Goals, Dreams & Plans.

Chris and I went on a sushi/Starbucks date the other night to talk about our goals and plans for the year. I'm really sad because I took a bunch of cute pictures on my phone and somehow... they're not there. So, I'm substituting with pretty weheartit.com photos.

I told you about my New Year's resolutions last Monday. I have a few more specific goals I want to reach. I want to share them here because then they're public and I HAVE to follow through, right? So, help me out and keep me accountable to them! :)

I want to read the Bible everyday. Yes, everyday. I'm gonna need to find a great study guide for this one and I'll also be emailing a girlfriend about accountability. Feel free to check up on me with this one. In fact, that'd be awesome. I need a swift kick in the butt when it comes to this goal.

I'm going to try a new recipe each week. Yikes. This one is going to be a toughie, too. It's going to be hard because Chris will be gone and when he's gone--I eat really poorly. I also want to buy or make some cute recipe cards and organize my favorites so Chris and I can make them when he gets home. You can help me with this goal too! Send me your favorite recipes!

Also, here's a big one. I decided recently that I want to complete a triathalon this spring. And here's the kicker--I don't run, swim, or bike regularly. I surf. That's about it. So, it's going to be a HUGE challenge, but I'm excited. A little crazy, maybe, but excited.

I also have a few goals for my shop and blog.

I have a goal to make 50 sales by June 15th. On my way there with 15 sales since September! Yeah, I think you know how you can help with that one! ;)

I want to paint 14 new paintings to list in the shop before February 1. That means I'm going to have to buckle down and paint a lot. But that's okay because I haven't been painting a whole lot lately and I'm so ready to jump back in. (Psst... I already listed a painting since I made that goal, check it out here!)

And as for this blog, well, I just have to say thank you to everyone who took my survey. (You can still take it! Please do, if you haven't already! Click here.) I still have so much to learn and so many ways to grow.

The majority of you said my DIY projects are your favorite posts. I know I haven't had many DIY posts lately, but be of good cheer! Chris leaves on deployment in the near future (sad.) which means that I'll be spending a lot more time doing projects around the house.

 I'm excited to change it up once again in our living room and bedroom. I'll be sharing my inspiration images with you soon as well as the projects I tackle along the way, so Inspire Me Monday will be making a comeback!

A few of you let me know that the yellow font is a bit difficult to read, so I emailed with my blog designer and changed it to a darker yellow. I hope that's easier to read for you. Ask and you shall receive.

I would like to be more intentional with responding to your comments. I hope you know that I am so thankful for every one. You can help me by making sure that your email reply is activated so I can reply to your comment and/or your blog is linked from your comment! :)

Thank you for all the great encouragement and sweet comments on my survey and on the blog lately. I feel so stinkin' blessed to be doing what I do and you guys are such a pivotal part of that!

Let me know if you have any tips/ideas for helping me complete my goals! Running tips? A great Bible study guide? Lay it on me!

What are your specific goals for the year? What about for the month?

PS. I'm giving one of my favorite paintings over on Ilene's blog, Much Love Illy today. Go enter to win and check out her sweet blog! :)


  1. Lindsey-
    I think these are great goals! I also share the goal of wanting to read the bible every day! In fact, my goal this year is to read all of it! I am currently using the one year bible. It is broken down day by day and has a reading from the old testament, new testament, psalms, & proverbs. I really like it! If you haven't seen it, it might be worth checking in to!

  2. Wonderful goals! I need to become more serious about my Bible-reading and would also like to find some kind of personal Bible study or guide, but I'm having a hard time of it. I guess I need to buckle down, go directly to the source and just start reading! ;)
    You are really inspirational to me and I love reading your blog. I've become a lot braver in expressing my creativity and experimenting with mediums and materials I would never have considered trying a few months ago. I look forward to continuing to read your blog and I know it's going to be a great year! (I also LOVE the new darker yellow btw!)

  3. I just wanted to share with you some recent things that I've cooked that I'm loving right now. Maybe it can help you meet your new recipe a week goal! Enjoy!
    Crab Cakes: http://theogdens2011.blogspot.com/2011/01/crispy-crab-cakes.html

    Turkey Burgers (great for a lunch, make ahead and freeze!): http://theogdens2011.blogspot.com/2011/01/grilled-turkey-burgers.html

  4. How awesome that you can lay it all out like that. I have a hard time putting my personal goals in writing because I'm so afraid to fail. Something I'm working on :~)
    Love your new painting by the way...and I entered your giveaway! Woot woot!

  5. Great goals! One of mine is to start commenting more on blogs I love (like yours!)! I read Aisle to Aloha daily- thanks for all the inspiration! I have a few great recipes that I go to often (and that are easy!) that I would love to share when you are stuck for one some week. Feel free to reach out when you just can't think of one! Another goal I have is to buy only hand-made/Etsy finds as gifts this year so of course I will keep a certain painter in mind ;)

  6. Great goals Lindsey, I have a goal of doing a tri this summer also. The swimming part scares me to death, but I have some very encouraging/persuasive friends! I look forward to your DIY project posts!

  7. Sounds like you are ready to go out and take on the year!! I know you'll be able to achieve all of these goals :)

  8. Great goals!! Love the new ampersand piece.

  9. Great goals. I'm new to your blog & this is one of the 1st posts I've read. I'll be back! :)

  10. these are some great goals sweetie!! i know what you mean by it being hard to cook without your hubby being there!! it's not always easy to cook for one, but just think it will pass the time and you can learn new recipes to share with him when you are together again!!!

    i will help you as much possible to promote your lovely shop - you know i love it!! and i can't wait for those cards/prints! ;)

    and i can't wait to see your blog grow with you this year!!


  11. girl, these are great goals! i can't wait to see more about them in future posts!

  12. Lindsay one of my goals this year is to read through the entire bible. I am following a study guide that helps me. Some days are hard to stick to when I get busy but I always feel so much better when I make time for Jesus everyday! I pray and hope you keep up with your reading too! xoxo p.s. I entered the giveaway for the yellow & painting! I love it! :)

    -Megan Domitrovic

  13. I love your goals! I have some that are similar on my "25 things to do before I turn 25", like run a half marathon and read the whole Bible. Good luck with all of them!

  14. Hi! I just recently moved (back) to Oahu, and one of my goals is to run the marathon in December, but my good friend Amy runs a triathlon clinic (right now we're cycling). You sound like you would fit right into her class, and should check it out! www.campbennett.com
    :-) Best of luck,

  15. I can't remember if I've already commented on your blog, but I found it a few months ago and re-found it tonight! I'm also a Navy wife (with a good chance of being in Hawaii next year!) so it warms my heart to read your stories. Also, I'm reading the Bible every day with the Jesus Calling devotional and it's so great. I love how simple and sweet it is. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)

  16. I've been cooking a new recipe or two each week and it's been fun. Good luck!:D

    I am your newest follower!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  17. Something new I'm doing is memorizing two verses a month...theres a blog of women who started this trend, not sure what it was called.
    Beth Moore Bible Studies are always wonderful!!


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