adventures of the wandering whippycakes :: house puppet // oahu, hawaii

whippy cake:: {house puppet}
cardi:: {target}
top + belt:: {forever21}
capris:: {um, have had them forever?}
sandals:: {payless}

Here we are at the Adventures of the Wandering Whippy Cakes v. 4! If you've missed the last three editions, make sure you check them out to see how I've styled each of the Whippy Cakes that have come my way. (And if you're totally new to this series, think of it as a version of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but with cute accessories and bloggy sisters!) 

Today I'm rocking Sandy's House Puppet, with bright hues of coral, chartreuse and gray. 

Preparations are under way for our trip to Maryland. Well, in reality, our hearts are more prepared to be there than either of us are physically. I'm working away at some custom pieces this week so I can send them off to their new owners before we fly away. The bright colors I'm using make me happy. I love when I get to work on pieces that exude cheerfulness. :) 

I also got another chop in preparation for the wedding festivities, and TWO photo shoots we'll be doing in Maryland! It's a bit shorter than normal, but um, I kind of love it. Don't tell Chris-- my hair just keeps getting shorter and shorter! 

Alright, now go check out my girls and how they rocked their Whippy Cakes! These girls are the bomb-diggity. 

Sandy of Sandyalamode

PS. Linking up with Lindsey today! :)



  1. you look gorgeous, dearie. i'm lovin' the hair.

  2. LOVE all the colors you picked to go w/ the whippycake!! you are looking great!!! :D

  3. I'm a new follower, and I just love this swap idea! So cute, and, um ... less personal than the Sisterhood sharing a pair of (unwashed) pants.

  4. You are adorable! I love your fun outfit. The colors are so pretty!

  5. i'm pretty sure we have the same taste in clothes - i love every outfit you post, friend. and way to rock the Whippycake with the new hair - love you!

  6. You're so cute! :) Love this look and they are great colors for you!!

  7. Don't you look CUTE?! And love the Payless sandals, I need more Payless in my life.

  8. i'm going to a whippy cake event in phoenix next weekend. i can't wait to get one! you look adorable!


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