Buff Chix

Ok, weird post title, I know, but that's what Chris calls them. Back when he was at the Naval Academy, his favorite days were Buff Chix Tuesdays.

We tried our hand at creating the perfect Buffalo Chicken sandwich last week and the results were gooooood.

We ended up having to hunt for Frank's hot sauce for this recipe and when our neighborhood minimart didn't have any, we decided to ride our bikes across the highway to Foodland. 

Remember my sweet beach cruiser I told you about? Yeah, that baby is slow. You should have seen me pumping the pedals across Kam Highway. 

I think you would have laughed. 

Velvety blue cheese, crisp cold lettuce, a little kick of the buffalo sauce.


***edit*** Here's how we threw it together--

The sauce is 3/4 Ranch dressing (or you could use blue cheese dressing) and 1/4 (ish) Frank's Original Buffalo sauce. Obviously, adjust to your own taste buds.

We breaded the chicken breasts in flour and bread crumbs and fried them up in peanut oil. The peanut oil adds a lot of flavor. If you're allergic to peanuts, don't use it (duh). 

And I forgot to mention that we enjoyed our Buff Chix with homemade frozen PiƱa Coladas--that just pushed the yum factor over the edge. 



  1. That does look absolutely delicious! I can't imagine trying to hike it across any kind of street with my bike cruiser, unless I had the little cross now light flashing at me!

  2. It will soon be a year since my hubby graduated from the Academy. To celebrate I wanted to make the infamous "buff chick" sandwich that he actually requested I learn to make a few months ago. SO happy I found your recipe and find it funny that another wife was given the task of figuring out the recipe. Hopefully Pete's buffalo sauce will suffice since they don't have Franks here in Bahrain. Thank you!!


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