Love & Envelopes Birthday Club: hosted by Flawed Perfection Jewelry & Aisle to Aloha!

I was chatting away on twitter the other day, talking about how I just *love* birthdays and lamenting the fact that Chris will be missing my 25th birthday this year--the fourth birthday he's missed in a row! (It's March 19th, in case you need to write it on your calendar or anything.) My friend, Megan from Flawed Perfection Jewelry, said that HER birthday was about a week ahead of mine (It's March 13th, if you need to write it on your calendar or anything) and we should be birthday buddies.

And then the lightbulb clicked on in the attic. If WE love birthdays so much, then there must be many of YOU who love birthdays just as much and who love sending and receiving mail

And so the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club was formed.

Here's the deal. If you love birthdays, love getting mail, and want to spread some birthday cheer to other bloggers, then this is totally up your alley!

What to do:

1. Sign up using this form. Give us your contact info, as well as your birthday date and mailing address. You will get a confirmation email within the next few days from

2. Each month we will send out emails assigning each participant with a birthday girl. (If you would like to send a card or package to more than one girl, email us and let us know.)

(I'll also post on this blog each month with everyone's birthday for that month. That way you can be sure to wish them happy birthday on twitter, their blog, or even send them a card if you didn't get assigned to them and want to snag their address from us.)

3. Send some snail mail to your birthday girl! We encourage you to send a lovely, thoughtful card with a hand written note. You are also completely free to send a small package with some goodies (a great opportunity to support handmade!). Make your birthday girls feel special, celebrated and loved!

4. When YOUR birthday rolls around, please write up a post about the cards and any goodies you were sent after the celebration dies down! Make sure to link to the bloggers who helped you celebrate! I'll have a linky party on the Birthday Club page here on the blog, so make sure you come over and check that out too.

And don't forget to add the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club button designed by Dana Sears to your blog sidebar and your post!

Love & Envelopes

Additional details:

This is a monthly commitment. You will need to commit to send a heartfelt card or small package to at least one birthday girl per month.

Participants will need to have an active blog.

Sign up will close one week from now (January 24th). At that point, we won't be accepting any more participants (just to keep it simple for us), but we plan to open sign ups back up this summer.

More questions? 

Email us at if you any questions or comments.

PS. Click on the photos of the cards above for ideas of where to buy some fabulous birthday cards!


  1. this looks like such a lovely idea, i'm definately going to join up, when i get back from work..hope you are having a lovely day, am going to email you later :)

  2. And by function, I mean FUN. Off to punch auto correct in the face.

  3. Hmm, I may need to sign up for this, sounds fun!

  4. Today is my it too late to get some homemade love in the mail??? LOL, seriously though, it is my bday today and I will be signing up now! LOVE this idea!

  5. No one loves snail mail more than me! I just signed up...

  6. Your toy it's so beautiful, I like it vey much, I also bought one at louis vuitton monogram canvas
    , If you want one too. can visit this address, The backpacks are beautiful at there. I think you will be love it too.

  7. Is this birthday club still going?


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