Etsy Love: Piper and Paisley

 Since opening my shop in September, I've "met" so many amazing shop owners and stumbled upon countless beautiful shops. So, I'm starting a new series called "Etsy Love" where I'll share some favorite shops or items. We're kicking it off with Piper and Paisley

These sweet newsboy style hats make me really miss my seasons and the crisp feel of an autumn day. I love the simple details added with the buttons, bows and petals. And with every hat under $50, they're a fabulous handmade essential for your fall wardrobe. 

[Click on the pictures to see the listing. There are lots more fabulous hats to see in the shop!]

Are you a hat person? 



  1. Oooh these are so lovely! Shame we are coming into summer down here but one is on the wishlist for next winter.

  2. CUTE hats! Yeahhh...prob out of place in Hawaii though. Ahh, we can deal. Drinking on the beach for holidays sure beats runny noses and dry skin. :)

  3. I'm not a hat person but these look perfect!

  4. Used to wear hats all the time...these are sweet! would look great on you Lindsay :) hint hint Chris

  5. Thanks for sharing this! My daughter would look so cute in these hats! : )

  6. Oh I love this shop! I am not a hat person but these hats are so chic that I might just have to try to see if they look good on me! :)

  7. Yes, I love hats!! Those are adorable. Thanks for the tip!

  8. I am a huge hat person! I always get compliments that I look great in hats, must be my large, round head! These are adorable, thanks for sharing!


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