North Shore Photo Shoot: Part Dos

Hi everyone! Ready for the weekend? I had a great week. Spent almost every waking hour in my studio painting and got a lot done--listed three new paintings in the shop and worked on several custom paintings too. :) Plus, I got a bunch of awesome new sponsors for the blog--can't wait to introduce you to them in February! 

How was your week? Busy? Productive, hopefully! 

Here is the second part of our photo shoot we did recently. Again with the ruffled dress. I just love it. And I've gotta give props to Chris for being a great sport. ;) Isn't he handsome? 

(Check out part one here if you haven't seen it already! And don't forget to check out Blue Nalu photography!)

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!

PS. Keep an eye for a sweet new project here on Aisle to Aloha in the next week or two. Let's just say if you like getting mail, you'll want to be a part of this. 



  1. LOVE your dress (where is it from??) and LOVE your blog!

  2. you two are way too stinking adorable, foreals! i LOVE the colors of the sky.. and i'm still sitting here super jealous that you can go to the beach in december/january~!! your ruffled dress is ADORBS!!

  3. You guys are just too stinkin' cute...that dress is ADORABLE..and I am totally jealous of the scenery!!! How GORGEOUS! You guys are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!! Sounds like you have had a busy week! I have been busy too with my home office!! It's finally done!!! Yay!! Check out my site to see the big reveal! Have a great weekend!

  4. Hey Big Sis!!! Haha!! I'm thrilled to bits to have you as my Big Sister! Love your blog, am about to email you :)

  5. Not to beat same drum as everyone else, but these are really adorable pictures. I don't know who wouldn't be jealous of a daily veiw like that. :)

  6. aloha! found you through muchlove-illy! i'm sure you are enjoying living on the island. now that we are in the east coast where you're from we can't vacation there as often as we did when we lived back home in CA. anyhoo, glad i found your blog. happy to meet you i am now following!

    blessings and aloha,

  7. yes that is an awesome dress. where did you get it? i like the pics of you guys kissing in the surf, and the one of the 2 of you walking away :)

  8. Aww...these pictures are fabulous...and, yep, love that pretty ruffle dress!! :) You two make such a cute couple! I LOVE the beach so I'm feeling all jealous since I am still surrounded by snow!! LOL So happy to have met you ~ what a sweet highlight to my week! Can't wait to hear about this fun project!! :)

    Happy Weekend!!


  9. What a fab dress, girl! I love it. And definitely the perfect color for you. :)

  10. GORGEOUS! you two are just too cute! {and so clearly love each other!} love that dress.

  11. Gosh, you guys are adorable!
    Happy Friday, friend!

  12. I love these so much! You two are going to make the prettiest babies!!! :)

  13. Oooh! Love the 3rd and 4th from the end. Soooo pretty!

  14. Just wanted to say I love your photos! Not because I took them, but because they just remind me of your personality and how much I love you!! ... and you should really take up modeling :)

  15. What gorgeous photos! Y'all are such a cute couple and I love your dress!

  16. Those are some seriously gorgeous photos!

  17. these photos are gorgeous! you look fantastic in that dress!! i wanna do a photo shoot with my hubby!!

  18. umm could these be any more fabulous?

    you are stunning.


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