a meetup of influential women.

Hi friends and new buddies. Today I'm linking up with some really awesome girls over on the Influence Network blog. We're sharing a few things about ourselves and hopping around getting to know each other better. We've been asked to share three things about ourselves as well as something we've learned from being a part of the Influence Network. 

1. Being pregnant was a dream, from the very moment I found out, down to my last day. It wasn't always easy, but I never felt more like myself. I felt beautiful and was amazed at the miracles occurring every second in my body. I miss my baby belly dearly and can't wait to rest my hands on one again. Even if it means having people ask me if I'm having twins. That thing was large.

2. I've loved Jesus as my Savior since I was tiny. I never had a crazy falling away period with drinking or boys, but having consistent time in the Word has been a constant struggle in my Christian walk. I've tried accountability partners, devotional schedules and reading on my phone, but I always seem to fall off. It makes me cringe to confess that and write it out. 

3. I carry my pink Camelbak water bottle with me everywhere. It's one of the (many) things on my mental checklist when we leave the house and I feel almost as discombobulated without as I do when I leave my phone at home. Three cheers for hydration. ;) (That was kind of a boring one, but I've got a little boy trying to climb on my computer at the moment!) 

Something I'm learning from the beautiful women on the Influence Network (the forums are seriously inspiring, y'all.) is that no matter what size your audience, God has a calling on your life to influence others. I love that Influence Network is full of all kinds of bloggers-- seasoned, newbies, with huge audiences and just starting out. God doesn't see blog size (or really anything!) as a limiting factor on influence. He's got plan for each of us and I love seeing how He's using influential women in the blogging world and in their own worlds as well. 

I hope you'll take advantage of this sweet opportunity to meet some truly inspiring women. Hop over to the Influence blog visit more blogs and get to know more influential women. 

PS. If you're curious about what the Influence Network is all about, check out their website here. Jesus-loving women are gathering together online to learn about making more of their online lives and letting their love of the Gospel and others spill into their blogs. 

PPS. I just picked the winner for the Blowfish Shoes giveaway! If your name is Madeline Brubaker, you are one lucky girl! Congrats Madeline--I'll shoot an email your way! 


  1. Hi, Lindsay! Found your blog via the Influence link up, and your work is SO lovely! (Those lockets in your shop are adorable!) And, kudos to you for being so transparent and honest in your 3 things. I struggle with consistent time in the Word, too. Hoping that's something I keep growing in maturity in. Yay for sanctification and grace. So glad I found your blog, and happy Wednesday to you! :)

    1. Hi Leslie! Thanks for your kind words and amen about that sanctification and grace thing! ;) Not sure where I'd be without the abundance of grace in my life! So nice to meet you!

  2. I often carry my water bottle around with me, too. It's so important to stay hydrated :)
    You are beautiful and inspiring, and I'm so glad you are part of the Influence Network!

  3. loved this post! you are soo beautiful, girl! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

  4. i loved your belly!! You were amazing girl!

    And I'm praying for your time in the Word. I spend a lot of time studying, but then I walk away wondering if it applies to me.. (still a baby Believer at heart ;) Your actions and your influence are lovely. Thank you for sharing this detail with us and giving us an opportunity to pray for you!

    1. Yes, I definitely get what you mean. Sometimes it's hard for me to jump into the Word, because even as a lifelong believer, I still struggle with the application at times. What does it mean specifically for my life?? Slowly working on it and so thankful for grace and the prayers of sweet friends!

  5. Isn't the Influence community just lovely? :)

    1. Yes yes yes! And I'm discovering even more so after today.

  6. I have a similar story in my walk with Christ. I'm blessed to have known him for as long as I can remember. And I also struggle with consistency in His word! You're not alone, sister!

    1. Glad I'm not alone in my struggles. Thanks for sharing, Kerrie!

  7. I, too, really enjoyed being pregnant and felt the most beautiful I've ever felt during that time!

  8. Popping in from the Influence link-up! I am loving this network of women! I go to bed most nights telling my husband about all the wisdom and encouragement I find in the forums during the day. He loves that I get to have this network of women even if I can't leave home every day because I am a stay at home mom. I absolutely love it!

    Also, your #2 pulled at my heartstrings a little bit. That is totally me. Thankful that HIs mercies are new every morning. :)

  9. I love your honesty about #2, because most of us can relate, if we are honest!
    I have been a Christian since I was very young & I have always been a "good girl"... It's just been in last few years that I have really started to get better at dedicating time in my daily life to God! I still need to get better at it, BUT I can see the huge difference it has made in my life! Whenever we make that commitment it is always worth it!

    And I carry a water bottle with me everywhere too! :)

  10. Hey Lindsay! So great to get to know you more. Love this. Your faithfulness is such an inspiring testimony!

  11. I love your header! So pretty.
    I love my Camelbak too. Those are just the best!

  12. i struggle with keeping up with my quiet time in the Word. although when i do make the time and engage in it, I find so much truth in it and encouragement. don't really know why i let myself fall away from it, but you're not alone on that one. love your header, it's super pretty!

  13. Hello Lindsay,

    I don't think your water bottle comment was boring at all! I, too, carry a water bottle with me, and people have started to identify me with it ("Do you want a drink? Oh, never mind... I'm sure you have your water bottle"). My Camelbak is grey rather than pink, and I had an awkward water bottle mix-up with it on a public bus in Portland, Oregon once.

    In short, I have a history with hydration, and it's great to hear I'm not the only one. =)

    See you around the Influence Network!

  14. Oh, Lindsay. What fun you seem to be! I'm so glad to have stopped by and wanted you to know that your post on "waiting" was just sent to a friend going through the SAME story. Very powerful words you shared and a blessing to many, I'm sure. You create such a wonderful space and I'll be back!

  15. Gah, I need to drink more water! And I too ADORED being pregnant. I loved every single moment I got to carry my babies inside me. I considered it a grand privilege. Happy to be in this lovely community with you! ~Bri~

  16. I love what you shared about your pregnancy!!! I love hearing mamas enjoy that special, miraculous gift. Hope you have another baby belly soon too!!!

    Loved #3 too. :)

    xoxo, Lauren

  17. I could have written those 3 things, except that I have a nalgene water bottle! I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

  18. Hi Lindsay! I'm just checking in from the Influence link-up and oh my word, I already love your blog! Your outfit in that picture is adorable--I wish I could push myself to wear brighter colors like that more often. And I'm really glad you shared about your difficulty spending time in the Word. I've had the same struggle, and it's not always easy to admit that to other Christians; at Christian college especially, I felt like I was extra "bad." Thanks for opening up and sharing, and know that you're not alone!

  19. I have been a lover of your blog from afar for a little while now and I am so happy that you are joining up with the Influence Network, it is truly an amazing place full of grace and love and most of all JESUS. Looking forward to getting to know you better :)

  20. Love your site and the lovely words you shared!

  21. i think you admitting that you've struggled with staying in the Word is just admitting that you're human. and i think it shows us a different facet of struggling to chase Jesus wholeheartedly. even when it comes to sticking to the very basic things, like reading the words He's given to us, we will fail. we can't do that in our own strength. i've had to learn that the hard way too! i'm thankful He gives grace and that He gives us the strength to begin again.

  22. It's great to see you've joined influence and I can't wait to meet you in September! I need to become attached to a water bottle, and fill it! If I'm smart, I keep water beside my computer, and then I gulp it down, but all day at work when I'm with my clients, I'm never drinking, except for my coffee in the morning!

  23. Hi Lindsey! I'm new here, though I've seen your name around the twitterverse. Your blog design is BEAUTIFUL! SO I am also a bit OCD about staying hydrated. I didn't realize just how crazy I am about it until we were in Costa Rica and our host had to purchase every drop of water we drank because the water there was contaminated. CRAZY....

    Great to meet you!

  24. I'm linking up a few days late! Wow, do I LOVE your blog design. It's gorgeous! :) Love your style, too!! And amen to this: "No matter what size your audience, God has a calling on your life to influence others." Such a beautiful, important truth. It's an encouragement to know that He has plans for each one of us and that together we can grow into those plans and fearlessly pursue them. So happy to connect with you, and I look forward to getting to know you better! :)

  25. The tights! the shoes! I may need to get a pair of wedges. too cute. I have grown up as a Christian and daily devotionals are the HARDEST thing for me. The only one that has pretty much (ever) stuck is My Utmost For His Highest. It has short entries and is good because it makes you crack open your bible. It is very very wonderful. God bless!

  26. I've been subscribed to your blog for a while, but not sure if I've commented before! Thanks for the link to the Influence Network -- I love that and will definitely be checking back there. I feel so disorganized in my online life since my daughter was born last May. Can't possibly keep up with all the blogs I used to, and want to feel actually, truly 'connected' with a few bloggers rather than just consuming info/clothes/ideas from the masses, do you know that I mean? And keeping God at the forefront is definitely a priority for me as well!


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