Dahlias, Dahling.

Source: The Knot 

Good morning! I was woken this morning (four hours after I could finally fall asleep) by the lovely sound of my door bell ringing and the sight of the maintenance man standing outside my door. Good news is, my exhaust fan in my stove is working! (Too bad I never use that thing in the first place...

Anyway, I told you I'd share a painting I finished up this week! I finally finished this dahlia inspired painting yesterday. (It didn't really take too long to paint, but I just spent all week tweaking it... plus I get distracted.) It's acrylic on canvas and anyone who knows me will not be surprised at the color choices. I had fun mixing up all sorts of shades of pinks, oranges and yellows.

Chris said he loves it but I'm not sure if it's going to be too girly for him in the house. For now, here it will reside on a little half wall between our kitchen and dining room. 

**News flash!! Please note that I've changed the URL name above. It is no longer chrisandlindsaywilkins{dot}blogspot{dot}com. Please change any feeds or links accordingly! Thanks!



  2. I lurrrve it! Looks like a good etsy seller :)

  3. This is awesome! If you guys come to Newport while we're here, I'm going to keep you busy with projects to fill my house with things like this :-)

  4. It's beautiful Linds! I love where you placed it in your house too! It really spruces up that wall=) Thanks for sharing!

  5. The colors are just perfect & really pop on that white canvas.


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