iPhoto Treasure Hunt

I had a long post written up, which I'm sure was going to be super inspirational... but I decided to nix it for today because I'm not feeling particularly wordy. Instead, I'll just share some photos from back when Chris and I started dating four years ago. I've been missing him a whole lot this week (poor communication doesn't help) so I've been looking through iPhoto, getting a kick out of seeing how we've changed (or not changed).

First summer together  on the boat. 

First Thanksgiving together after we started dating. He came to visit me for a weekend while I was in Spain.

Costume party... duh.

Snowboarding together for the first time. Wow, my hair was long!

Okay, that's all... just missing my husband. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! 


  1. such cute pics of the two of you... i too was feeling reminiscent in my blog post today...

    i am sorry this week has been so hard. i can only imagine how much you want him home.

    I hope you can touch base soon and really hope the time passes quickly till your wearing that homecoming dress for him!


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