A Makeover and Some Other Stuff...

Hello friends!

How do you like the new design? Thanks for being so patient with me as I've changed the look of the blog about 40 times recently.

Now you know what Chris feels like as he waits for me to decide what to wear when we go out.

Can you say indecisive??

The girls over at Designer Blogs did an amazing job and I would completely recommend them to anyone looking for a little blog makeover! They are reasonably priced, fun to work with, and you can choose from a custom design, a premade design, or they even have some free backgrounds!

So, Chris has finally left Japan and is floating around in the ocean again. It was so nice to have great communication for a month there. Now I'm back to the land of bounced back emails and getting emails that he wrote two days prior. But we are in the homestretch here!  Can't wait to have my hubster home with me again!!

I'm going to venture out to the mall and start continue shopping for a dress for home coming. (I say that all the time and people look at me like, "Why are you going to a Homecoming dance?? But I don't know what else to call it...) Hoping I can find something fabulous, and fabulously priced at that! 

Still waiting on my sweet 'lil pillow to arrive. I have an inkling it will come today. When it comes, I have to start brainstorming a new painting for that back wall behind our couch. Hmmm... what to paint, what to paint? 

I went to "Power Yoga" on Saturday. I know, can you believe it? It was awesome and I really loved it. I didn't even get as sore as I thought I would. The best part is that I made a deal with Chris that if I keep going until he gets home, that he will shave the 'stache before he gets home! I definitely get the better end of this bargain.


  1. LOVE the new look! When does Chris come home? I can't remember... good luck finding the dress!

  2. Isnt' Erin a great little blog designer? You blog looks so nice. Glad she could help you. How lucky are you to be in HI? My husband and I both went to BYUH so it's been fun to scroll through your archives and see beautiful paradise again. How are the monster size roaches treating you?


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