Can I Get A Little Cheese With This Whine?

 Sinus pressure headache + Chris leaving for a month with no email + messy house = 

Lindsay is a grumpy girl.

Good news for you guys though. When hubby's away, out come the sandpaper and paintbrushes. I have lots of projects to work on this month and my goal is to have my Etsy shop set up by the time he comes home. 

Now I'm going to crawl back in bed and watch the Bachelorette that I missed last night. Hope your day is better than mine! :)


  1. Can't wait to see your projects! Oh and the Bachelorette was nutso last night. Vienna and Jake's interview was hilarious!

  2. I hope you feel better soon and so sorry Chris is away again. I hope the time passes quickly and can't wait to see what you whip up while he is gone!!

  3. I hope you feel better girlie! Thank you for your sweet encouragement on my blog!


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