friday link list.

Happy Friday, my friends! My week has gone by extra slow. I think the anticipation of going home next week and Chris flying back soon has made the days drag on. Not to mention the fact that Si has been a fussy teether all week, plus neither of us are sleeping. Whew. All that to say, I'm glad the weekend is here and even if it's still frigid, the sun decided to peek out and show it's face today. 

Okay, now that we've established that we're happy about the weekend  (duh), grab a cup of coffee and your laptop and check out some of my favorite links from the week. 

The Influence Network linkup blessed me so much this week. I found so many new blogging buddies and read tons of beautifully written posts. Kimber's post titled Busted Can of Biscuits rang so true for me. You've gotta read it, if only for the awesome title. 

I really loved Kaelah's outfit here. Bright colors in the middle of winter are my jam (I think you might have known that already though.)

These gemstone rings from Amy Cornwell are just so gorgeous and sparkly. I can't pick a favorite! 

I've been participating in Rhi's Doodle A Day challenge and loving it. Check out the deets here and join in with me if you're up for it! 

Here are some of my doodles so far. I'm using my nieces and nephews' crayons and an old sketchbook from the back of my childhood closet. Looking forward to getting back to my own art supplies soon! 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. have a good weekend, I know how days can drag on... but I do love your doodles!

  2. I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the blogging world but I just wanted to say hi and I love reading your blog. It's nice to know that I'm not alone when it comes to the military life. I'm a Navy wife too, my husband is a helicopter pilot and we are stationed in San Diego. Just wanted to say keep up the good work and I love reading your posts! :)

  3. Those doodles are so precious! It is a good way to get those creative juices flowing. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. So, I found you on Instagram (I don't even remember how) and loved loved loved your pictures... Now I come to visit your blog, and girl, you are awesome!... The links you just shared with us, well... Busted can of biscuits?... I wasn't going to exercise tonight, but guess where I'm heading right now? Yeah... the gym! And Amy Cornwell's emerald gem ring I think just called my name.. :) and of course, I don't have to say (again) that I'm all jealous of your talent (a good jealousy, though!). You can say those are doodles, but I call those little miracles.... :)

    This blog of yours speaks to my heart... I'll be back here... with a cup of coffee... tomorrow, when I'll have more time to stay and sit for a while...

    Have a good and wonderful weekend!
    nami from nami scribbles :)

  5. Love your doodles so much - they just pop off the page! Especially love that feather! I'm not sleeping here either, I know how you feel. My younger two have been tag teaming me and I'm exhausted. But when I look back on the time that my oldest was a bad sleeper, it seems like such a short moment in her life...I'm praying I'll feel like that with the other two SOON. :) Hope your little guy gets through teething SOON too! Love, emily

  6. Oh I love your "light as a feather" doodle!

  7. I love your doodles, they are beautiful. You are gifted! I can just imagine the 'fresh' doodle in a little frame in a kitchen.


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