hello March!

Spring is coming. I was feeling bogged down by winter this week, so I took Silas out to my mom's gardens to see if we could find some signs of life. Little bits of green, yellow and white are starting to pop up from the ground among the dead, brown leaves. I love fresh starts. A new month (March might be my very favorite-- and that has nothing to do with my birthday being on the 19th), a new season, fresh shoots popping up from the ground. And soon we'll be starting a whole new stage, as we get ready to move (again) from Florida to Boston in May. I guess that's the nice thing about being a military family-- lots of fresh starts and new beginnings. 

Here's hoping March brings more warmth and sunshine our way soon! 


  1. I'm glad you found some signs of spring, and that you're able to be so positive about your ever-changing life! Not that everyone's life isn't ever-changing, but you know :) Lovely pictures! What kind of carrier is that?

  2. Hey! We're birthday buddies! :)
    I'm very jealous of your spring sightings. Nothing new here in icky Spokane, WA.

    1. Woohoo for the 19th! :) Don't worry, I had to look very hard for those bits of spring. It's still plenty ugly in Maryland. :)

  3. Your photos are so beautiful! I can so relate, I love new beginnings, fresh starts. Especially when it has anything to do with Winter ending and Spring coming. :)

  4. this is beautiful, I'm so excited for spring!

  5. Such beautiful shots. Those shots are all covered in SNOW around here where i'm from! Sad face forever!!!!!

  6. Yay March babies! My birthday is the 28th! I hope you have a wonderful month :)

  7. Beautiful pictures of the garden!

  8. Happy Birthday month! My son's birthday is next Friday on the 8th! I love celebrating his birthday maybe even more than celebrating mine :)

  9. You're doing such an awesome job taking care of you and Si while your hubby's away - keep it up!

  10. Ooh so pretty! Can't wait for spring!

  11. Wishing you lots of sunshine too. I hope your move and moving preparations go well.

    1. Thanks Lisa! Feeling a bit stressed about it, but praying for peace through all the craziness!

  12. Gorgeous photos & blog!
    Newest follower :)


  13. I am so so so so so happy it's March, I can't wait for all the SNOW to be gone.


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