Inspire Me Monday: Stuff I Love

 I don't have any interiors for you today, but I thought I'd share some things I'm loving lately.

I want this Holbrook coffee table from Home Decorator's Collection. I'm really tired of all the IKEA in our house--especially our coffee table. I'm not sure we can swing the almost $300 price tag but I think the rustic wood and iron in this table would look great juxtaposed with our modern couch. Maybe if I sell some more paintings soon?? (hint, hint! ;) How much was/ is in your budget to invest in good furniture?

Remember when I shared with you our desire for a huge wall map to document our travels? A few months ago I found this awesome little Ohio based company called These Are Things and I just love their maps. Especially this one in aqua and yellow

Pretty Visage is one of my new favorite shops on Etsy. Brittany's beautiful fabric flowers add the perfect punch to cardigans, tees, clutches or whatever else you can think of! And get this genius idea--she uses strong magnets to attach the flowers instead of safety pins. So no holes and you can put them anywhere and change them out instantly! Brittany also writes this sweet blog

I've been stumbling upon some really amazing Etsy shops lately. I was thinking about starting a new series on the blog featuring different shops I've been digging. Is that something you would be interested in reading? 

Oh, and Aisle to Aloha Studio was a featured artist on the sweet blog, maddyanne designs yesterday. You'll find maddyanne designs added to the blogroll as well as a few more blogs. Make sure you check them out!

P.S. Only three days left in the Aisle to Aloha Studio giveaway! Have you entered yet?


  1. adorable flowers! I think an etsy segment would be pretty cool- things you love!

    We are in the process of buying new furniture and we are kind of just swinging it. It helps that we have a deployment to kind of "save" for it. We found a couch for $700 and loveseat for $650. We're going with leather. Our tables are under $100. We're getting a whole house of furniture though, over the next 6 months- our "grown up and married" furniture. I say save up for it if it's something you really love- it's an awesome table!

  2. Love those flowers!

    I think it is so worth paying a little more and getting something you are going to love forever, than having to replace it a few times. I really like this table, this style is what my eye is drawn to, love it!

    So about your paintings. Would you want to design some paintings for me? I have this space, that needs some love. But, the one thing is, I can be kind of boring in the color department! I love color, but also am totally in love with black and white. I would want either a large painting or a series of paintings that I could hang together to fill the space. Black and White, some what elegant, love the dahlias painting! Let me know!

  3. I love that map! I'm gonna check them out after I leave you this comment! : )

  4. love the flowers that is way too cool that they are magnets!!

  5. I'd love to hear all about your favorite etsy shops. You are always finding great ones.

  6. can't tell you how much this made my day. you are so sweet. i love LOVE that coffee table. looks like we have similar style :) i'm a new follower and honestly honestly can't wait to read through your blog. again, thanks so much!!

  7. My husband and I are supremely picky about furniture... because we like entirely different things and refuse to buy something for our house that we don't both love. Therefore, furniture purchases are taken very seriously. We were married for 7 years before we found a coffee table and end tables that we liked enough to buy.

    That in mind - we are willing to spend piles of money on furniture because we put a lot of thought into what we're choosing and we make sure to get things that will last forever (and not something we'll be sick of in 6 months).

    Currently I can say that my living room alone is filled with almost $5000 worth of furniture. (It sounds like a lot when I add it up, but we've bought it here and there over the last 10 years so we didn't have to spend it all at once or anything).

    My point: good furniture that you TRULY love - is worth a splurge because it is kind of the bones of your home.


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