it's the little things:: book boyfriends & chicks on the beach

It's the Little Things linkup! Ready, go! 

... library books. I am a bit addicted to YA fiction lately. It's perfect for beach, plane or couch potato reading-- so easy to get drawn into the moody characters. Don't judge, okay? Actually, go ahead and judge me. I'll just go hang with Lauren and Ilene and talk about our book boyfriends. 

... homey touches. Okay, so we've been in this house for over two years, but I'm constantly changing things around and adding touches that make it feel more ours and less like a white box. 

I got these lamps at Target this week and I love the warm light they cast in the room-- much more cozy than our cheap IKEA lamps! 

I've also been working on this painting for our bedroom. I kind of like how it is now but Chris thinks it stills needs some work. We'll see who wins this one... ;) 

... baby chicks! At the beach we frequent for dawn patrol, there are some new baby chicks! The chicks and mama are sweet, but the rooster that snuck up behind my chair and crowed in my ear almost made me pee my pants! 

Bonus little things:: 

... a big rainstorm on Tuesday night. Chris and I went for a walk when we thought the rain had let up, but ended up getting caught in another downpour. I love a good rainstorm! 

... my best bloggy buddy, Moriah, is coming to visit me during our trip to MD! I can't wait to squeeze her! 

... a reader emailed me and said that she saw me at Forever21 (kind of appropriate place, right?) the other day, but she was too shy to say hello (hi Tricia!). It's kind of my dream to be recognized in public, so make you sure hi if you see me! :) I will hug you, just a warning. 

Okay, so I just want to remind everyone to please make sure your posts are relevant "little things" posts. A lot of people have linked up with random posts that are really very nice, but don't have anything to do with the linkup. Also, please link back to me-- cuz it's just the nice thing to do! ;) 

Even if you don't linkup with me, I'd love to hear your little things for the week! What made you smile and got you through to Friday?

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4. I reserve the right to kick you out of the party if you aren't playing nice-- so make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.).


  1. When the BF and I were in HI for New Years last year we were wandering around Waikiki the night we flew in and got caught in an absolute downpour. It was so much fun to run around in the rain with him to start off the trip.

  2. Oh my gosh, those baby chicks! How cute!

  3. Have you been to the Forever 21 in Waikiki? It's INSANE!

  4. 1. I have about 12 different love affairs with my book boyfriends.
    No judgement here :]

    One of my favorites? Sam from the Shiver series. Ever read it? YOU SHOULD. I'm sort of behind on the series though. Silly college books get in the way!

    2. I love your pillow cases.
    3. & the new lamps! girrrrl, you got style ;)

  5. i love the fact that someone recognized you in public.... that's KIND OF my dream ha ha

  6. i love the fact that someone recognized you in public.... that's KIND OF my dream ha ha

  7. Love the blog; planning to link up this time!

    PS....I LOVE Delirium!! I met the author at a conference and she is so presh. If you like that, I highly recommend Scott Westerfeld's Uglies, Pretties, Specials series.

  8. yay for book boyfriends! totally come talk to me anytime - you know i'm here. ;)

  9. lol, my grandpa used to raise chickens, he had scars on his arms from the roosters! They are mean!

  10. Love the new lamp! And I think the painting looks awesome. Just sayin'. :-)

  11. I can't believe I'm mentioned in your post!! Eek! I'm super giddy (: I will def say, "hi" next time I see ya around!!

  12. Great week :) So fun to be recognized in public. And yay for real life blog friends like Moriah, so happy for you!

  13. I love your painting!! You are so talented!! And your pillow shams are beautiful!! I hope you and Moriah have a wonderful time together!! :) Have a splendid day friend!! xo

  14. Ha! I'm a hugger, too. I know that's awkward for some of the recipients, but I kinda also don't care. ;)

    I'm new to your blog, and love it. I decided to join your link party after lurking for a few weeks. Thanks for helping people to remember the little things.


  15. one day... I will pick up a book again ;) goodness me... motherhood is totally rocking my boat in a different direction these days!

  16. I love easy reads like YA books. No judging here! :)

    I just want to snuggly one of those little chicks, so so cute!

  17. I'm an absolute sucker for a baby anything :-) I had a baby rhino dream last night, for goodness's sake! Soooo... if you wanna mail me one of those chicks... I'd be okay with that! ;-)

    And I'm all about YA! You tend to not run into really graphic descriptions and jumping into bed every 10 pages. I love it!

  18. I love your list :) I am definitely going to do this next week. I feel awful for letting it slip because I have so much fun doing it!


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