

I've been quiet around here this week, for good reason. After an excruciating five hour flight delay, Chris got home on Monday night. We've been savoring time together as a family of three again and are still stuck in a bit of a jetlagged, house-bombarded-with-luggage, giddy-to-be-together-again fog. My birthday was yesterday and we celebrated with breakfast out, a drive on 30-A, followed by a picnic lunch and a dinner date with just the two of us. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and the company of my boys was all I needed.

I've got a fresh new design coming to the blog very soon, as well as the re-opening of my shop this week! I'll also be announcing the winner of the Beautiful Blendings giveaway tomorrow, so I'll be back soon.


  1. Y'all are the cutest little family :)

  2. YAY! So happy for you three.

  3. I am so so happy that all 3 of you are back together again!

  4. This post made me so happy to read. 'Been thinking about you as I knew Chris' return was coming up and I'm so glad you guys are reunited again and enjoying quality time together, just in time for your birthday. :) (Happy Belated YOU-day!)

  5. What a great present to have your family back together. Happy day to you.

  6. Yay! Oh I am so pleased for you guys. Happy Birthday!


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