Mini-Church = Mega Blessings

 When Chris and I moved here last July, we planned on 'church hopping' for a few weeks before settling on a home church. We both grew up in PCA churches but didn't feel like we were called to stay in that particular denomination. It didn't take long to find a church where we felt supported, where we knew we could grow in our relationships with Christ and serve others. On our second Sunday on Oahu, we visited Hope Chapel Kapolei and we've been attending ever since.

We love the Gospel centered messages and the Prophetic Art that you might have read about this post or this post. I love teaching preschool Sunday School and the hugs I get from almost every person I pass as I walk through the lobby.

But we REALLY love our mini-church.

Our mini-church, or home group, is a group of about 10 couples. We get together on Wednesday nights, share a meal, sing praise songs and discuss the week's sermon.

These people have become our family on the island. We celebrated an incredibly memorable Christmas with them. They gathered around us to pray before Chris left on deployment. I look forward to Wednesdays each week so I can get big hugs from my girl friends and share in the good and the bad of the week.

I'm just so amazed at the way that God has provided for us here in Hawaii. After a rough day emotionally yesterday, I knew that a few hours with my mini-church folk was just what I needed. And I was right. We laughed, we cried, we ate pasta and brownies and I drove home last night much lighter than when I went.

God is good. 


  1. Ok, so I have signed up to follow your new blog address, but it's not showing me your posts. Do you know why? Hmm . . .

  2. So thankful for this "family" God has given you. I know I've told you this before, but home groups have been the true life-blood of our spiritual growth since we've been married. It's the perfect place to build great relationships, pray together, cry and laugh together, and know that they are loving and praying you through each week. I guess you could say it's become somewhat of a soapbox for me. I think everyone MUST be in a small group and I think it's even better when you can be in the same one with your spouse. I know you feel the same way too and "church" will never be the same again. Love you!

  3. I am so glad for you! Friends willing to pray WITH you are definitely treasures. I'm glad you were encouraged!

  4. What a true blessing! I love hearing about the body of Christ in action... so glad you have that support and encouragement!

  5. That's fantastic! We are still having a hard time finding the right church and we have lived here over a year!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a new follower of yours!

  6. It is so wonderful to have those friendships and community wherever you live (especially when the hubby is gone). What a lovely group of friends you have here. Glad they were able to cheer you up.

  7. haha! you're right, I married a goofball! we're so glad you and Chris found your way to our island ohana!

  8. Weee looove youuu tooooo! I'd laugh and cry with you any day!



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