Fresh Paint: Joel's Sailboats

I had the privilege of painting some canvases for an adorable nautical themed nursery this week. My best friend from high school, Emily, had a little boy last month and this theme is just so perfect, since they're a Navy family too!

In high school, Em and I used to joke about how we'd marry military men and we'd eat ice cream together and watch The Notebook while our husbands were deployed. Funny how reality is so close to those scenarios we wrote about in notes passed between classes (except we didn't marry the guys we thought we would! hehe). Unfortunately, we live across the world from each other.

 I wish I was shipping myself with these canvases to Virginia! 

Love you Em! I hope Joel likes his paintings! 

If you'd like me to paint a custom painting for you, send me an email at aisletoaloha[at] or check out my Etsy shop, Aisle to Aloha Studio



  1. i love anything nautical. cute prints!

  2. Oh my goodness... something like that would be perfect for our guestroom decor, which is usually our living room decor, only the colors of our walls are wrong in the new house! I will definitely be talking to the hubs and then e-mailing you!

  3. I love nautical themes! Your paintings are adorable. Found you on the etsy forum and am following you. Hope you come visit my blog:

  4. Those are adorable! My husband can't wait to get out of the Navy, so those are a big "NO" in our house :(

  5. Those look great, girl!

    I am really digging your aqua dress as well. You are just too cute. : )

  6. wow!!! I love the paintings! They are super fun!

  7. These are so adorable. Perfect for little baby boy. So nice!!


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