Paper Lanterns and Razzmatazz

Confession: Sometimes when I'm out with friends, I think I embarrass (or at least amuse) them by walking around the restaurant taking pictures of the decor. So, this one goes out to you Gina. Thank you for reading my bliggity-blog and thanks for calling me up for some martinis on Friday!

We went out for drinks at Indigo, a fabulous restaurant in the heart of Downtown Honolulu/Chinatown. I sacrificed my pride for you, my faithful readers, so I could get these shots of the romantic surroundings. (Ok, there wasn't much pride on the line, I didn't really care that the waitresses were giving me puzzled looks as I got close-ups of everything).

Anyway, check out the warm Moroccan inspired decor. 

Love these carved wooden tables.

A few of these lanterns would look so romantic on the back porch.

These ottomans were my favorite! I don't know if you can tell but they're definitely iridescent. 

Okay, my pictures aren't the greatest, but check out the lush ceiling to floor drapes and those cool paper lanterns. 

What a neat idea for a light fixture--a parasol. 

Awesome lantern and detailed woodwork--plus plenty of martini glasses!

Aaand the martinis were delish. How can something dubbed Razzmatazz NOT be??

One final shot as we headed out the door for some pizza.

Have a terrific Tuesday, friends! (See what I did with the alliteration there? Nice, huh?)


  1. What a fun little place. I do the same thing and get weird looks from the other people dining---oops. ; )

    And, girl, you look gorgeous in the photos!!! I love your hair style and color!

  2. Thanks Joi, you're so sweet! Hair color is from my mama--gotta thank her for that! :)

  3. Mmm my favorite part of working in town was getting half price martinis at indigos during happy hour. So fun!


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