here & there [notes from the weekend]

Did you have a good weekend? I know, mine went by quickly too.

 I was so excited to use up some of my monster basil from my herb garden this weekend! I had some girls over for a cooking night on Saturday and we had a blast cooking up a recipe from my new cookbook. We made ...."shrimp with noodles".

Okay, so the cookbook doesn't have very descriptive recipe names, but it was a delicious rice noodle recipe with coconut milk and curry.

I grabbed a $5 bouquet of daisies and carnations at Foodland on Saturday afternoon and I got to use my bud vases from this project last month. It's amazing what a cheap-o bouquet add a little pop to a room.

Yesterday was a full day. I taught Sunday School to my precious preschoolers and we got to talk all about heaven. We also had our last Prophetic Art class for awhile and I painted about heaven too. I'll be posting on that painting later this week. 

Then it was off to an FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting with the wives from Chris' ship. We are starting to plan for the ship's return--woo!

Chris passed his CICWO board yesterday! He spent days and days studying for it and I know he's glad to have that one behind him. He's got two more big qualification tests to go, so keep the prayers coming. 

Headed off for a little hike this morning. Here's the view awaiting me...

Have a beautiful Monday!


  1. Lindsay, I love reading your posts! You have got a talent for photography girl. Your pictures are always so colorful and at such great angles they look like they come from a magazine. I hope you're doing well and your Monday is off to a great start! Hiking sounds like fun :)

  2. That Thai meal sounds delish! What a cute pics!


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