what I wish I had said during the #influenceconf panel.

While on the plane on my way to Influence Conference last Thursday morning, I pulled out my little notebook and began penning a few thoughts that I might want to share while sitting on the "Accessible Experts" panel. I got to share a little bit about my experience with rebranding and also my tips on getting beautiful IG pictures. These were two topics that I was definitely excited to share on and I hope my thoughts were helpful to those listening.

But time was short, of course, and some of these things that I have written in my notebook are now singeing a hole through the paper, waiting to be said. It's a random assortment, but here ya go. A few things I wish I could have said during the Influence Conference panel.

Branding:: think beyond the logo

I was asked to share a bit about branding and here's something I most firmly believe about branding.

It's not just a logo. 

When most think of the word 'branding' what comes to mind is the physical aspect of a great logo. But if you're thinking about your branding, think beyond the logo. Everything you do online builds your brand. Your interactions on social media, the voice you write with on your blog, the Instagram filter you use (or don't use!), your product photography. Each one of these things is a small brick that builds the brand that reflects who you are. Be true to who you are throughout all your interactions, and that will be a bigger reflection on your brand than your logo ever could be.

(If I can take that a little further, I'll also say that if you are a follower of Jesus, everything you do and say online reflects on Him, even if you rarely say His name. Convicting for me, that's for sure.) 

My resources. 

I also wanted to share a few of the resources that I use to make my online life a little easier. 

Picture editing-- PicMonkey Royale 

I'd love to learn Photoshop or Lightroom, but for the time being, I'm using PicMonkey Royale and it works really well for me. I do very little editing on my photos, but I usually send them through PicMonkey first to touch them up just a tiny bit. 

Business Cards-- Moo

I love Moo. The quality is great and it's one of the few things that I'm okay spending a little money on. Often times, a business card is someone's first impression of you and I'm happy with spending a little ''moolah" (ha), to get a great card. 

Sponsorship management-- PassionFruit Ads

For years, the managerial aspect of sponsorships was a headache for me. Setting up the HTML, sending invoices-- ugh. Using Passionfruit Ads frees me up to spend more time blogging or hanging out with Si and Chris. I also just learned this weekend of Adproval and I'll be checking out their services as well. 

Blog reading-- Feedly

I have the Feedly app on my phone, which makes it so easy to read all of my favorite blogs and see their daily posts in one spot. The only downside to reading in a reader is that I truly believe it contributes to the low number of blog comments so many of us are seeing lately. I'm trying my best to click over and leave a comment on my favorite posts.

Quiet seasons are okay. 

This is the thing that is weighing most heavily on my heart to share. I want you to hear this. 

 The four of us were touted as bloggers who make real money. Can I let you in on a little secret? I have made very little money in the past year and half. Between moving twice, being pregnant, settling into new homes and balancing motherhood, wife-hood and being a small business owner, my priorities have been rearranged completely. I shared a few weeks ago about a conversation that Chris and I had where we determined that my shop and blog had to be put on the back burner for a bit and they shifted from 'job' to 'hobby' status. 

Sometimes I get discouraged when I see other small biz owners doing their thing and obtaining amazing opportunities. But then God quietly reminds me that my personal calling right now is to be a mom and wife first and business owner second. If I compare my success to others, then I'm guaranteed to feel less than. That's why I have to create my own personal definition of what success looks like to me. (For me right now, it is that I get to create and share my artwork with you, and sometimes sell it and send it out into the world. That's it!) 

So, if you're in a slow season right now, or it's just not the right time for you to be running full tilt towards a dream, that's ok. Quiet seasons are okay, and just because you're not making much money or aren't able to pursue your business full-time does not devalue your art or creativity one bit. Hear this--you can still be a legitimate member of the creative community without making loads of money, being well-known by all, or snagging fancy magazine features. 

I'm an open book, friends. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments or shoot me an email. I'm still processing all that I soaked in this past weekend, but I will surely be sharing that with you soon!

PS. Starting November 1st, my sponsorship pricing will increase. If you'd like to slip in as an advertiser before that happens, now's your chance! Find all the info you need here.  I'd love to have you! 


  1. I really appreciate that you shared about quiet seasons here. It does seem true that at certain times, other parts of your life take priority and your 'career' or business doesn't grow as fast as you might hope it would. And that is okay, and it's important to learn to be content with that.

  2. Thanks Lindsay! I'm in a season of quiet right now, with regards to my art. I don't want to be, but God doesn't necessarily call you to where you WANT to be, huh? Thanks for this post!

    1. Oh, I totally agree with that. It's really hard some days when my heart is pulled in different directions. One of the things said this weekend that spoke to me was " He has good things for me that are NOT for other people." That really gave me peace to trust in His plans for my life, because they are unique to me and I'm not missing out! It's still hard though, I know!

  3. Great post!! I sure wish I could've been there to hear your tips on IG pictures and rebranding, and thanks again for always being an inspiration!


    1. hey girl! I posted here (http://www.hellohue.com/2013/02/what-ive-learned-changing-your-business.html) about rebranding and basically said the same things in the panel. And I'm planning on sharing about Instagram real soon, so keep an eye out! Thanks Katherine!

  4. I love this post! I needed to read that. Your words about God's gentle reminders made me think about this post I came across yesterday. I think you might like it.


    1. That's such a beautifully written post, Melissa! So much truth in what she said about God valuing diversity and variety, and how there's enough room for all of us to be a Proverbs 31 woman, though it may look different for each one of us. Thanks so much for sharing that post.

    2. Wow. that post is incredible as well - sorry i'm eavesdropping!

  5. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us! I was so bummed not to attend Influence, but have gleaned a bit from online convos :-) I need to checkout feebly. As a new mom, I realize my computer time is limited and having an app of my must read blogs would help!

  6. Thanks for sharing this. I wish I were at the Influence Conference this year where I could have met you in real like and heard your sessions. But thanks for sharing this bit of wisdom. It's always nice to get the truth from bloggers - hence why I've followed you for so long. You have a passion and but you also have priorities: God, Chris, Silas. I'm sure you rocked it at conference ;) And I look forward to seeing what role this blog continues to play in your life -- hobby or job. xo

  7. I wish I could have heard you speak! I know you were incredible - I resonate so much with your last paragraphs --- THANK YOU!! Happy I got to glean some of your wisdom, even though I wasn't able to in person! :(

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your valuable wisdom and knowledge with us! I really loved hearing all four of you share insights during the panel. Also, your notebooks? The cutest.

  9. slow season right here. walked away from a very thriving and successful handmade business to refocus on being a mom. my time with my children is just too short and that is where I want most success. also becoming a foster mom to those two sweet babies for the past year was just what my heart needed. Feels so good. I do feel left out a little but the reward the other direction far out weighs the other. Such a good move for our family and God actually blessed my husband with more income when we made that decision. it reminded me to turn to Him for everything. He knows me best. He knows our family best. And He knows what is best for our family. Love to you sweet lindsay!

  10. amen for priorities and focusing on God's immediate calling in our lives

  11. I think quiet seasons so valuable, but we underestimate the power they hold because we don't see how it's working. I love your thoughts on this, and it's a balm to my soul to hear the quiet doesn't affect who we are as artists and creators.

  12. thank you for this post! I agree. There are definitely different seasons.

  13. Awesome post, I am in quiet season around here and have been for a while now.

  14. I really love this. I am in a preparing season for a future I want, but it's good to hear that taking time is ok as well.

  15. These are such wonderful tips! One of the reasons I love reading blogs through Bloglovin is because it's still so easy to comment. I love leaving comments! And I'm right there with you on the break taking. It's hard to be a consistent blogger with good content if we aren't willing to take breaks sometimes.

  16. I love what you said that we can reflect God even if we don't say His name. It is so true, and sometimes so hard. I really need to work harder on this. As far as quiet times, I am so relieved to read it. I just started to go out with my dream, and I kept putting off to go back to school. And I felt guilty because I wasn't going 100% in any direction. I felt like I couldn't do anything. But thank you for sharing this.

  17. Great topic! Thanks for sharing!


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