our first days at home.

Being a mama is better than I ever thought it would or could be. We came home on Sunday evening, 48 hours after my C-section and Si's arrival. Having our family of three together in our home has been so sweet and I have honestly loved every moment. I was afraid of what postpartum would look like and  now that I'm on this side of things, those fears are gone. Not saying it won't be rough, or hasn't been tough (that first night at home was LONG!), but I love this little boy more than I thought possible and being a mama seriously is so much fun.

Recovering from a C-section is no joke though. I think the hardest part is letting my mom and Chris do things for me that are pretty simple. My legs are ridiculously swollen (think StayPuff Marshmallow Man), so I've been trying to keep them up as much as possible. Having my mom here is literally a God-send. I don't know what I'd do without her. Not just for the essential, practical help, but she's such a great support for me.

I wasn't planning on sharing our birth story on here, but man, it's a doozy, so I think I'll be typing it up to share soon.

Off to cuddle my sweet Si and get some lunch!


  1. Congrats! He is perfect! I've been checking your blog non-stop for updates!

  2. So glad that things are good! The first few weeks were very difficult for me, so I always feel a sense of relief for new mamas when I hear that things are going well. What a blessing.

  3. He is just so stinkin' precious. I had a C-section too and I was swollen for about a week, maybe a little more right after Penelope was born. Other than that the recovery went really smooth. I actually loved having a C-section when it was all said and done. Sleep as much as you can momma. That waking up in the middle of the night will wear on you quickly. Kiss that baby for me.

  4. These are gorgeous pictures. That first trip home is probably so incredible. I can only imagine. :)


  5. Congratulations!! He is absolutely precious!! So glad you are home, there is nothing like being out of the hospital. :P Can't wait to hear your story....

  6. Congrats! You are a natural! I can't wait to hear the story! Rest and let momma and Chris help while they are able! You'll be wishing for them once they go back home and to work! Enjoy this time! It goes so fast! He's a cutie!!!!!

  7. He is gorgeous! these are great first photos! Remember to relax, take things as they come... try not to over think things... go w/your gut and filter whatever baby advice you get... after all all babies are different... :-)

  8. You are miles ahead of where i was at that point. I mean, look at you STANDING UP and WALKING. I collapsed on the sidewalk on the 20ft walk from the car to the house! Congratulations, he's so cute! (And you found a non-plush changing table cover I see :)

  9. So cute...just soo so cute!
    I've haven't been married for 2 years yet...and can say that I have been so not ready for a baby yet, but seeing your pics is making me want a baby soon now! lol Crazy how that happens eh?
    Get your rest and enjoy these moments! And yay for mamas who help out :-) My mom already told me she be on the next plane out to be with me when that day comes

  10. eeeek! completely adorable! i am in love with these photos!

  11. He is precious, enjoy these days!

  12. he is so so so precious! I can't wait to read your birth story. enjoy your little man mama!

  13. Awe :) So sweet. He's adorable. I can only imagine.

  14. congrats! the pictures are beautiful.

  15. Welcome home Silas! That picture of him with his tongue sticking out is SO CUTE!!

  16. Welcome home Silas! He is such a cutie and has absolutely adorable parents. For real. You have a beautiful family of three, Lindsay. Congrats again. Looking forward to seeing more pictures of this sweet little guy and hearing more about your new little family.

  17. y'all make pretty babies. silas is stinkin' a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. :]

  18. Those pictures of him laying on his changing table are so adorable! What a cutie!

  19. congrats and enjoy every minute of it, like darius rucker sings... it wont be like this for long

  20. Congratulations again! And welcome home. It's been so much fun following you during your pregnancy. Looking forward to hearing all about the next chapter....motherhood.

  21. He's so precious!! Enjoy each and every moment. It will go by sooo fast.


  22. Reading this has made me so much more excited for our little boys arrival! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy, you and baby look absolutely amazing!!


  23. i love following your story!! and i can't wait to hear the birth story!!! love all the IG pics!!

  24. sooo excited for you girl!!! being a mama looks GREAT on you!!! enjoy your little si and stay off the computer for awhile! well, i want to hear your birth story though!!

  25. oh girl i remember those days like yesterday. it was exciting and nerve wracking and there was this feeling of oh lord what have we done...our lives are over. but in reality your life is just beginning. praying a fast recovery for you. enjoy those early days. they don't stay little like that for long at all!!!

  26. Si is just so precious. Seriously, such a sweet, handsome little guy. I hope the recovery goes well. I've been there. I'm so glad you have your mom and husband by your side. Congratulations again!

  27. Congrats again Lindsay and Chris! Silas is absolutely perfect and he is so blessed to have two wonderful parents to care for him! I look forward to many more squishy baby face pictures that melt my heart!!

  28. So many sweet photos! And so glad you're going to share your birth story! I found you on Instagram and just love seeing Silas's sweet face pop up! :)

  29. Congrats girl! Glad that you have been relaxing at home with your new little family of three:) Silas is too cute for words!

  30. Congratulations! He's sooo cute :) ~ Andi

  31. So so so happy for y'all!!! How precious. :D Congrats, new mommy!!!

  32. Congratulations, Lindsay and Chris! I was so excited to see pictures of Si on your mother-in-law's Facebook a few days ago. He's so cute!

  33. Oh my, he's so stinkin' cute! He is so precious. A big congratulations to you and your hubby!

  34. Rest while you can while your mama is there! Your little guy looks adorable!

  35. Lindsay, I have been reading your blog for sometime, and have been loving following you through your pregnancy! I am pregnant too (though with my third!) and it has been fun reading through your first time mama perspective. :) Silas is just beautiful, and you look like a natural already. Congratulations, and let your mom help you as much as you can! You're right, moms are a total God-send after you have a baby. My mom still comes to help me when I need it! :) Good luck and enjoy every minute. :)

  36. What a beautiful little boy you have! Hope your recovery speeds up and you are back to perfect in no time!!! (Did you know that in Brazil, my husband's country, 84% of births are done by C-sections? They tell the people there that they are better for you and that you heal faster, so most women wind up getting one without even attempting labor. Good thing your mom is there to help!)

  37. Congratulations momma!!! He's such a sweetie!! Hope you are enjoying every single second and soaking it all in with your mom there to help. Just gorgeous pictures.

  38. oh my, congratulations he is so beautiful!

  39. OH Lindsay.... what a beautiful little man you have there! Congratulations to you and Chris -- you are going to make awesome parents. Looking forward to your birth story and more pics of the little ham!

  40. Congrats on your little man! He is adorable!
    And those baskets on the wall... GENIUS!!!! I'm definitly going to use that idea in my little boy's nursery! One question, how did you attach them to the wall?
    I'm so jealous that you have your little guy in your arms already! I have 6 more weeks :/

  41. Oh he is so beautiful. Congratulations!!!

  42. hello. :)this is my first time visiting and my first time commenting. i think i'll be back like every day. your baby is precious. i am friends with lindsay and saw you awhile back on instagram. i think you were the cutest pregnant girl i've ever seen. i hope you're doing great today.

  43. so happy for you two! he is gorgeous. i love his little hair. :-) lots of loving and kissing and cuddling.

  44. Oh my goodness, these photos warm my heart! Congratulations :)

  45. I found your blog not too long ago and instantly fell in love. I actually really love your hair + style in general! I'm not going to say I'm jealous because that would sound wrong, but I truly loved your post on jealousy. It rang so true to me and I'm so glad wrote it for me (and everyone else) to read.

    And congratulations are in order for you! Little Silas is the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to read more. And hopefully participate in the Little Things linkup when it comes back. :)

  46. want to hold him right now! ;)


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