aloha from a sponsor:: ashley of after nine to five!

Happy Thursday, pretty people! It's time for me to introduce you guys to another one of my suh-weet sponsors. Ashley, of the blog After Nine to Five, is a sweetheart and I'm really glad that you get to know her better today! Between her beautiful blog, her inspirational posts and her super cute shop, you are gonna love her! 

Check out my interview with her below and then hop over to her blog and leave her some aloha! 

Aloha Ashley! Tell Aisle to Aloha readers a bit about yourself!

 Thanks for having me, Lindsay! I'm Ashley, owner of the blog and shop After Nine To Five. I'm a twenty something entrepreneur with two dogs, a cat, and a nerdy husband. I'm finally figuring out the fancy camera we got before we got married in Jamaica in April so I love showing off the pictures we take on our adventures. I'm a food lover so I post recipes a lot as well as stories about me being self-employed and coming into who I am today. I spend waaay too much time on Amazon and waste a lot of time on Twitter, too! ;]

Can you sum up your blog in 5 words or less?

 Honest.  Entrepreneur. Food. Laughter. Photography.

You're celebrating this month with a fabulous blog party! What's that all about? 

When I started this blog back in November of last year, I had no idea it would turn into such a huge part of my life. So from September 15 to November 15, I'm celebrating three things: six months of marriage, one year of being self-employed, and my one year blogiversary! You can read more about all of the fun happening on the blog here or check out the funding project and get a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

What are three of your favorite blog posts? Tough! I'd have to say:
Thanks for hanging out on Aisle to Aloha with me today, Ashley! 



  1. i love this girl's shop; going off to check out her blog!

  2. Ashley is my Blogger of The Month for October! She is so so fantastic and sweet and well, I love being her friend! <3


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