Hike 22 Miles in 15 Minutes

I spent hours yesterday editing our footage from our Kauai trip in December. It's been sitting in our camera for months and I finally decided to do something with it last night. It wouldn't have taken me so long except that I was watching old episodes of The Office, so I was really only editing on the commercials!

We spent four days hiking the Kalalau trail (22 miles along the Na Pali coast). It was an incredible adventure, with plenty of harrowing escapes from tumbling down steep cliffs, blisters, and mud. We had a blast--I love making those memories with Chris.

So, if you feel like going along with us on our adventure, enjoy the video below. Please excuse the incessant giggling from yours truly... I happen to think my husband is pretty funny.

Na Pali Coast from Lindsay Wilkins on Vimeo.


  1. I love the video! Thanks for sharing! I am so impressed with you! You are crazy=)That is such a neat experience though. Way to totally take advantage of living in an awesome place! Did you feel like you were in Lost? I think I'd be expecting to run into Jack or Kate just around the corner.

  2. Oh my gosh girl! You are so brave! I got chills when y'all were talking about your near death experience. I'm glad you are ok though!

    Great video!

  3. That was great!! Thanks for sharing with us! I do kind of wish we could see the cliffs of insanity, but maybe you weren't in the mood for recording that place forever. Understandable the camera wasn't out. Glad you both made it out. Whew. What an experience. (8o)


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