something i wore and some things i'm excited about.

top:: nordstrom rack
belt:: target
skirt:: target
tights:: target
Blowfish TUGO wedges:: c/o

I think I'm at my most content when I have exciting things in my calendar to anticipate. I'm a happy girl this week as I think about the months to come. So much goodness (and honestly, a pretty crazy spring season) ahead. 

Chris gets home next week. No explanation necessary. I miss my guy. 

My birthday is in 8 days and I'm excited for Chris to be home for it. Out of our six years together, he's only been around for one! 

Another trip to New Orleans to visit old, dear friends. 

A house hunting trip to Boston. Praying for God's hand in the hunt! 

Celebrating the marriage of my baby sister to her love. 

Our big move and first summer in Boston. Thrilled to see what God has waiting for us there. 

Got anything fun on the horizon? 


  1. Ooo I love the way you mixed these hues! Beautiful look!

  2. Love your sassy outfit! And 2013 sounds like it's gonna be full of wonderful memories!

    Laura @

  3. So exciting to have your guy for your birthday! <3

  4. ummm...pretty excited about that trip to New Orleans too... ;) You can show us the ropes.

  5. aww yay chris is coming home!!! so exciting and so so happy for you!!!
    and umm how awesome you are moving near your family! Will chris be staying in the military?

  6. Yay!! That's so many great things to look forward to, but especially Chris coming home! So happy for you. I will pray you find the perfect place to call home in Boston.

  7. You look cute AND I am super happy for you. Woo-hoo!

  8. So exciting! We have a big year ahead too. Baby #2 on the way in August, a move to CA to live in our first home and a career change for my husband. Big stuff! We are so excited! I'm so glad Chris will be home to celebrate your birthday with you. What a Joy to have both your boys by your side.

  9. So much to look forward to! We will be welcoming Baby #3 in June, and have lots of weddings to attend this summer. I'm so excited!

  10. Sounds like you have some amazing things coming up lady!

  11. Hey Lindsey, just wanted to say that I'm excited you'll be moving to the Boston area. We live up here and would love to see you all when you do move! :o) Also, Happy Birthday a little early.

  12. I love the color of that skirt! And that is so exciting your man is coming home soon! I can't imagine how hard that has been. You're pretty amazing. Boston is one of my favorite cities! That will be so fun to live there.


  13. So happy that he's coming home! I know your birthday will be AWESOME! I'm loving this month too...austin trip to see friends, my birthday celebrations, and moving out of my apartment.

  14. I met my husband in Boston when he was in vet school and I was a nurse at Mass General. So many happy memories for us there!

  15. You'll love Boston! Such a great city. It is one of my favorite cities - if not my #1 favorite :)

  16. I love having things on my calendar, too! Currently anticipating a Mediterranean cruise for our 10 year wedding anniversary! A dream come true! EEEK!

  17. Boston is so fun. I live just north of Boston. I hope house-hunting proves fruitful for you!

    Forgot to say in my first comment the funny way in which I found your blog. I was briefly hosting an 'it's the little things' link-up on my own humble blog, then thought to myself, "I bet someone else has had this idea," and googled it -- voila! These days it's fallen by the wayside anyway, but if I ever resurrect it (for all five or so people that were participating, hah!) I should make sure to mention your link-up, too!

  18. Yay for fun things coming up!

    I'm looking forward to my parents visiting (free childcare AND quality time with my parents?!?! Woohoo!), a trip to Atlanta with my college besties, a trip to NYC to celebrate my hubby's birthday, and our PCS to O'ahu :)


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