Spool No. 72 rocks.

I first discovered Spool No. 72 Clothing Company back in April on Coco & Kelley.  That post led to the purchase of my homecoming dress. I literally saw the post, my jaw dropped as I realized I needed that dress, I debated for a few minutes before clicking "buy".

I love my dress and even though I debated about wearing it for homecoming, I'm so glad that I did. The quality is wonderful and the the colors are delightfully vibrant.

Anyway, Spool No. 72 recently added some new items to their online boutique and I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you. 

I love pretty much everything on their website. What's your fave item??

I wasn't compensated for this post, I just wanted to share the goodness. :)


  1. very cute stuff, thanks for sharing!! Loved all your homecoming pictures, the dress was perfect!!!

  2. Oh wow... I think the dress is more beautiful on and in the sun than in those pictures!

    Love the bright bags! How perfect for summer!

  3. Never heard of them, but off to check them out now. : )


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