hooray for august!

You guys. This is huge. It's August. My son will be born this month! 

The question is -- Is the world ready for the awesomeness that is Silas Kai? 

PS. Speaking of August-- check out my brand-spankin-new sponsors over there on the sidebar. They've got a ton of awesomeness themselves. ;)



  1. What a sweet name. My middle name is Kaiulani so I love his middle name :)
    My sister is due this month too and Silas was one of the first names she had liked but now she is leaning towards "August". Enjoy this week before the baby comes!

  2. eeeeeeeeee!! i am soooooo excited to meet silas!!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  3. So excited for you! Can't wait to see him:)

  4. Hooray! What a wonderful month it will be for you and your family!

  5. I have 2 august babies- babies no longer.. one was born on the 6th and the other on the 30th (which should of been on Labor Day)... I know quite a few August people... Would be cool if Silas is born on the 7th- but first babies are hard to predict... much luck!

    1. Oh, I highly doubt he'll make his appearance on his due date. Definitely not planning on that. Just praying I don't have to be induced (he seems pretty comfy in there!)

      Hooray for August babies! :)

  6. I love that calendar. And YAYYY! I can't wait to see pictures of your handsome lil guy :)

  7. Congratulations! How exciting! This is such a special month of you and your hubby! :)


  8. So exciting!!! BTW, I'm loving your calender which I know is totally off subject here ;0) Can't wait to see your blogging about your precious little boy! :)

  9. Ah I am so excited! I can't wait to see all the cute pictures of Silas!!!

  10. he will be here before we know it! can't wait to "meet" him! :)

  11. VERY exciting month! Congrats, he's almost here!

  12. Don't worry if you have to induce. It's not the end of the world. Just enjoy the time you have before he shows up.

  13. Oh he is so cute Enjoy motherhood!
    Love from NJ


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