oh baby:: 35 weeks!

So, what's it like to be 35 weeks pregnant in July in Florida? Um, it's kind of miserable. I've been doing my best to stay in the air conditioning because as soon as I walk outside into the heavy, hot air, I feel the energy (whatever little bit I have!) drain right out.

We've been spending many evenings at our community pool, which is about 20 steps from our front door-- convenient to say the least. It feels so good to be weightless in the cool water, but it's torture to walk up those steps and feel all that weight settle back on. 

I've got stretch marks galore all over my big 'ol belly. No amount of Palmer's Tummy Butter was going to keep these babies away. 

The days of this pregnancy are dwindling away and I'm starting to get a bit more anxious. Not necessarily about the birth, but I think the reality of bringing our baby into our new home with few friends and no family is weighing on me a lot. Maybe it's the family holiday yesterday when we had no family, but my heart is sad thinking about being so far from all our loved ones. We're super excited to have family and friends come visit in the months after Si's arrival!

Speaking of his arrival -- I'm starting to plan out our hospital bag. Wanna help a girl out? What are a few essentials I should definitely pack in my bag? Did you pack your own gown, or wear the hospital's? A few things already on my list are chapstick, my camera, chargers for camera and phone, and some sort of slippers and a robe for walking around in.  I'd love to hear what worked for you!



  1. my ipod, a coloring book, book to read, and gum were in my bag with all three of my kiddos!

    1. Thanks Ashlee! Was the coloring book for you? Just something to keep you busy?

  2. If it makes you feel any better, you look great! You're almost there!

    I've never had a baby, so I can't help you with the bag... but good luck :)

  3. Aw, you look totally gorgeous!! And yay to community pools! xxx

  4. Make sure your hubby brings comfy clothes too for the night!! Mine forgot his and had to sleep in boxers :) HA

    Best of luck!

    1. Yes, that's on the list too. Also, swim trunks for him in case I end up laboring in the tub.

  5. Gum or mints. I had horrible labor breath that almost killed my husband with our older daughter. With the younger, it was him! I didn't want him breathing near me. Ha! Save your marriage, pack breath fresheners. :)

    1. Haha! That's hilarious and helpful at the same time. Thanks Meagan-- definitely going on the list. :)

  6. I definitely need to think about the hospital bag too. I feel like last time I didn't do so well with it. I forgot to bring a blanket for my son and the nurses made me feel pretty awful about it! I wore the hospitals gown. I didn't even think about having my own. I was going to do that this time until I read somewhere that its best to wear theirs because what if something happens and they need to get it off quickly? I'd hate for my own to get ruined, but it'd definitely be nice to have my own. I'm looking for a nice, light weight robe though! Oh, and nursing bras... don't forget those!

    1. Why did the nurses give you a hard time about the blanket?? Don't they provide them?

      Yeah, I figure if I bring my own, I'd have to be okay with it being ruined. Probably best to just save the $$ and time and wear theirs. Yes, nursing bras/tanks-- I need to get some!

    2. She might mean to bring him home with. I brought a couple, but the nurses used them to support him in he car seat because they tore out the newborn insert it came with, saying it would not be insured that way. What's the difference between a molded insert and a couple rolled up blankets?

    3. Kassie Rew and Lindsay....save the cute hospital gown for right after you have the baby...when all the cute pictures are being taken!!

  7. Here's a good (and funny) post of what to bring and not to bring

    Emily at Amazing Grapes

    1. OH MY GOSH! that is perfect. that gal nails it on the head! hahaha great read!

    2. Great post-- thanks for the link, Emily! :)

    3. GREAT link...made me laugh as I remembered my deliveries. I had my last & third child in 2005. DO make friends with the nurses. They will bring you the best gowns that close in the back & are nursing gowns. I packed my make-up but never used it. Bring your cellphone charger.That was my BIG huge plus that time around. Didn't have to use the hospital phone at all. Just enjoy every moment. It will go by so quickly. It may not seem like it at the time. I wish I could go back & have a do-over with my daughter. And on the blanket part for baby...just bring some receiving blankets. Its summer time and he only needs to be lightly covered. I had my daughter at the end of August in 2005 and we had over 100 degree weather. She spend most of that summer in onesies and receiving blankets.

    4. SOCKS!! my feet were always freezing in labor,so bring soft socks.. oh, and those baby mittens, my daughter, who is a nurse, say the nurses will judge you if your baby doesn't have them!!

  8. bring your sketch pad! i always packed a few nursing tank tops, a comfy pair of pj bottoms/sweat pants, my pillow and a good book.

    Take advantage of the room service too. Don't be afraid to order milkshakes! but i was GD with both my boys- so i was deprived of milkshakes up until then.

    oooo and utilize the nurses. They're amazing at what they do, and i always found great comfort in them. I may, or may not have had a mini-melt-down when getting ready to bring my second little man home- and I was blessed to have a nurse hug me and let me cry. ha! gotta love the hormones! ha!

    ps- you look amazing!

  9. you look so great! i'd be dying in the heat if i was you. looking forward to meeting this little man the blog.


  10. Nursing bras and tanks. Also, I bought 2 fresh pajama outfits and a new robe. The hospital gowns make you feel sloppy and yucky. If you can get you a shower first thing in teh morning and fix your hair and put on your cute pj's it's amazing what that will do for you. I had one lady comment 'are you the aunt?' while holding my newborn... 'cause you can't be that put together after just giving birth'. Put together= black yoga pants and a cute tank...but I looked MUCH different than most in their gowns. But just be comfortable. If you have a boppy take that. And BIG DARK COLOR GRANNY PANTIES!!!!!! They will be a life saver!!!!!!

    Good luck girl! Home stretch!!!!!

    Oh....and a nurse basket. I went to Target, bought a cute till box and filled it full of candy and treats. I had one box for my labor and delivery nurses, then one for my nurses while I was in the hospital after. They'll LOVE YOU FOREVER and do whatever you want them to do with a cheerful smile!!! ;) Bribery always works wonders!

    1. YES, GRANNY PANTIES! Seriously, Linds. You need to go get some comfortable black granny panties that you can plan on throwing away after your first weeks of recovery. ESSENTIAL.

    2. Yes yes yes! I got a package of cheap undies, one size up (to fit ice packs and to accomodate swelling), that I did not mind throwing away. Very helpful!

  11. I agree to make sure your husband packs a hospital bag, too... complete with tooth brush, a pillow, and a hoodie (in case there's not an extra blanket at night, hospitals are cold)!

    I wore the hospital gown for the birth, then changed into cotton dresses after I had a shower that way I wasn't in a nightgown for visitors, but was still just as comfortable.

    Remember comfortable underwear. Some swear by the hospital mesh things, but I hated them... would much rather a pack of h*anes briefs for the postpartum recovery.

    Your favorite chapstick. Some makeup- if that's your thing... It was nice to leave the hospital feeling a little human with some mascara and powder on my face. A hair brush, I forgot mine and regretted it after wadding my hair on my head with a pony tail holder during labor.
    A zip-up hoodie is awesome for skin-to-skin contact with the babe, but still allows you to feel covered and warm.

    You're beautiful. XOXO.

  12. no clue since i'm no momma - but just wanted to give you a big ole cyber hug! my prayers are with you and silas! you're almost there and you look fabulous! <3 you, friend.

  13. You look beautiful! I can totally relate to what you're going through: having my first baby in a brand new place with no friends or family. But the people that I met when my oldest was born are now some of my best and closest friends! Now I'm about to have my 3rd in a place where I don't know anyone. Here we go again! Hehe. :) Hospital bag: The first time I did not take my own gown and was sorry for it because they didn't have slits in the gown for nursing so pretty much half my gown had to come off just to nurse! The 2nd time around I bought my own nursing gown and matching robe and boy was I glad for it! My 2nd ended up being in the NICU for several days and I was able to just walk down to see him in my cute gown and robe and easily nurse him and the nurses always talked about how cute my gown was. Hehe. I got it from motherhood.com btw. Umm...We took movies to watch while I was in labor which was kind of nice. If you want any kind of massaging apparatus for Chris to use while you're laboring or a rice sock. My hospital let me bring popcycles which was nice. I like my baby to be in their own clothes cause the hospital's was kinda weird so...if that's something you want. Or their own blanket. I didn't use my boppy at the hospital and it was just in the way but a lot of people do. I bring my own pillows because the hospital didn't have enough for my comfort. And I was freezing so my own blanket was nice too. :)

  14. You're looking great, hun. Almost there! :) Don't buy your own gown - it will get messy. You'll just want to toss it when you're through with it. haha For myself: I brought gum, mints, toothbrush, chapstick, hygiene essentials, scented lavender massage oil that my cousin would rub on my temples during the hardest contractions, a tennis ball that Joe used to massage my back during labor, an ipod with music for during labor (that I never ended up using but always wish I did), makeup wipes for my sweaty face, stuff to hold my hair back and out of my face, socks and slippers, a comfy (but lightweight) robe, nursing bras and tanks, pajama pants, and a comfy outfit to wear home. For Joe: books, computer, overnight stuff, bathing suit, hygiene essentials, and snacks. He may get really bored if you end up taking a nap or something. For Silas: Car seat, blankets, pajamas, pacifier, and an outfit to wear home. Also, remind Chris not to lock his legs during delivery. ;)

  15. That is so awesome that you have a pool right nearby! There's nothing like feeling weightless when you're just about 8 months pregnant. And, you know, the relief from the absolutely ridiculous heat has gotta be nice too ;)

  16. You are absolutely glowing! I hope I can look that good at 35 weeks (just 3 weeks to go until I'm there –eek!). Good luck with these final few weeks and prepping your new home for baby boy's arrival! As far as the hospital bag goes...One thing I've seen that I would have NEVER thought of bringing is a night light. The hospital can get pretty dark at night, and the fluorescent lights are so harsh! A little nightlight to plug in by your bedside / near the baby's station is supposed to come in handy :)

  17. When I was packing, I tried to keep it as simple as possible. Anything the hospital provided I left at home. That included underwear and pads. I actually missed the underwear when I got home because I was quite swollen, the the hospital stuff was loose enough that it didn't pinch me.

    Post partum I wore just a robe and sweats. Not even a bra. It made nursing super easy while I was getting used to it.

    One thing that made my packing more bulky than I wanted, but was so thankful I had, was my own pillow!

    All in all, I packed just the diaper bag and one backpack, including stuff for my husband. You aren't moving in to the hospital, so don't make it seem like you are. If you forget something, somebody can always bring it!

  18. I hardly used anything I brought to the hospital. I didn't mind wearing their gowns, so that was fine. I brought some magazines but ended up zoning in front of the TV. I was recovering from a c-section, so I didn't really do much!

  19. oh my! you look incredible! that belly is so cute! you are almost there :)

  20. We are feeling that heat here in Indiana too, I'm 35 weeks tomorrow and it's 103 today! For our first, I really used very little that I took to the hospital, I used my robe, my pillow, towel and washcloth and our boppy pillow. Good luck!!

  21. I have two boys and both times i needed makeup! I felt so gross after childbirth and with the camera snapping pictures a lot it made me feel better to have makeup on! Also snacks. I'm sure its no secret but hospital food sucks.

  22. You look incredible. You're 35 weeks and you can only tell your pregnant in the belly! What a lucky girl!

  23. Definitely a pair of socks/slippers, comfy nursing tanks, elastic waist PJ or lounge pants and granny panties (in case of a c-section to keep them comfortable around the incision), a cardigan for you and sweatshirt for Chris (hospitals are freezing!), an iPod for music, snacks (probably mostly for Chris), something to tame your hair so it won't be all matted after your labor (and looking good for pictures), nursing pillow, extra pillows from home, laptop, cell phone, camera, and chargers, cheap flip flops for the shower or walking back and forth to the bathroom.

    For the baby: a couple of receiving blankets, a couple of onesies, going home outfit, burp cloths, and car seat.

    Things I took but didn't use at all: books, magazines, DVDs to watch during labor. There really wasn't much time and I wasn't in the mood.

  24. Oh sweet Lindsay! We moved to Chicago (where we knew no one) and had our second baby 6 weeks later. The Lord is good and His love NEVER fails. You've been on my mind a lot lately. This third pregnancy for me is the only one where we haven't transitioned in the midst of also welcoming a baby and I've noticed a big difference in my peace of mind. I pray that peace for you, even with your given circumstances. I'll continue to pray for friends and surrogate grandmas.
    I haven't read what other people have said about a hospital bag, but I love your list so far. I'd recommend taking your own toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, lotion). I felt more settled when I smelled like myself. Also, an assortment of pads (I know, gross, but an essential reality) and super comfy clothes for everyone.
    Praying for you, sweetie! Take it easy in this heat.

  25. There is so much great advice here! The biggest thing that I forgot and wished I hadn't was my own shower essentials. Big comfy towel, soap, shampoo, loufa, flip flops. My second shower (after the one right after giving birth - that one I didn't care at all I just wanted to get back to baby) would have been so much better with those. I was also SO happy to have brought my own roll of the softest toilet paper I could find. It sounds silly but you deserve something more than the thin stuff they provide after all that work! I also brought my own multivitamin. At the hospital I was at they gave Tylenol, stool softeners and multivitamins for me to take as needed. I took the Tylenol as needed but took my own multivitamin that by body was used to. Just some things I thought I would add to the great advice above. =)

  26. I was so glad that I had my boppy. I had a hard time getting comfortable when we were learning to breastfeed and that helped a lot.

  27. just found you and started following recently. the few thoughts in this post spoke to me as we are living far and away from family and having our second baby due in mid-november. i definitely know the anxiety thinking about those days after their arrival without family and only a few friends around. i'll be praying for you to find comfort in Him and your hubby during that time whenever i am praying the same thing for myself. :)

    about the hospital bag.. the biggest advice i tell new mom friends of mine is to pack black or dark-colored stretchy pants or robe.. you do bleed after, and it's nice not having to worry about little spots showing up on some cute new pair of pj pants. just my two cents. :) i also LOVED the nursing camisoles that they have at target. it was so nice to be able to pop those babies in and out whenever you need to without having to lift everything thing up and have that still bloated belly showing. i had black, grey, and white, and wore them pretty much everyday under whatever shirt i had on for about the first year of ruby's life. :)

    good luck! you're closing in on the end!

  28. The boppy didn't work for me until my daughter was a little older and bigger. She just kept sliding into the gap between me and the boppy. I used pillows to prop her up. I recommend bringing a pillow from home, I brought my big body one. Also music was nice during laboring (we made a laboring soundtrack). Nursing bra is a must cause the nurses judge you with their judgy eyes if you don't have it on pronto. Hats, mittens, and memory/baby book are a good idea for getting footprints. Don't stress too much about it, all you're going to be staring all him all day and won't be thinking of much else anyways. Seriously it's ridiculous the amount of time you'll spend just looking at him together :)

  29. You look fantastic! ALL belly but adorable :)

    I recommend the hospital gown since things get a little messy. And it was nice to have some of my own snacks since hospital food isn't usually great. My little boy came very quickly so we didn't have a chance to do this but I took a swim suit for husband to wear in case he needed to stand in the shower with me to help me labor (since I went without pain meds). Take your own pillow and maybe a nursing pillow. (A pillow for dad is nice to!) And definitely what others said about a cheap pack of granny panties.

  30. I wore their gown after delivery, but the next day I wore my own clothes. It made me feel better being in my own clothes. Just make sure you don't mind if those clothes get ruined because you may bleed a lot. I also packed some magazines and some dvds. My husband brought his laptop so we watched tv shows while in labor and then after. I brought a receiving blanket for the baby (she was born in June) and an outfit for her pictures. Otherwise, the hospital should provide everything else. I wish I had taken my own pillow and that is something I will do this time.

  31. I'm not pregnant, but I still try to stay inside; Florida is just too hot & humid!

    You look beautiful. Excited to "meet" that little boy of yours!

  32. You look BEAUTIFUL! But you are totally ready to pop :) No advice for the baby bag because I am not there yet, but maybe you could share what you learn ;)

  33. I am also thinking through what to pack for the hospital. My mother-in-law & I found an amazing nursing nightgown & robe at motherhood maternity (a store we have in Texas, maybe there's one where you are too?) for pretty cheap. It's really soft & I think I'll be comfortable in it. I also want to bring my journal & you might want to also. Being a writer you want to record what's going on in your heart and maybe even write down prayers you're saying over your little man. One other thing I've been told to pack is the baby book. You can get people to sign it & write down advice for you as parents & it makes for a great keepsake later. (We found super cute babybooks that were under $20 at Barnes and Noble)

  34. By the way, it is possible to get bigger than you already are. Here's proof: http://www.moriahmakes.com/2011/05/weve-reached-due-date-day.html

  35. You look STUNNING! <3 Baby bag - make sure you pack your soap, shampoo and conditioner. NOTHING Feels better than a shower after being through that work out. Also, bring little snacks - hospital food can be okay (ours is pretty stellar) but the snack options are blah and pricey. The birthing center here encourages parents to bring their favorite drinks to help them be more relaxed and comfortable. I used the hospital's gown until I had a shower then changed into the one my friend made for me. =) It was Dr. Seuss! (Go figure, right??) And dont worry about judgy nurses... They are gonna be there no matter what. Just be you and I know it will be A-Okay! I can't wait to see pictures!!! <3

  36. Honestly I didn't use very much from my lightly packed bags at all. I found the hospital-provided gowns to be comfy and the mesh underwear to be a godsend after a C-section. All of that other stuff (toiletries, makeup) is secondary to getting a good rest after delivery. It's individual, of course; keep in mind your comfort level. If you're the kind of person who needs to feel at home all the time, you might want to bring those niceties. If you are the kind of person who is easygoing in new surroundings, you won't miss your favorite shampoo for 2-4 days (depending on your hospital stay).

    A few things no one has mentioned so far: Bring a pair of slippers (or flip-flops) for the little trips to and from the bathroom or walking the corridors with Silas. Don't forget your chargers (for cellphones, cameras, laptops). You'll definitely be taking a lot of pictures. You don't want your camera to die on you!

    I'd also like to encourage you to take everything in the hospital room that you need. You're already paying for it. The nurses at my hospital hooked me up with some extra mesh undies (yes, I might be crazy for liking them) and a few extra bags of diapers, along with other things I've since forgotten.

  37. i can't believe how close you are!! i am soo excited for you!! i just want you to know that i am always here for you if you have any questions... just tweet me!! i had soo many questions about newborn baby stuff when i first had A!!

    hmmm i brought WAY too many things in my hospital bag and hardly used any of it hahah!! i seriously wore the hospital gowns every day so all you need is comfy clothes for going home. definitely bring a few snacks for in between the boring hospital food. bring a book or DVD in case your labor is long. definitely camera, extra batteries, cell phone, etc. i did bring my own soap, shampoo, conditioner, makeup too. not sure if you'll have time to put on makeup but bring it in case you want to be in a few pictures like day 2 or 3!!

  38. I brought socks, a nice supportive bra or two, a gown (which I didn't wear) and some deordorant. I was way too sore and tired to shower there, though I did sponge bath. Don't forget to bring clothes to go home in--you'll still need your maternity stuff for a little while (I wore maternity tops and shorts for at least 2 weeks after). I am sure I brought other stuff too especially for baby, mostly his take home outfit and a few diapers.

    Oh also and pads--even though the hospital provides them, stock up on the heaviest ones you can for home. I bled a lot afterwards and those were MUCH needed.

    Congrats on the upcoming arrival!

  39. I was JUST talking with my coworker about how miserable it must be to be pregnant when it's this hot. I cannot even imagine. My mom was pregnant with me over a summer (I'm a September baby) and she said I made her miserable, lol. She told me I made up for it by being an easy baby. So hopefully you're little one will be easy as well!

  40. Lots of great ideas do far! The best things for me were a nursing bra that was really easy to get on since I was so sore and also Motherlove Nipple cream. Best stuff ever!

  41. You look beautiful! Don't worry about the stretch marks. They're proof you carried a precious bundle in your tummy. =) I took PJ's with me to the hospital, but not a gown. I ended up wearing the hospital's gown (which I thought I wouldn't want to do, but ended up not caring. Once you're in labor those things become insignificant.) Bring a towel with you. You'll end up taking a shower at some point, assuming they don't send you home the next day. I'd also say bring some flip flops to wear inside the shower. The mesh undies they'll give you to wear will be lifesavers! I took some home because they were so comfortable...and things tend to be swollen way down under once your baby is in your arms. Mesh is the best! Once your labor and delivery is over, and you've settled a bit, you'll wanna fix yourself up [hair, maybe some makeup] for those first photos and visitors. If your husband's gonna stay with you in the hospital he may want to bring a change of clothes with him, and deodorant/toothbrush. My husband ended up helping me take a shower, and also took a shower himself, so your husband will want some clean stuff to wear if the same goes for him. I'm praying you have a smooth delivery and a great experience. God bless your baby!!

  42. i totally feel ya on not having family around...i'm looking into a doula for that reason, because I'm absolutely clueless. There is a gal at my church that does it as a ministry, so i'm meeting up with her for coffee next week to learn about her role...perhaps check into that at your church?

    1. oh, that's neat about the doula as a ministry thing! I hope that works out for you. I don't think I'm really the "doula type", but my mom is probably going to be here, so that will be great.

  43. I totally empathize with you! I'm 38.5 weeks and melting in DC! Three 100+degree days in a row this week are NOT being kind!

    Are you delivering at a military hospital? I think it makes a difference.

    I just posted my hospital bag checklist on my blog (http://julieandcaptain.blogspot.com/). Most of it the other ladies have discussed, but there are a few additional things. I tried to keep it simple, but I'm a Coastie wife and Semper Paratus (Always Prepared) is their motto ;)

    1. Hey JulieAnn! We are not in a military hospital here (though would have been in Hawaii and that's where I received all my care before our move.) What exactly do you mean by making a difference?

      I'll definitely have to check out your checklist-- thanks!

  44. i just have to comment to say how fantastic you look! all belly. so cute. and where is your tank top from? im only 28 weeks but am wondering where to get more long tanks!

    the comments have been so helpful for me too :)

    1. Thank you, Holly! The top is from Target. It's Liz Lange maternity and so comfy. :) It was WAY on clearance-- not sure what kind of stock they have for them now.

  45. That very first belly picture is awesome!!! You are all baby. So cute. AND bring mints/gum and SOCKS for cold feet.

  46. Looking good! At the place where you're having Si, I recommend a cell phone and a list of menus for local restaurants! Also, nipple cream. I like the one that Earth Mama Angel Baby makes, and I suggest use it from the beginning :)

  47. you look AMAZING! I loved having my own gown at the birth of my 2nd baby. It was seriously the most comfortable thing EVER! Annie & Isabel, they are fabulous!

    1. Ah, thanks girl! I will definitely check out Annie and Isabel!

  48. Book, sketch pad, coloring pad, granny panties. Dry shampoo (in case the hospital doesn't supply you with it)

    I think everyone has covered all you will need.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! What's the coloring pad for? Just to keep busy?

  49. Hello! I just found your blog from discovery street. I feel your pain about moving away from a support network when so pregnant. I was 36 weeks pregnant with my first when the hubby and I moved. Scary, but it ended up being the best move ever for us.

    About what to bring to the hospital, just buy extra toiletries to do your hair. I forgot to throw mine in my already packed bag while in labor and had funky hair until I got home...and I have short hair, so I couldn't just pull it back.

    1. Hey Jessica! Welcome-- so glad you hopped over here! Yeah, it really is tough moving away from that support so late in pregnancy. So glad that it ended up being a great move for you though.

      I have short hair too, so I can't just do a ponytail-- so good suggestion! Thanks!

  50. You look like you have a basketball stuffed under your shirt! All belly, that is awesome. The best thing we brought to the hospital was a season of our favorite show in DVD. We don't watch a ton of TV in our house, but those rooms get pretty quiet during recovery, and it was a nice distraction from the postpartum pain. (Our hospital didn't have wireless internet, so we left the great computer distraction at home.)

    As for being pregnant in FL, I discovered there is no "good" time for it. I was due in January, but that just meant I had to deal with my 1st trimester nausea in the nasty heat/humidity. I'm glad you have a pool to cool down and feel weightless in!

    1. Ooh, I like your idea about the tv DVDs. Maybe it'll be a good time to start re-watching LOST?? ;)

  51. I'm 35 weeks as well and you look absolutely adorable. I feel like a house and haven't been taking any pics because I don't want to document how big I've actually gotten. New to your blog, but can't wait to read more.

    Defining Tabitha

  52. Yay! Another mama due with an August baby :) I'm packing my bag today in fact ... totally 2nd the robe. I bought a super cute mint color one at Target. I like to take my own underwear too - instead of the huge throw away kind. Just get some extra big ones in a dark color that you don't mind tossing. Also pack an awesome headband - I hated having my bangs fall in my face during labor.

    1. I got the same robe at Target, but in gray! It is super comfy and I think it'll be perfect for the hospital stay. Hope you're not suffering in this heat! :)

  53. I've never had a baby... but it seems to me that that baby wants OUT. ;)

    Glad you've been using the community pool! Love you lots!

  54. I literally just had a baby about 8 hours ago (naturally :) ) and I've read a few of the comments (not all) and highly suggest against ringing your own gown which it sounds like you will. The "stuff" that comes out with birthing and after make such a mess I've already changed gowns 4 times and I love that they pack it up and throw it in their laundry to be cleaned. The most comfy nursing bras are sleepers which just keep things held in without being hard to maneuver which I wished I'd known with my first. Deodorant is a life saver, even though you're inside it's just hard work on your body so you work up a sweat (and a little stink). You will be so great I'm rooting for you - and could you look any cuter?! I got stretch marks like crazy the first time around and a couple more the second time but the trade off, this beautiful baby is absolutely worth it :) good luck!

    1. I meant "bringing" your own gown and when I said you will I meant you will be using the hospital gowns. Again you will be awesome!

    2. Wow, Miranda-- congrats on your brand new baby! So exciting! Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I definitely bought some of the comfy nursing sleeper nursing bras and good reminder about the deodorant. ;)

  55. If you plan on breastfeeding, bring your boppy pillow. Good luck!

  56. You are hands down the cutest 35 weeks pregnant woman ever. You just look wonderful!

  57. Hi Lindsay… Be sure to take a little notebook to write everything down (meds, feeding times, sleep times, bathroom successes, what the docs say, etc.) Time tends to run together in those first few days, so a notebook is a must. Also… here's something not to take with you… rigid expectations of how you think everything is supposed to be… Try to adapt the best you can… God's got you… Chris too… You are strong… You'll do great! Love you…

  58. Hi Lindsay,
    I'm Lisa, just a quick thought about the hospital stay....I did not realize that the nurses would be coming in to check on me every hour after I had the baby(blood pressure, temperature, etc), so this startled me a bit when trying to relax and start nursing. Also, I was so excited to have my baby that I did not want him to stay in the nursery overnight, in hind sight and since having a second child, I badly needed the rest after delivery and I should have let the nurses take him to the nursery...they still brought him back to have me feed him. I was just so excited to see him that I didn't want to miss anything...but, like you I didn't have family nearby, and the job was mine and my husbands....so after 12 years of parenting, my best advice is to pace yourself on the parenting journey and get some rest when/if you can. Best wishes for a wonderful delivery and start of your new journey as parents. It is awesome!


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