Fresh Paint: Linsey's Elegant Damask

I had a blast painting these black and white damask canvases for Linsey. She wanted an elegant damask painting to complement similar decor in her home. We shared some inspiration and then she let me at it! 

I have to admit, "I know whatever you come up will be great!" were some scary words to read as I started on my first official Aisle to Aloha Studio custom painting. Ha! But, like I said, I had a lot of fun painting it and I think it turned out great! I hope you love your painting, Linsey. 

Aaand, some close-ups.

Looking for some new artwork for your home? Browse around my shop, Aisle to Aloha Studio. Want a custom painting designed just for you? Send me a convo and we can chat! 

(I can also do custom colors on any of my existing designs!)

(Psst ... I'd also love it if you became a fan of my Facebook page or followed me on Twitter!)


  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Seriously, that is gorgeous and perfect! I can't wait to hang it up, my dull wall is going to instantly be transformed!!! Thank you for taking my vague idea and creating a beautiful masterpiece! You are so talented and have such vision! This is my first official piece of artwork purchase from a real artist, very exciting!

  2. Great job, Lulu! Big hugs to both my Lindsay/eys! I wish I could squeeze you both!

  3. I love it...i think its my fave of yours to date (although the bicycle ones up there too :) )

  4. These are absolutely gorgeous! I'm certainly going to have to check out your shop. It's nice to meet another artist.

  5. Wow! Those are gorgeous!!! Love me some damask :) Great job, you have a real talent, I'm glad you're being rewarded for it!


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