Here and there [and all over the place!]

 Just a random assortment of whatnots for you today, brought to you by my Droid Incredible photos!

We made guacamole a few nights ago. From an avocado tree in our neighborhood! Chris was literally watching an avocado sitting in the tree every day for two months and finally went to rescue it from the birds last week. YUM! (Talk about fresh and local!) A little salt, a little lime juice, some fresh cilantro, and you're golden!

On another yummy note, Chris had duty on Sunday and after attending church together at the base chapel, we walked across the street and had lunch at Mickey D's. We're treasuring every moment together and had to "splurge" on a hot fudge sundae! :) It's one of our favorite treats. 

Isn't this phone pic of us cuuuute? :) It's just a little hint at a new awesome sponsor coming in February!

I added a few new Cuties to the shop yesterday. And they promptly got snatched up by some amazing ladies! Thought I'd show you this little sewing machine Cutie--"Sew Cute". I'll be painting more once my next canvas shipment comes in! :) 

You know how I'm running a sprint triathalon in April? I've been running alot lately and went TWO miles yesterday! That's huge for a girl who never works out and hates (hated??) running! 

Sign ups for the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club are now closed! We have 62 sweet birthday girls signed up and we're so excited to send out emails this week assigning each of you to a Jan/Feb birthday girl! 

And finally, I signed up for a Little Sister/ Big Sister Blog Mentoring program through Krysten's blog a few weeks ago. I thought I'd introduce you to my three little blog sisters and their blogs. :)

Claire lives in England and she manages an ice cream parlor! Visit her sweet blog here!

Shannon is a spunky brunette who loves the beach. Check out her blog here.

Laura is a sweet Texas girl who is also an aspiring photographer. Jump over to see her blog here!

Okay, one more thing! If you haven't entered the giveaway for a custom design board by Michelle of Second Street East, go enter now! I'm picking the winner tonight! :)

Any fun whatnot's from your past week?


  1. good for you on making that 2 mile marker! i don't like to workout or run either but when you get to the age i'm at one has to do something when the metabolism slows down...therefore, i run.

  2. yay lindsay! matthew and i have been running since the new year and i am feeling the success, too! i actually blogged about being a "former run-hater" yesterday. we can cheer each other on. although, i am only training for a 5k, so you are definitely taking on an amazing challenge with your triathlon. can't wait to hear more about your training!

  3. Yum, we love avocados! And in case you can't get fresh, Holy Quacamole is the best I've had! It's usually in the salad/fresh fruit section. Love your cuties and you and your cutie hehe :)

  4. i love guac! so that guac made me hungry!!!!

    i always hope to order a cutie painting one day. i love the sewing machine one or the camera - they are both so cute!

    love the pic of you and the hubs - you both are so cute together!!

  5. Love avocados even though I'm completely allergic! :)

  6. Yay for hitting the 2 mile marker! :-) Your cuties are such a hit and you and hubby are so cute together! :-)

  7. Ugh running... good for you for hitting 2 miles!

    And yay for little sisters!!

  8. Mmm, sundaes...Congrats on your running! My half marathon is coming up quickly - I'll admit that I'm a little nervous! :) p.s. I love your new Cuties!

  9. I love the sewing machine painting!!

  10. That guac looks so good!

    Congrats on the running! I recently started running again, and am just getting to the point that I sort of like it again!

  11. uh, that guacamole looks delish!! mmh..and that sundae...yummy!

    Cute pic of you and the hubby!
    And that sewing machine painting is gorgeous!!
    Hugs xxx

  12. I love everything you're doing! Just wanted to drop a line and say I love you! I do hope I get to see you in Feb. :)

  13. LOVING your new cuties girl!! and that sundae looks sooo good!! going to check out your lil sis's now!! :)

  14. love the new cuties! fun weekend pics :) i <3 guac

  15. that guac looks amazing-- i don't think it gets any fresher than that either! you and your boyfriend(?) are so cute.

  16. I'm so super jealous that you have an avocado tree in your neighborhood. They are my favorite veggie {or fruit, since it has a seed in the middle?}. Also, I love the painted dressers in the next post. Gorgeous! I just love color.

    I'm not sure if you participate in a blog link-up on Fridays, but I'm starting to do a few of my favorite things on Fridays and would love for you to link-up.

    Have a great week!


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