[over the weekend] Sunset, Sunrise

Aaand, it's Monday again! Funny how that happens, huh? What'd you guys do this weekend? 

We [of course] hit up the North Shore at sunset on Friday night and again on Saturday morning at dawn. Chris took my board out on Friday night and it got crunched by some punk on his first wave. So that was a bummer, but he fixed it yesterday so all's well. 

I'm in love with this photo I got of him heading out into the surf on Friday night. 

And I got this one of him sitting in the surf on Saturday morning before all the other surfers got out there. 

I married a hunk for sure. 

After our boating class that got us licenses to rent boats on the Marine Corps base, we headed to one of our favorite spots for lunch. The Dixie Grill has the BEST sweet tea, yummy steak sandwiches and other good Southern food. 

I am obsessed with the popcorn they set out while you wait for your food. Salty, buttery goodness. Unfortunately, I usually fill up on this before I even get my meal. Bad habit. 

Remember that sneak peek from Friday? I listed this pretty little painting in my Etsy shop on Saturday. It's a 9x12 canvas with pure white flowers on a bright mint green canvas. I was inspired by the color scheme on the banner over on fabulous k blog. 

Are you getting through your Monday alright? Chris is gone again until Friday so I'm on my own again all week. Woo. 

Have a fabulous day!


  1. That first pic is a "framer!" For sure :) Happy Monday!

  2. Great photos!
    I've never been to a restaurant that served popcorn as an appetizer..sounds awesome!
    We spent the weekend celebrating my hub's birthday, going to a celebration of a friend's baby's baptism, and relaxing. It was great!
    Here's to another week!

  3. beautiful painting! Your pictures always make me want to go to the beach:) I miss it out here in NC!

  4. Gorgeous photos...now I want popcorn for lunch!!

  5. OMG Lindsey, that first photo is breathtaking. Absolutely stunning. It looks like a painting!

    And I love your newest painting :)

  6. mmm I am a huge popcorn lover too...it's probably the main reason I go to movies haha! Lovely pics too! =)

  7. pretty painting...but REALLY handsome hubby :)

  8. How talented you are! Such a pretty painting!


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