Fresh Paint: Introducing the Cuties!

 I'm really excited to introduce my new line of mini canvases to you today! I call them "Cuties" and they are exactly that--adorably cute! At 6x6, they are the smallest of my paintings and they are also my lowest price point ($15-$25 each!) I wanted to bring in a way for everyone to enjoy some Aisle to Aloha Studio artwork without spending a lot of money or having to have a large wall space.

Here are some of the Cuties that I listed in the shop this weekend (4 out of 5 of them sold right away!). (Sorry--that's a lot of me's... focus on the paintings. ;)

And here's a little peek at the Cuties I have painted so far. Some of these have been sold, some are listed in the shop right now and some will be listed through out the week. Keep an eye out for them-- they are selling pretty fast so you gotta jump on them!

I also listed a few new 9x12 paintings in the shop late last week, and here they are. 

Wishin' in Honeysuckle pink on 9x12 canvas. 

Party It Up in aqua and yellow on 9x12 canvas 

Just want to let you guys know that since I will be going home to MD for a few weeks after Chris deploys, I will not be taking any more custom orders until I return at the beginning of March. I so appreciate every request for a custom order and am honored that you guys want my artwork in your homes! The custom queue will open back up in March and will be first come, first serve, capping out at 3 custom works at a time, so I can give my full attention to each one! :) 

I will leave the shop open while I'm gone and you are free to order a painting (or three!), but just know that orders placed while I'm away will be shipped on March 2nd. (Orders will ship out on time until February 8.)

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! We spent Saturday morning at the beach on the North Shore and then played an old school kickball game with our buddies for our friend's surprise birthday party. Complete with jerseys, sweatbands, and eye black. Oh yeah, it was awesome. 

PS. Don't forget to enter the Second Street East giveaway for a free custom design board for any room of your choice! Giveaway ends Tuesday night! 

PPS. We have almost 50 birthday girl participants in the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club! If you still want to sign up, make sure you do so before Tuesday! We'll be sending out emails this week assigning you with a birthday girl and I'll be posting this week with all the January & February birthdays!


  1. I'm in love with the new cuties that your creating! I sent you an e-mail for a custom order, but it can definitely wait until March when you get back! :)

  2. LOVE the camera one... and the mustard yellow one... and really all of them <3

  3. Lindsay, you're freakin' adorable!!

    And I love seeing how far you've come with your etsy shop - It's so exciting to see all your creativity and passion coming to life! I plan on ordering a painting someday when I have a place of my own :)


  4. Oh bummer! I love the camera one but it was already sold when I read this post! I would love a custom cutie camera in aqua and yellow when you get back from your vacation! Sorry to hear your hubby deploys, I'm here if you need to talk :)

  5. These are really cute,:) And the black eye thing is cute too haha

  6. you go girl!! :) awesome and they are named perfectly-they are cuties;)


  7. I love your new pics...the ones with you holding your art. I love that look. Oh, and of course I love the new art!! I think my fave is the camera...or the honeysuckle one...or the bunting. Yea, those are my faves. :)

    <3 Ashley
    ashley dot hasty at gmail dot com

  8. Oh my, did you paint the camera one with me in mind because it is calling to me! I seriously need this for my office! I am on a strict budget, but when I get some free money I might need you to make me one of those cuties in grey and white, well I will think on the colors! I really love it. I am also in love with wishin, might have to make a double purchase. So happy for you that you get to go see your family!

  9. three things:

    - i'm jealous of your ability to wear shorts in january. :)

    - your new cuties are adorable... that heart is my fav!

    - i think we all need to see more pictures of this kickball game. sounds hysterical!

  10. Ah those are all so cute!! Must save money so I can buy your paintings!

  11. New to your blog via Live What You Love! Those "cuties" are adorable! I wish that I had your talent!!

  12. I'm seriously loving the cuties! And your photos are so awesome. I'm definitely going to buy one... or 5 with my next check, haha.

  13. I'm absolutely loving the cuties! I will definitely be in line to order two custom ones when you get back from your vacation! Sorry to hear your hubby is deploying, mine will be leaving here in a few months too. From reading your blog, I can tell you are a strong and amazing woman and with God on your side, you can get through anything!

  14. The cuties are definitely CUTE!! Love that you are selling them to pay your way to Creative Estates! Good Luck!! I think you will definitely make it there!!


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