[over the weekend] Dawn Patrol & Alegria

Happy Tuesday, friends! So, how were everyone's weekends?

Ours was fabulous. We got some organizing done (while watching Predator 1 and 2--not my choices! Ha.), tried a new recipe for Indian curry (smelled ten times better than it tasted--will need some tweaking), as well as a dawn patrol surf session on the North Shore, and our date to Cirque du Soleil's Alegria on Sunday!

Saturday morning, the alarm went off at 4:45 am. I know Chris has a love affair with surfing because he loves sleep SO much. And for him to give up his sleep-- that's a big thing. 

While he conquered the North Shore waves, I snuggled up in my sweatshirt and a towel and enjoyed a quiet morning reading my book. 

I caught a few action shots too. Love the 10x zoom on our camera. 

A beautiful rainbow graced us with its presence right in front of me--and right behind the surfers. 

And on Sunday afternoon, we got dolled up and headed into Honolulu for a Cirque du Soleil date! I had been eagerly awaiting this night ever since Chris told me they were coming into town many months ago.

I wore my Spool No. 72 dress and curled my hair. After the show, I asked Chris if my hair was still curly. He replied, "Not really, it's just kind of wrinkly now." My hair doesn't hold curl very well, but it sure is fun for a few hours. 

Took some clandestine pictures at the end of the show. We saw Kooza in Baltimore a few years and I have to admit that we liked that show better. Alegria was fabulous but Kooza had a lot more of the acrobatics and daredevil stunts. Alegria had some of that, but more singing and dancing. 

We walked to Menchie's after the show for some frozen yogurt. I filled my cup with all things chocolate and Chris went for the fruity flavors. My favorite toppings are the cheesecake bites. SO GOOD. 



  1. What a fun weekend! I have the same problem with my hair, only lasts a few hours, but I curl it anyway! You looked gorgeous for your date, love that dress!

  2. Looks like a blast and that ice cream looks yummmm..wait, is that what it was, now I'm forgetting. Whatever it was looked amazing!

  3. You guys are darling. What a fun weekend!

  4. Fun weekend! Love your dress...too cute and that ice cream...yum!

  5. Looks so much fun.. I have always wanted to learn how to surf. I am a fan of Cirque too.. we saw them a couple years ago when they came to Vancouver.. it was amazing! ;)

  6. You're such a sweet couple!!
    Looks like a dreamy weekend!

  7. You guys are so dang attractive! Every Hawaii picture is so beautiful!


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