aloha style: walkin'

scarf:: {apearantly sew}
top:: {forever21}
cutoffs:: {american eagle}

Ever have those days (or weeks) where you just feel burnt out? Tired of the same-old? Sick of the stress you put on yourself? I'm having one of those weeks over here. I love painting and I love blogging but I'm ready for break. Thankfully there's one just around the corner. I'll be taking a short 2 week break in November when Chris and I head home for some time with our fams in Maryland. We are so excited to get home to the East Coast for some sweet family time and fall weather!

Until then, inspirational walks with Chris at sunset help to shake off the ho-hums, the stress, the to-do's. The light at this time of day is so rich and magical. Holding hands, deep breaths, skipping rocks, looking for fresh fruit in the mango trees. Yeah, that's the stuff. 

What do you do to recharge?

PS. Gosh, my husband is a hunk. Mmm. 

PPS. Um, yes, I have paint in my hair. Chris told me to leave it-- he thought it was pretty cute. ;) Just keepin' it real.



  1. You both are so cute. I never noticed the paint till you said something. :) I love your pictures, the colors are beautiful. Your week sounds like my daily. Still trying to find balance in the chaos. Have a lovely trip back home. :)

  2. Love your photos! And I totally understand the need for a break sometimes. Taking one makes you a better you! Have fun when you head back home! It was lovely on the East Coast when I visited home a week ago. ;)

  3. What gorgeous pics. And I love that scarf!

  4. !!! I'm from MD too!!!

    When I need to unwind, my husband is sweet enough to let me go antique shopping or out to take photos of whatever. Usually, I have to take mine at home during naptime, or when we are driving home from church and I can get my husband to pull over in time :)

  5. Walks are such a fun way to recharge! Looks like you really had a beautiful one! That flower at the top is gorgeous! You guys are an adorable couple. =)

  6. I have 100% been feeling that way and this weekend we cleaned, cleaned, cleaned and got at least the house in order and I feel so much better. More refreshed starting this week! Your photos are gorgeous!!

  7. Love that you have paint in your hair--you are a true artist :) And I totally understand your feeling of needing a break. It's hard to ignore and makes like more stressful. But recharging your batteries def does help :)

  8. We have dance parties...almost every day, right before daddy gets home. :) They help "us" (i.e. ME) shake off the stress of the day and we usually have smiles on our faces with all those endorphins.
    I love Chris's shirt, where did he get it and do they sell any for women? Maybe you should do an "aloha style" for him too. ha!

  9. Oops, didn't realize my husband was signed in. The last comment was from Heather, not from Paul. :)

  10. why does it feel like forever since we've talked?!?! sigh... as the days are getting colder here all i wana do is go to hawaii!!!

  11. your pictures make me miss Hawaii!
    Makes me so glad I found your blog.
    cook, dance. do something I liked to do when I was little. Like color with crayons. ;)

  12. I've had quite the busy week too-- lots going on at school with coaching basketball, deadlines for all sorts of things and the endless lesson planning and grading papers. And of course that must mean I'm meant to have the busiest past few days in my Etsy shop too-- pile it on! I like to use my blog reading time as de-stress time, but I'm a big fan of going on walks like you! Hope your week becomes less stressful as it continues!

  13. i know the feeling girl... its hard to seperate what i enjoy doing while still taking a break. because lately it feels like a whirlwind. at least you're coming out my way for two weeks! my church is in MD :)

  14. Wow - love your scarf! Ali is amazing!!

    I'm feeling a tad burnt out too. Luckily hubby and I are taking a road trip down the coast to Santa Barbara this Fri - Sun for our anniversary. I could not be more excited!

  15. Yayyy East Coast! I hope that'll help you recharge :) <3


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