Inspire Me Monday: Brickmakers Table

 Happy Discoverer's Day! (Apparently that's the new, politically correct name for Columbus Day?) Hope you are having a marvelous day. Chris woke up with a sore throat today so I made him some tea with honey and we're just resting in bed this morning.

I got some really uplifting, sweet comments over the weekend. Thank you--I really have the very best readers. :) 

So, since I shared that Holbrook table with you from Home Decorators, I've become more obsessed with  brickmakers tables. I want one so badly. I love the worn and weathered wood, the dark steel base, the clean lines... lovely. Here are a few beautiful images I've gleaned from the webs that feature my favorite table.

Wish this pic wasn't so blurry. But I love those glass lamps too. As they say... *swoon!*


  1. LOVE that table!! you could put that absolutely anywhere and it would still be beautiful!

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