Aisle to Aloha Studio Giveaway Winner and Other Stuff

Thank you to all who entered in the giveaway this week (and thanks for your encouraging comments on my post yesterday)! I had so much fun reading about your favorite art pieces-- so many sentimental pieces and DIY artwork! And the winner is...

Blogger My friends call me E said...

We don't have any artwork up yet... one day soon... hopefully!

Erin writes a blog called "E So Sweet". We were childhood friends and have been able to re- connect through the wonders of Facebook and the blogworld! Congratulations Erin!

Didn't win? Need a fun and funky painting for your home or office? Hop on over to my shop. I'm offering custom paintings now, including custom colors for designs I already have in the shop. I'm excited to show you the custom paintings that I'll be working on this weekend.

In other news...

I bought a garden stool. You know, one of these. 

Except mine is an ugly copper color and it's going to get a lovely coat of paint soon. What color should I paint it? I'm debating between lime, aqua and orange. Any other brilliant ideas? I really like the yellow in that picture too. 

Got some flowers. Also, I just love little pumpkins. 

Thank you to Christopher Columbus for your federal holiday. Chris has Monday off and let's just say he needs this three day weekend. Not sure what's on the agenda, but I have a pretty good guess that some DIY projects and some surfing will both sneak their way in there. 

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. I love three day weekends, too! We're for sure headed to the pumpking patch to a: supervise my students working the haunted barn and b: to get some pumpkins! Have a good weekend, L! See you on twitter!

  2. you can never go wrong with yellow! although lime sounds pretty tempting, too.


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