It's In the Bag {Blog Crawl!}

A Hasty Life

It's my turn to share my post for the It's In the Bag Blog Crawl hosted by sweet Ashley at A Hasty Life! Woohoo! 

I'm really excited because I just got a brand new purse for Christmas! You may remember me saying that I set Chris up with an Etsy account and just happened to fill his favorites with MY favorites. How convenient. He chose this charcoal gray handmade purse from Infusion on Etsy for me. 

I love this bag. It's the perfect size to fit all my essentials and more. The strap lengthens so I can carry it like a messenger bag if I feel like it. It's beautifully sewn and has the perfect size pockets inside. It even has a hook so my keys don't get lost in the abyss! I would completely recommend checking out Infusion--there are all kinds of handmade styles to choose from.

I added my Emerson Made fabric flower for a little pop of color. What's a better color combo than mustard yellow and charcoal gray?  

Let's check out what's in my bag. 

1. Camera bag/Camera-- I wish I had a cute camera bag but this guy's all function. I use a Canon Powershot SX130 IS and I carry it with me everywhere.

2. My wallet. Loaded with too many coins and not enough cash. :)

3. Made by Hank clutch. Honestly, there's nothing in there right now but I just got this the other day and I love it so I carry it around with me for now. Weird. I know. But it's beautiful. 

4. Keys and my cute keylette from Sew Much Detail Etsy shop. 

5a. Seaglass. I like to pick up seaglass when I'm walking on the beach waiting for Chris to come in from surfing. I tend to accumulate it in the pockets of my purse. 

5b. Sand. I have no real use for this. :) It just ends up in there. 

6. Sunglasses. Gotta have 'em. I love this particular pair. I got them in Maui in September. They've got lots of fun colors on the frames. Let's zoom in, shall we? 

7. Hair clips and bobby pins. Self explanatory. 

8. Tape-measurer. For measuring stuff. 

9. My Droid Incredible. I love this thing. As Chris would say, we just upgraded from "stupid phones" to smart phones and I'm addicted. My favorite apps are the Bar Code Reader and my Kindle App. I'm reading Gulliver's Travels and LOVING it. You should read it. You'll LOVE it. 

10. Business cards for my Etsy shop. Specifically my Moo cards. You never know when you'll have the opportunity to tell someone about your shop/blog/etc. 

Aaaaaaaand that's what's in my bag! What's in yours? 

Make sure you check out Mateya's post yesterday from The Best Is Yet to Come and look for Megan's post on her blog Beach Bungalow 8 tomorrow! 

PS. Don't forget to enter to win one of my ampersand paintings on Much Love Illy blog! :) 


  1. what a great bag, and mustard and charcoal grey are my faves!!! totally need a made by hank bag one of these day~!! and your sunglasses are super cute, as are you!! :)

  2. What a great bag and a great clutch! And my bag has a lot more stuff in it than yours... sheesh!

  3. I love that bag, and there is no better color combo than yellow and gray. That's as good as it gets!

  4. #1. I LOVE that bag. LOVE! And the EM flower kinda makes me want to hug you. Virtually. All the way from Texas. :)

    #2. I really want to go to the beach and find seaglass now. I'd go all mosaic artist on a frame or something if I could get a hold of enough glass.

    #3. Love the biz cards. I need to get around to doing that... it's on my to-do list. Waaaaay down the list, sadly.

    Great post!!

  5. Gray and yellow - I LOVE grellow! What a fun purse, and your clutch is beautiful! :)

  6. I have a major purse addiction and you are not helping me here! I love this, adorable, and it looks so good on you! Funny that you just did a post like this, a very similar post is in the making for me too! Mine will look a little more mommiesh and not so organized like yours!

  7. Of course you would have a super cute and trendy bag!! I love it!! Especially the big flower on it! I really love your new Hank clutch! I would totally carry it around just to look at it. Who cares that there is nothing in it?! ;) Thanks so much for participating in this blog crawl!! I loved getting a peek inside your bag!

    <3 Ashley

  8. Cute bag!!! I am loving #3, the seaglass and the business cards!!! Super cute! <333

  9. Your purse is so beautiful!! I LOVE charcoal and mustard yellow!! and that clutch is so lovely!! PS I love your reflection in your sunglasses! :) You are so cute!!!

  10. so fun and i am loving your HANK:)gina

  11. the added flower is such a nice touch to your bag!

  12. cute bag! at first i thought it was a giveaway and i got really excited. lol.

  13. Thanks for the comment! I am now following, as well. Cute bag, and I am looking forward to checking out your Etsy shop. I am probably not going to do a tri this year - my hubs and I have been total couch potatos for two years, and we are just trying to get back in shape. I am also afraid of my bicycle, and by far the slowest person in the class. But last night, I learned to change a bike tire! Amy also puts on an off road race weekend including a tri, July 4th weekend ( at Kualoa Ranch. This will be my first year there, and I will probably do the trail run. Maybe even a swim, but I am not ready to do all three yet :-)

  14. love that bag! and the mustard flower on it is just perfect! is that picture taken at the banyan tree in lahaina? we were just in maui w/hubby's family & i'm seriously missing the sun & sand now that i've returned to the tundra (northern WI).

  15. I want one of those clutches so bad. I'm trying really hard to wait. Really hard.

  16. I just love that you have a tape measure in your purse!

  17. i'm jealous of your emerson made pin! i LOVE their stuff.

  18. What a great hubby! I also leave my husband "hints" (sometimes not so subtle) for great gift ideas. Your Hank clutch is very cute. I love the color! I also loved your keylette so much I jumped over to her shop and bought my own.

  19. Fun bag, girlie!!! I love the sand!! haha!! I usually have crumbs...
    Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us what's in your bag!!!

  20. I LOVE Made By Hank... her clutches are amazing!

  21. love my incredible too even though i really, really want the iphone. : )....i just downloaded the kindle myself and i really love all of the photo applications!


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