you know what i already think about the instax mini - you NEED one. i'll ask santa to bring you one!

    i hope santa brings me a diana now - esp seeing your pics!

  4. Those are SO much fun. I LOVE the character they have. Can't wait to see more.

  5. Man, I have not used film in ages! It is so neat to see these :) Brings back memories of the days before we all used digital cameras and phones! Love them!

  6. I have the instax and ADORE it. I love your diana photos! I've been wanting one, but I'm so scared all of my pictures will end up terrible. Film is scary!

  7. I love these so much - especially the ones of you on the bike! I think I need one of these cameras...

  8. These pictures are so beautiful! Great job! Xo!

  9. I have the instax and its so much fun. I use it at weddings and events. So much fun to take one a day of something meaningful and journal it.

  10. Love these photos! I completely agree about the film thing. I absolutely love my DSLR, but there's just something so nostalgic and exciting about pulling that old 35mm SLR back out of the closet.
    Can't wait to check out the giveaway! What a fun sponsor you landed! Congrats on that.

  11. oh i love that while the pictures are at all like the ones you'd take with a "fancy" camera, they are perfect :) each one is so unique!


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